Why do people with anxiety / depression suffer with daily fatigue!! It is so long since I remember not having this feeling
Fatigue : Why do people with anxiety... - Anxiety Support

Surprising how your mood can affect your energy levels !!.
It's nervous exhaustion, Matt. Our nervous system is constantly being battered by stress and fear which takes its toll. When we learn not to fear, to accept and not to fight, to do nothing in fact and to give our nerves a rest they will recover and we will no longer feel exhausted.
I now have chronic fatigue syndrome ….jeff is right....its all the anxiety and stress and our system can only take so much...I can only walk for 20mins just now before I feel I will collapse....I totally understand its an awful feeling.....x
I feel for you Aspergirl. I have Fibro which for me doesn't compare to CFS. Sending you gentle hugs and love. xx
What are you thinking right now Matt??
I'm sure your doctors have ruled out CFS/Fibro.
Jeff is right in that continued stress and anxiety wears the
body down. It's a job in itself.
I shouldn’t complain, I mean I am physically fit and run and do weights. But it is a massive effort whereas it used to be just second nature! But I think the hardest thing is the feeling of everything being exhausting or mentally draining!! Does that make sense. I never feel energized to give something a proper chance x
Comes with the anxiety issues I always feel worn out even after good nights sleep Gail
I think fatigue was my biggest complaint! I had to stop working out, stop biking, & my only exercise was my daily walk and some days I could hardly get through that. I felt like a 90 year old! If I tried to push through, my heart would speed up and I would feel short of breath, which led me to believe I had a heart issue. I recovered from my anxiety around s year ago and gradually my energy has been returning, however, that’s the one thing that is not entirely back to normal. I still can’t do what I used to do physically. I’ve wondered if the severe anxiety damaged me permanently or if it just takes a long time to build back up to normal.