If you take anxiety meds, which has worked... - Anxiety Support

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If you take anxiety meds, which has worked for you?

Poodlefanforlife profile image

I used to take lorazapam and slept like a baby. I stopped taking it because my doctor recommended it. She doesn’t like prescribing controlled substances. It was originally prescribed by a psychiatrist.

I tried buspirone (spelling?) which made me dizzy.

I could really use a good one to help me during the day sometimes and especially at night.

I am currently on Lamictal to stabilize my mood.. but it doesn’t help me sleep or calm me down when I need it.

I’ve started working out regularly the past couple months and eating healthier. Still seem to be struggling.

Thank you

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11 Replies
Christory77 profile image

I just wanted to take a moment and try and answer your question. Since each person is different it’s very difficult to really offer much of anything. I would discuss with your PCP and try until you find what works. The right med and dosage can take some trial and error. So do t give up. The fact you are willing to try anything makes you braver than me. I’ve struggled with this for a long time and have yet been able to try and meds.

Ryanlion profile image
Ryanlion in reply to Christory77

There are quite s few anti depressants that help anxiety but it is trial & error to find the right one. I would talk with your Dr or a good psychiatrist(go private if you have to wait on the nhs too long). They will know the best ones that work for most people, but we are all different. Give them ago, you will find the rigjt medication and your life will be so much better.

designguy profile image

The only med that ever directly helped my anxiety was Klonopin which is a benzo and doctors don't like to prescribe it long-term either. I personally found that meds alone did not eliminate my anxiety, it took learning to accept the anxious thoughts and feelings and not fight them to make a difference. Read the DARE Anxiety book or the books by Dr. Claire Weekes to learn the best way to resolve anxiety. They both have good youtube videos you can watch. The med I am presently on (Prisitiq) is an antidepressant and does help with lowering my rumination and minor OCD.

DaveSpice profile image

If you were taking Lorazepam you should make it a habit as these benzos are highly addictive. I was hooked on just 1mg and it look me months to kick it. Now I only take it in emergencies when I am having heart problems.

Medication is an quick and easy fix, so it is best if you can get the root of the problem. If you psychiatrist isn't helping you, you need to do your own research to find the source. It may take a while, start with this guy youtube.com/watch?v=JiDaTi_...

Poodlefanforlife profile image
Poodlefanforlife in reply to DaveSpice

My issue is sleeping. I slept through the night with it and woke up not having that “hangover” feeling that sleeping pills give you. I took .5mg and never felt a withdrawal or addicted feeling. I just went back to not being able to sleep :(It’s not a matter of falling asleep, it’s waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back to sleep. I think this effects how i feel the next day.

From time to time I get really anxious over things either work related or friend/family related that I obsess over in my head. I want someone to calm me down those times too. Wish there was something out there that helped like the control substances do, without actually being a “controlled substance”

DaveSpice profile image
DaveSpice in reply to Poodlefanforlife

Coincidentally, I found this last night with some good tips, I will watch it again and take notes, ut it on the wall. youtube.com/watch?v=Eu1ldCI...

Kittykat55 profile image

Clonezepam is a godsend for me!

Poodlefanforlife profile image
Poodlefanforlife in reply to Kittykat55

Is that considered a control substance?

nkotbjoeymc profile image

Clonazepam 0.5 mg.

Fallin77 profile image

Hi, I suffer from panic attacks and took a small dose of xanax 1 time a day for many years. Anyway, my psychiatrist moved away and no one has wanted to help me since then until I started seeing a new doctor who prescribed me clonidine. It takes a little while to work but for me I have been able to forget about whatever it was that I was worrying or obsessing about. I have been very surprised by it since it's a blood pressure medication.

It has made a big difference for me because I haven't gotten to the point of having a full blown out panic attack since I started taking this medication 3 weeks ago. I know everyone is different but I didn't think anything could help me other than a benzo so it may be worth a try for some people.

Alershot1 profile image

Why not take lorazapam now and again. It will not hurt you it is fine if it helps. Just try not take it on a regular basis . Docs always say one a day or something I found the secret was to take as needed. Ask your Dr if you can do that? Face float let time pass. Good luck

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