I’ve tested positive for COVID-19 . I started off with a slight sore throat Tuesday evening and yesterday it was bad but today it’s horrendous. I have lost my voice completely. I’m 24 , don’t smoke , exercise regularly , have a balanced diet but I can’t help but worry about getting even worse . I keep reading scary stories and I’ve never felt so poorly . No painkillers work
Covid 19: I’ve tested positive for COVID-1... - Anxiety Support
Covid 19

I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly. I've also heard from other Covid patients the feeling is truly horrendous but it will start to subside in a week or so and after that you will feel better day by day. Take a lot of vitamin C ( 3 x 2 grams a day), D and zinc, order it online, it will help speed up recovery. Get well soon!
I'm sorry you have Covid. It must be terribly scary. Rest, take Vitamin C and drink lots of fluids. Take baths or stand in the shower under hot water. Find ways to spoil yourself. Eat and drink what you want, wear your favorite pajamas, binge watch a favorite show. If you have a sore throat ice cream is a perfectly acceptable meal no matter what time it is.I hope you start feeling better soon. Sending healing thoughts and hugs.
Thank you so much for your kind words ❤️
Myself and 3 other family members all had COVID during Christmas and New Year. 2 had very little symptoms, I had mild-moderate symptoms (head tension, fatigue, sore throat), my mum similar to me. 3 of us are all fully recovered, though my mum's symptoms showed later so she's still a little poorly.
That's anecdotal, statistically this strain is quite mild and the chances of harm are very low. Though I understand it may feel differently.
The news is a fairly low quality information source. They compete on views, and fear/danger is their most common hook.
I test positive too just today. It’s frightening. I have sore throat fatigue alittle congestion. Trying not to panic but it’s hard. There are so many scary stories. Do you have vaccines? Booster? I have all three and still got sick. I’ve begun so careful too. I’m sad. I hope we both can recover quickly. Get rest. I took my complex, vit c and vit d. 🙏❤️🙏Keep us posted on how you are doing?
I hope your feeling ok! Yeah it is hard not to panic with all the stories but also just try and think of the amount of people who catch the virus and fully recover 🙏 I have had one of the Pfizer vaccines. My mum has 2 vaccines and she’s congested but not too bad . My younger brother who’s 18 showed no symptoms, he didn’t have the vaccine but is young ! It’s crazy how it effects people differently! I have heard vitamin C is really good for recovery so that’s good! I have found lemsip , taking spoonfulls of honey, plenty of fluids , gargling salt water and forcing myself to eat helped me make slight improvements. A friend of mine has recently had covid for the second time, she said this was the worst one . She suffered with the severe sore throat , dizziness etc . She has now made a huge improvement and is feeling a lot better sonfingers crossed it’s the same with us . Sending you lots of love