my anxiety is geting bad again i was feeling ok today but now iam not i feel like i cant do this no more the bad thoughts put me feeling guilty i hate the feeling i want my anxiety gone
Anxiety : my anxiety is geting bad again i... - Anxiety Support
You have done very well today
Night times can be worse for a lot of people when they suffer with anxiety , may be because there is less activity & we are left with our own minds & thoughts
These are thoughts remember & its the anxiety that is causing them , & try telling them to go away , the less attention you give them , the less control they will have
I no its not easy & it would be great if we had a magic wand & then we could just make everything about this go away , but instead we have to have patience which is really hard when we feel like this & we struggle with that one
Things will improve , it is little steps & you may not feel like you have , but you have already started to take them towards feeling better , even by posting ,that is a way forward
thank you .. it is getting stronger and bad for me for the past 2 to 3 days iam now going for a walk see if it helps me sitting at home is not helping me be back on later xx
Good for you , I hope it helps to clear your head a bit
Did you manage to make an appointment today with your GP , if not I would try on Monday
no i will be calling them tomorrow as they will be open the walk did help a bit xx
Make that call in the morning
Thats another positive you went for a walk , calmed yourself down a little , you should feel proud , takes some doing when you dont feel to good , well done
thanks xx

Hi I have just found this site and can't believe that I am not alone!!! I never realised how much my thoughts were affecting my life for years until I found this website...I just thought I was mad, now I am beginning to see that other people feel the same way and that I am not alone...this really helps...I wish I had found this site years ago!
If it makes you feel any better my anxiety has been sky high all day.
I'm stressed out with some things going on in my life so I know it's for a reason. So I'm not as worried about it.
hope your anxiety starts to go down it is horrible when its so high xx
I've been feeling exactly the same lately. For some people it comes and goes as for me it just stays there all the time. I can suggest you do something you enjoy doing. Like going to the gym or dancing xxx
what has helped me before was getting out of were i live with my boyfriend and baby cant really do that for some time as now i live in my own place what does help me singing and dancing or just go for a walk but if my anxiety is to strong nothing helps my anxiety used to come and go then saty all day every day for some time then comes and gos again but this time it came in stronger it puts me down a lot xx

Yeah i know exaclty what you talking about. But today I've decided to do something about it, to take control over the situation. Yes, I do feel the same but I've noticed that if I stay in all day it gets to the point where i actually start thinking about comitting a suicide just to end this continuous nightmare. I no perfectly that there's absolutely nothing to worry about that I'm just exaggerating yet can't do anything. But today has changed me, I need to do something to get out of this black hole or it will destroy me. You need to think positively, don't stay in, try to go out for every small reason, talk to people even to strangers, acknowledge every small positive thing. I know how hard it is but you are the only person who can help yourself
yh today i will be going out just cant wait for me to be how i used to be xx