I’ve never experienced this before and with health anxiety it’s hard for my mind not to go to worst case right away. I just had sex with my partner and after we were done I’m left with this severe lower abdominal pain, worse than a period, struggle to walk with out it hurting so much. Every time I move it’s killing me. It’s my lower abdomen and pelvis area. Really debating calling NHS 24. Has anyone got experience with this? My mind is racing!!!!!! Again so so sorry if this is TMI 🫣😳 I’m just really scared
Sorry if this is TMI : I’ve never... - Anxiety Support
Sorry if this is TMI

Hi dear. If this has never happened before it would be best to set up an apptwith your Gynie this coming week or even give him a call if it doesn't go away
shortly. There could be a number of reasons this happened w/o it be a
catastrophic event. Let us know how you are doing after talking with your
doctor. Take care xx
Thank you for your reply! It has calmed down a lot since I made this post but still the occasional discomfort on movement, I’m wondering if I have strained my pelvic or lower tummy muscles! It’s Sunday here so no doctors are open but I will give my GP a call on Monday, just have to try and keep calm for 24 hours xxxx
Any bleeding? I think the fact that the pain is calming downwill allow you to wait until Monday morning to call.
I am not a doctor but am going on my own experiences having
had health anxiety in the past. When we focus on an issue, it
tends to take away our rational thoughts. Take care. I wish you well xx
Has happened before? If it has you may be tensing up your muscles. I would speak to your Dr. write down what you want to ask the Dr. I know it's a bit embarrassing but best to check it out. Take care x
Good to hear you are going to see the doctor. That is a good thing to do even if the pain goes away.
How is it when you go to bathroom does is hurt and burn?
Try a heating pad over your belly for awhile. This works well for me.Your symptoms make me think of Endometriosis. Your doctor will be able to diagnose this. No need to panic. It's painful but treatable
Could be you had an ovarian cyst that ruptured during sex. Endometriosis also causes pain like you’re describing. Neither are life threatening things to have. I have both myself. Orgasm brings horrible pain for me last lasts at least an hour sometimes more. Like period cramps but 1000tikes worse. I think a trip to your gynecologist wouldn’t hurt.
I’m currently waiting on a scan to confirm I have PCOS as I have high testosterone in my blood and miss periods regularly. It’s just never happened before, it’s still sore now when I cough or tense my muscles, even going to the toilet for a bm hurts now. It’s below my belly button just above my vagina, making me so worried, I’m on hold to nhs 24 for the second time tonight
The official advice in the UK is always to get something like this checked out. It's almost certain to be nothing serious but on the odd chance it is the sooner you get it checked out the better.
GP's aren't open until Tuesday so try then,
It could just be round ligament pain. Every since I was pregnant with my kids (who are teens now) if I cough or sneeze unexpectedly sometimes I get that shooting pain. It's not fun but it is just a strain.