I was recently diagnosed with anxiety after showing physical symptoms that 2 doctors believe are caused by anxiety. Symptoms started December 16th after a long unfruitful visit to the ER for a separate issue. Started with stiff neck then muscle aches and pins and needles in hands and feet. Then had this feeling of a ball in my throat and muscle twitches. Now I just have constant shaky hands and constant vibrating feeling all over for about a week. I'd like to know if this is normal or if anyone else had had similar shakiness in hands.
Recently diagnosed: I was recently... - Anxiety Support
Recently diagnosed

I cannot relate to the shakiness in hands, but I wanted to reply to Welcome you here. Are you being treated for the anxiety at all? Medication and/or therapy? I am glad you have joined us. There is a lot of support available here.
Welcome Md19. Shakiness in general is common for anxiety. I highly recommend this book by Dr Harry Barry. I wish someone had given it too me when I was first diagnosed. Wishing you peace and health. youtube.com/watch?v=IitN-3x...
it could be a panic attack turned into an anxiety attack. Research the difference. I would also have docs look into other neurological conditions (my cousin has fnd and hs nerve pain and spasms like you describe). It was onset with stress, but got so bad she couldn’t walk for a while and had to be retaught.