I too have anxiety constantly I wake up in the morning I’m fine for about 15 minutes and then I start with the shaking in my legs feel like they’re jelly and I can’t concentrate my question is is this symptoms of anxiety I am on Lexapro 15 mg for it I do have talks with psychologist on the phone once a week and I belong to Dia but seems like my anxiety is getting worse now I keep thinking of all these things other things that it could be Does anybody have any suggestions to get this feeling out of me to calm down my nerves I feel like my head is constantly thinking what if so what is my body is constantly shaking and my legs I feel like I can’t walk
terrible anxiety: I too have anxiety... - Anxiety Support
terrible anxiety

You have classic anxiety. It’s usually bad first thing in thing in the morning because of cortisol in your body . SSRI meds never worked for me. I’m on Klonopin. You need to tell your Dr. Maybe he’ll adjust your meds. Good luck.
isn’t the medication that you on like Xanax it can be addicting and that’s What IM so afraid of I tried that method and it seemed to be stew strong for me but knowing this is common about waking up and feeling like that makes me feel a little better thank you so much
You are under no obligation to take any Benzos. I take a very low dose of Klonopin and often take days without. It is the only drug that works for me. Morning anxiety is the worst. Talk to your trusted doctor. Good luck!
Thank you so much for responding I do have an appointment with my doctor Friday going to see what he says not very happy with the Lexapro
It takes up to 6 weeks for SSRIS to work. Maybe take a benzo until it kicks in. I’m rooting for you. Good luck!
Klonopin helped me be able to manage the panic/anxiety but did not eliminate it. You might check out the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos for how to constructively learn and deal with it.
Sorry To Hear About This.