I have suffered with this for many years. Not all the time , this time it has been 8 years since my last problem. It is awful, a feeling of discomfort and pain back and front when I eat. Everything has been tried in the past, only Lorazapam worked to calm me down. This time not working so well. The discomfort is constant. I would be interested to know if anyone else has suffered this anxiety. Any remedies. It is so depressing.
Nervous Indigestion: I have suffered with... - Anxiety Support
Nervous Indigestion
You might try going on a bland diet or even a bone broth fast for a few days to allow your digestive system to calm down, that's what I do when my digestion is off. You might also get tested to see if you have any food allergies or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) which can cause bloating and digestive issues. You may also need to take a good probiotic. Another thing to check is your stomach acid, I don't produce enough so I take Betain HCI capsules with protein meals plus a digestive enzyme capsule. The other thing is that anxiety makes you hyperfocus on your bodily sensations and noises and the reality is that our body makes all kind of noises and sensations throughout the day normally. Your hyperfocusing on them can also be fueling the anxiety.
Thankyou for your reply. Yes my trouble is I do focus on the anxiety and just think about how eating will affect me. I have to have high fibre as I suffer constipation. So I worry about that too. Usually the Lorazapam works but is helping not letting me just forget about it and go back to normal. I will be having a telephone appt with doctor in two weeks so will ask about tests. Though I am sure this is my anxiety as it is the same every time.
I found that meds helped some with my anxiety but did not solve the issue. What helped was learning that anxiety is a paradox and the more we resist it or fight it the more it persists so the solution is to surrender to it, allow our body to desensitize itself and not believe the anxious thoughts. You might check out the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos and the youtubes/website of Paige Pradko for who best to heal anxiety/panic and health anxiety.
Apple cider vinegar with mother, gas x might be worth a try, fairly cheap. Helped my pains.