Hi All,
I have been very stressed out lately and was wondering if anyone has ever had this diagnosis or something similar and what was your outcome?
About a month ago I ended up in the ER. I had been dealing with stomach pain for weeks. The Dr was pretty considerate and ordered a CT of my abdoman along with other tests. When he came back to the room he said blood tests looked good and CT scam was good go but they had found 'diffuse gastric thickening uspecified'. He assured me it wasn't cancer just a bout of gastritis. However, he did refer me to a GI specialist to get an endoscopy. This is what made me nervous! If it was just gastritis and assured me it wasn't cancer why would I be refered to a GI specialist that week? Well lately I have noticed that I was losing weight. On jone 26th I weight myself with work clothes and I weighed 214 lbs. I weighed myself at home and at the Dr office and I was 204 lbs. This is a significant drop in two months which makes me think I have stomach cancer. I have good bowl movements and I do have an appetite just worried that I'm losing weight dur to the growth of a tumor. The blood tests at the hospital were all good and other then a few minor issues and the gastric thickening my CT was good. Has anyone ever experienced this? I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to accept an illness and a death sentence. I'm getting really tired and just about to give up. This is a horrible feeling. Panic and worry being the worst of it all.