My tapering down of Gabapentin has not been fun. Going slowly from 200mg x 3 a day over many weeks to 100mg once a day. So where to go from here. I really need to switch to another medicine for anxiety because gabapentin was not right for me. Any thoughts or advice will be appreciated on this final tapering would be appreciated
What to experience tapering down last 100m... - Anxiety Support
What to experience tapering down last 100mg of gabapentin & any help advice
Going slowly is the best advice, but even then you should consider talking to your doctor and a pharmacist while going through it. They can best guide you about tapering and switching onto a new med. When I did, I had to take both and it was not fun. The doctor helped through that.
Thank you brother-cashew Gabapentin was not an ending that i was looking for. I understand that it could take a duel tapering and adding. May i ask what you ended up looking at for the second helping just for a review status help.. tks
I don't remember what I was on, but I had to take both it and bupropion while switching to bupropion. I know it's not prozac, but one of those two, I was told by the doctor, is somehow related or derived from prozac... not just part of the same classification, but something more. Don't know if I'm answering your question.