What is everyone’s opinions on the vaccine ? I have seen mixed views
COVID-19 vaccine : What is everyone’s... - Anxiety Support
COVID-19 vaccine

Well as I am older and have lung disease I was as happy as a pig in **** to get mine. The sooner the better as far as I was concerned.
It not only protects me but also helps protect others too. There is a lot of false 'evidence' out there and some really kooky people who believe it so my advice is to go with the science.
I Had The Moderna And They Were A Nightmare.
I got mine. The side effects of Covid itself can lead to hospitalization and death for someone with other health conditions, and the side effects of the vaccine seemed less of a risk. Got both jabs and here I am 2 months later just fine. Now I can go places and not worry as much about catching it and if I do catch it (no vaccine is 100%) I should get a mild case. It was a better risk/reward ratio. It’s everyone’s choice to get it. If you don’t want to, that is completely your right. But the experience wasn’t that bad.
You should get it. The vaccine side effects are mild. The side effects from covid itself include hospitalization, intubation and possibly death. If you miss these, you run the risk of "long covid". The more serious Delta virus is beginning to spread rapidly, especially among younger people and those who are not vaccinated. I think you will be less anxious if you get the vaccine.
Thank you very much! I have bad health anxiety and over think everything to do with my health so I’m finding it hard not to worry etc x
I understand. I also have health anxiety. In my case my anxiety made me more scared of covid and less scared of the vaccine. xx
Thank you ❤️I’m going to get it on Saturday but I’m getting myself worried haha x