so 8 weeks ago I started feeling this strange feeling in my back upper teeth on the right side I thought it might be sensitive teeth and bought some sensodyne toothpaste as it was like tingling. I booked a dentist appointment and other than a professional clean my teeth are healthy. I’ve felt this sensation on and off for 8 weeks now. It’s like a tingling pulling sensation in my teeth that comes and goes with intensity. Doc has put it down to anxiety. I’ve had blood tests they are normal. It’s driving me insane and I’m going back to the dentist today. My anxiety is through the roof with it has anyone experienced this ?
new here and looking for help and advice - Anxiety Support
new here and looking for help and advice

Sorry your getting this, anxiety is nuts the amount of strange symptoms is endless. I have not had this myself, closest thing I can think of is TMJD, so possibly muscular in nature but acting upon nerves in mouth. I do hope it gets better for you. Best wishes.
thank you for replying. I seen my dentist again yesterday he can’t find anything wrong so I think you might be right maybe clenching is causing this weird feeling. My anxiety is so high I just can’t seem to calm down.
Your welcome. Yea I mean dentist best bet, but if nothing found, then possibly a strange nerve sensation, and yea clenching could do it, and course we don't always realise we clenching hope all goes ok
I know I need to break the cycle but I just can’t! GP put me on new meds 3 weeks ago did a straight switch from citalopram 40mg to sertraline 50mg. I’ve been signed off work, I’m just a mess. I’ve booked in for therapy but that’s not till April 17th. Sometimes the anxiety lessens but first thing in the morning, it’s just a feeling of dread, I want to vomit I can’t stop shaking. I’m done with it.
Hi lau575. Just a thought. Maybe ask your dentist for a gumshield. I wear one at night. They not as bulky as they used to be. I grind and clench my teeth to the point that it was making my face ache for days and was living on soup. But I find gum shield helps x
thank you so much for your reply, I literally can’t stop feeling this dread. I just don’t want to do anything and feel exactly how u have explained. Anything u can do that helps xx