I tested positive for Covid last night and needless to say my anxiety is through the roof. Don’t really know why I’m posting 🥺
Covid: I tested positive for Covid last... - Anxiety Support

poggers ... hope you get well quick . and dont end up with long covid , all best wishes from me , if it helps i have a youtube channel called Faze9Nine and the content there may take your mind of things ... good luck
OK, are you symptomatic?Look after yourself as you would with flu and rest up .I'm sure you'll be fine so try not to panic.
Thank you so much for your reply. That helps a lot to know those figures and stats 🤗
Minnie x I was just getting ready to sign off for the night and thought I'd scroll
through the posts. Lo and behold, I see your post. How did I miss it?
It's going to be okay. The most important thing to do is change your thoughts to a more
positive one. It will help you immensely because your mind is powerful. It will believe
what you tell it. Don't show fear or question the virus. Let it know that you are strong and will defeat it. Take care of yourself physically, time for pampering Minnie.
Keep us updated in how you are doing. Write me anytime. I care xx
Thank you so so much agora. It means so much to me.
I’ve had symptoms for 14 days now. Mainly this tight chest and cough. Of course with my anxiety it’s making me absolutely terrified. Especially when my chest feels particularly tight.
I’m going to try so hard to remain calm and focussed 💜
The best thing to do is try and stay positive. My whole family went through Covid and we so far have all come out ok. I was getting chest pains and shortness of breath and with my anxiety and other health issues, it felt overpowering. I don't know why but over the years when I have felt panicked and had shortness of breath, Quercetin 500mg has helped me. So I started taking it twice a day when the feeling of not catching my breath frightened me and it really helped. I don't know if it was mentally because it had worked before, or if there really is something to it as I know people with cronic lung issues take it and say it eases their breathing. But it might be helpful to you, or maybe trying something that has worked in the past for you will help sooth and calm your nerves. Prayers that you heal fast!