Does anyone get days where they feel like they can’t breathe properly it’s like you can’t take a deep breath in shortness of breathe can’t really explain it
Sob: Does anyone get days where they feel... - Anxiety Support
Kaaayla x I totally understand what you mean. It is a very uncomfortableand scary feeling of the fight or flight stance.
You are still in a deep grieving process which is not allowing you to relax.
There is a video on YouTube that I just checked out which I think may help.
"Difficulty Breathing/Anxiety & Panic Symptoms Explaines"
by Improvement Plan
Knowing what is happening to your body can sometime reduce the stressful
thoughts that make us think catastrophically. Hugs xx
Yes Some days i feel like I'm out of air or can't breathe at times. It really kind of scares a person when that happens.
You know what I use to do when that happened?? I'd jump up and down a coupletimes. It seemed to open up the solar plexus and relax my diaphragm by using up
any extra adrenaline running through me. xx
Ooh, very interesting. I hold all my emotions in my solar plexus, so I will have to try this.
Might have to try that
Hi that’s just what I’m suffering with at the moment, my anxiety is back with a vengeance. This is a new symptom for me. This is a brilliant forum for help and support.I will be checking out the YouTube video that Agora1 mentioned. Xx
Hi Kaaayla I do and it’s awful and the more I try to take a deep breath the mire I panic.