Hey. Does anyone know what helps with fatigue after a panic attack? I hate this feeling. I do sports and it really doesn't help at all. I can't work out due to fatigue. Muscles feel weak and shaky right after a panic attack. Should I just wait for it subside or do something about it?
Fatigue : Hey. Does anyone know what helps... - Anxiety Support
One of the best ways to handle a panic attack is to surrender to the anxious feelings and let them flow through your body and dissolve. It is excess adrenalin and just needs to dissipate in your system. Anxiety is a paradox and the more you fight or struggle with it the more it persists which is why you want to surrender to it, try not to fear it and let it happen. it won't last long and it will minimize your fatigue. Another way to handle the fatigue is to go exercise and work off the excess adrenalin which will make you tired but it will be a good tired.
Yea,I feel like,when I have fatigue ,it kinda makes me anxious again bcuz I think something is wrong with me,but it's actually due to anxiety
Maybe have a chat with your Dr. Propananol is something that helps stop the panic attacks. Get advice first obviously.
I've talked to my doc and I used to take anti anxiety meds,but they didn't help. I would take 3 pills a day and would still get intense panic attacks and anxiety attacks that would last for days. Thanks for your response
Propananol isnt an anti depressant, it just keeps your heart steady
just be easy on yourself and rest. Focus on YOU.
I don’t know what you’re anxious about but I find that just being thankful for my life and thinking about the positives help. Listening to positive messages and being around positive people also helps. Just get rid of all the negative and think of only positives. You’ll be alright!