Is Anxiety a chemical imbalance?
Mental Anxiety: Is Anxiety a chemical... - Anxiety Support
Mental Anxiety
Hi ThirdEyes, The answer is "no" in that Anxiety is not caused by a chemical imbalanceof the brain. Rather it stems from a learned behavior, bad experiences that can bring
anxiety up to high levels of stress. xx
Hi, I always thought it was a chemical imbalance, I remember getting this feeling when I was a youngster of feeling like I was in a strange place when I was in my home. I have that same feeling now. I don't know what happen.
No GogetaThirdEyes Anxiety is NOT a chemical imbalance - it is a perfectly normal reaction to stress, which is caused by normal everyday occurrences. Everyone gets it. But the majority of people have learned how to control and manage their anxiety. The best way of doing this is to 'tackle the problem' in it's basic form, rather than leave the molehill to become a mountain. Negative to positive! You can do it - if you really want to
I believe Anxiety is most certainly in part exacerbated by low levels of serotonin. Anxiety has three precursors :
A genetic tendency
Environmental issues ( lived traumatic events )
Low levels of serotonin
these are accurate
It depends on the person. For some could be hormonal imbalance, for some chemical and for some I just think due to their lifestyle, like due to some events that happen in their life. I think that's why antidepressants don't work for everyone