I'm set to loose my job in a matter of weeks because I haven't taken the vaccine, I'm not an antivaxer and have had vaccines for various things during my 57yrs, but I'm just not comfortable with these covid vaccines, I'm absolutely petrified, all I get from people is "oh just go have it" if only it was that simple, I just don't know what to do anymore? my gp says get it, my colleagues say get it, even though some of them have been experiencing bad vaccine effects weeks after the jab. 6 of my vaccinated work colleagues have had covid, 1 has long covid, 2 have had chest pain and soaring blood pressure readings, the list is endless, no wonder I'm scared
I have gotten the Pfizer vaccine. My family all got the Moderna vaccine and several friends have gotten Johnson and Johnson. I don't know anyone who has had bad side effects. There is a lot of incorrect information about the vaccines. They were developed quickly because much of the work was already done. A vaccine for SARS was modified for Covid. I understand your concerns and they are valid. Just wanted to share my experience and the information I have to help ease your mind. Good luck.
I had the AZ as it was the only one offered at the time. No problems. Just go and get it done and out if the way then you will settle down again in your mind. Good luck
I would stick to your guns, don't let anyone force you into being injected with something you are unsure about. I know many people who have had seroius side effects from the vaccin and had covid myself late last year and it was over in a few days. My daughter hid it too and lost her taste and sense of smell and it returned in about a month and she is now 100%. Get plenty of fresh air, exercsie and eat good unprocessed food and build up your immune system and remember fear and anxiety are your worst enemy, they are highly inflamatory. No worries, is my motto.
I was really scared too I thought my asthma would get worse . but I’m high risk and I have a brother who is high risk and I got the vaccine I got scared for nothing . the only side effects I got where pain on the arm that got vaccinated soreness and tiredness and a tiny bit of nausea . Lots of kindness and support 🙏
Is it that you are scared of needles as well? If that's the case it's only a tiny prick in your upper arm which you barely feel. I have been told that apart from the AZ one any severe symptoms show within several minutes which is why they make you sit down and wait after it just in case. I don't know anyone who got that though.
FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Alot of people have recieved the vaccine. Remember another time that you were very scared. Yet you went ahead and did it. The relief you feel once it is done will feel great. Please don't let fear get in the way. Make it for first thing in the morning and then go about your day. I understand being scared, I was too. But I kept telling myself the benefits far out weigh getting covid. Protect yourself. Keep telling yourself positive things and have someone go with you for moral support. Blessings
I empathise with this entirely. I was VERY nervous before my first vaccine but eventually had it in March (before my age group, through my job), I had the AZ vaccine and I did have a fair few side minor effects but they went quickly. Then the link with the AZ vaccine and blood clots was made and I was terrified, like you are, about the second dose. I didn't have it when I was due to, I went to the vaccine centre but couldn't go through with it. Since then I have been stuck in a perpetual state of anxiety about the vaccine, about Covid, about being labelled an anti-vaxxer when I'm not, about not being paid if I have to isolate and so much more. I have barely been out besides going to work.
Finally, I went and had the second dose this week. I was scared and I still am - 4 days now and I haven't had any side effects at all but I am still a bit anxious. I can't deny, I was a complete nervous wreck when I went and almost didn't do it again but I am relieved I did now it's over.
You don't HAVE to have the vaccine. It is your choice. You need to consider what is worse for you. In the end (although the terror of it never went away), I managed to talk myself into it when I realised the extent of my anxiety about all things Covid was taking over my life and being anxious and vaccinated was better than being anxious and unvaccinated.
I truly do understand the extreme fear of this and being told, "you'll be fine" isn't helpful. It isn't easy to just do it, at all, when you are terrified.
Thank you, I know you understand my dilemma, I feel I'm being forced into having it because of my job, I just can't get myself out of this fear, I'm scared of both covid as well as vaccine, I honestly don't know how this is going to end for me? My job of 20yrs is on the line but even that hasn't gotten me to a vaccination centre, there's so many NHS staff here in UK who've also refused and that just seems to reinforce my fear xx
Do you want to be vaccinated? If you knew for sure you'd be fine afterwards, would you want to have it? (That's kind of where I had to start in my thinking about this - it's taken me months to do actually do it!)
Yes if I was 100% sure I'd be ok then I'd probably have it, but sadly nothing is that certain, I'm just a wreck and times running out before I loose my job
I can't explain how much I relate to this. I have been a mess and, I'll be honest, even though I've had the vaccine, I'm still worrying now and probably won't be completely happy until it's been a good few weeks since having the vaccine.
I ultimately had the vaccine because of the work related reason, too. I wasn't going to lose my job but I wouldn't be paid if I had to isolate and I can't afford to lose 10 days pay. To a certain extent I resented that, I was choosing not to be vaccinated out of fear and I hated that I was being 'made to' have it.
You're right, nothing is certain, I was SO worried because of this, too. Convinced I would be the unlucky one. It's taken me months but I've had to stop reading stories, stop Googling things etc. We know the 'bad stories' are there, rereading it just amplifies the anxiety. There are 'good' stories, too but you don't hear of them so much because it's not so much of a story.
You seem to have taken in all of the negatives to torment yourself with. I did, too. To an extent I still am but that's not the whole story.
All you can do is look at the bigger picture and weigh up what is worse. The vaccine isn't going anywhere. You haven't got to have it right now.
I work on the probability of the odds. I think generally covid is much worse than the jab and you are more likely to suffer more with covid. Your choice though.
Same here, I got some bad reactions to the first AZ jab which has caused me to cancel my second appointment. But my first jab was back in March so I’m way beyond the 12 weeks gap they recommend. How long was the gap between your two jabs if I may ask?
I’m so glad you got it over with. I’m still stuck in my house too scared to make a decision either way.
Exactly the same as you, I had my first one in March. I had some quite 'bad' side effects, not any serious ones but I was really quite unwell with it. I didn't want the second jab because of fears around blood clots. I spoke to my GP about whether I could have the Pfizer one instead and was told I couldn't. However, if you had any serious side effects after your first, you may be able to. Have you spoken to your GP?
I was told by the GP and the 119 helpline that it wasn't too late to have the second even though its longer than the twelve weeks. Even though I had quite alot of side effects with my first, I haven't had any this time besides an achy arm. I had a bit of headache but they may have just been coincidence, I was very stressed and anxious on the day.
Do what's best for you but it's not too late if you want it.
I know it is. My husband and daughter are nurses. My son is a paramedic. This whole pandemic is terrifying. I wish I could go with you and ease your fears. Truly hope you get the vaccine. No one else should suffer or die.
Hi. I totally understand all the anxiety you have as I have the same. I had a bad reaction to the first AstraZeneca in April. I had all the flu like symptoms and chills. Then 2 weeks later I had a rash the was itchy and very red. I the. Started to have some hair loss and my period stopped for 2 months and was much more painful when restarted. I want to have the second but sooo anxious incase I have another reaction. 😖
I'm not in anyway trying to convince you of anything. It's absolutely your personal decision. Just to share my personal experience, after my first AZ dose in March I had a lot of side effects - aches, fever, rash etc. I'm currently 4 days after having my second dose, having put it off through fear, and I haven't had a single side effect besides an achy arm. Most people I have spoken to were the same - side effects with the first, not with the second.
God I can completely sympathize with you, it's like being mentally tortured because we know it's the right thing to do and yet our minds make it so difficult
Hi Elanor thank you for your reply. I have spoke to my GP and she did refer me to the covid specialist at my local hospital but have not heard from them even though GP and I have been chasing it up. It’s a back log was there reply.
I really want to have my second dose
I am not an antivaxer at all. I believe each to their own choice.
It is just the fear and anxiety in me, I know that if and when I do have my 2nd jab the anxiety I will have after, which will probably last for weeks, will be so sky high, I suffer so badly with anxiety and to have more on top of that will be harsh.
I’m damed if I do and damed if I don’t in a way.
I am glad to hear that some who have had issues with first jab haven’t had issues with the second. That’s giving me joy at the moment. Thank you!
Being forced into having the jab makes me anxious. I cannot go on holiday until I have full vaccines.
Sorry you also experienced some horrid side effects but! Glad you managed to have both jabs and second one was all good!.
I totally understand your fear. I was reluctant to get the vaccine, but did-Pfizer-I had zero side effects. What will you do if you lose your job of 20 years? You probably already know that it won't be that easy to find a new one. Can you afford to lose your job?☹
Yes I know your right, and if I were advising someone else I'd be saying the same things, but I just can't seem to follow my own advice, I've seen bad reactions to the vaccines and I wish I hadn't, but I just find it so difficult to accept the logic that's staring me in the face, god I'm such a mess with it all
You have developed a phobia. An obsession. Nothing can change your mind. I know all too well what going through a phobia is like. ( I suffer from one too). No matter what kind of rationalizing I do in my mind, nothing can help me. I am STILL searching for the RIGHT therapist to help me over this phobia. Haven't found one yet.😟 Until then, I just live in fear. It's NO WAY to live. I really wish I could help you in some way, but I suffer myself, so don't have any good advice.☹
Depending what type of phobia, potentially look into EMDR. Though originally for PTSD and trauma, the fear/amygdala fight or flight response is similar, and your rational mind will NOT be able to overcome it once the brain's natural healing system is blocked and the emotional response is on loop.
Thank you.I had one session of EMDR done through Zoom many years ago, but it did nothing. Do you know how many sessions it takes or if doing it on Zoom is even effective?
I had 5 fairly lengthy sessions with a therapist I had already been seeing, and found it got me 80-90% back to normal, with the last bit resolving over time following good mental habits/coping skills from the therapy toolbox. I'd be very doubtful that 1 zoom session would do anything, mainly because it's actually an 8 phase approach that starts with establishing safety/security/trust and emotional regulation (which is why it's usually not very effective for those struggling with sobriety). The more complex and deep rooted the trauma/anxiety, the longer the prep work usually, and then the number of sessions really depends on the individual, if the trigger was chronic and long term or a one time event...personally I'd be doubtful of any therapist who wanted to launch right to processing as a stranger on a screen.
I think too much information of unknown things makes it worse. I had three friends who were very anxious, but as people say covid is worse I think than the jab. One of my friends was finally going to ge her jab, went to the doctors and was told to wait until she has had a blood test. Life is a gamble, I am sure you will figure it out. The best of luck what ever you decide.
I have every faith in you that you will make the right decision for you
Take a Bossy friend with you and you will have no choice that way to make x
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Well 6days left and counting so God knows what the outcome will finally be? just wish all this would go away xxx
Please let us all know what you decide to do. We all care and will be praying that you make the right decision.🙏 Also, if you want to talk, I am always here.
Yes I will let you know, and thank you to you all for your kind words and understanding, it's crazy how I'm so good at advising other's and being so rational when others need comfort and logic, and yet I'm a complete over anxious mess when it comes to myself, that's anxiety I guess, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy xx
I suspect you're lack of experience with vaccination has a lot to do with your reticence. Most vaccines have side effects because the immune system is responding to them; those effects vary with individuals, are almost impossible to predict, but are rarely serious - unlike COVID. The fact that the vaccine doesn't give 100% protection is, in itself, not a reason to avoid it; it is far more effective than the flu vaccine (60%) and shingles (37%!), both of which I've had but did catch flu subsequently.
Even for people who've had the vaccine, COVID is a very bad experience - those that I know are grateful that they had the vaccine as they can't imagine how they would have coped with the infection without it. Everything has an associated risk but, to put it into context, you are 1000 times more likely to die from COVID than the vaccine.
I am completely aware of everything you point out, I do have experience with various vaccines and my job involves working alongside other health professionals such as doctors etc, this isn't my problem, even though I know the risks involved from contracting covid is far greater than any possible vaccine side effects, my logic is tarnished by anxiety, anxiety tells me otherwise even though I know it's not logical. So I'm in a very difficult situation (only some will understand) xx
Sorry, misread your post - thought you hadn't had vaccines before, but now see I was clearly wrong!
I've had anxiety all my life but, oddly, not in relation to vaccine side-effects. Mine is mainly social, illness and food, none of which are particularly logical either! Guess if we were to compile a list of everyone's anxieties we'd find they covered every conceivable issue, which would then imply that none of them are worth being anxious about!
Just to reiterate Suzie-I TOTALLY get it, even though I have not had that particular phobia. The phobias are not really rational, but we can't help being ruled by them, NO MATTER what other people say. People who are not going through exactly what you are, cannot possibly understand. Sigh.....I'm just worried about your job. Think of the consequences of losing it.😟 That can't be good. Not to try to convince you, but I know MANY, MANY people who took the Pfizer and had no side effects, including me. I know that doesn't really phase you either way though! Just trying to help. I guess it wouldn't really help much going there with a friend or family member. Because you would still be concerned about the after-effects. ☹
Getting the vaccine will make you much safer and will save your job. It is much better to get the vaccine than to have covid or even long covid. I agree with BeKind's suggestion of taking a bossy friend with you. Just close your eyes and get it. I had minimal side effects. You should also try to ignore the scary stories you hear on the internet. I think the majority of them are not true. After you have the shot I think you will finally be able to relax.
It is your choice of course but as someone who gets my pension and with lung disease I did have it because I wanted my life back. I feel so much safer now when going out and about.
I understand it is a difficult decision and none of us are experts so I went with the majority verdict that it was safe enough to give out to us.
I have a 55 year old friend previously very healthy who decided it was just flu and her immune system would cope with it so didn't get the jab. Unfortunately she was someone who was very badly hit with it and ended up in hospital. You don't know whether you will be or not until it happens. Having said that most people who catch it are fine.
If it helps virtually everyone I know has had it and none of them have suffered from the jab apart from a sore arm, or feeling tired and achey for a few days. I wouldn't want the AZ one but did have the Pfizer one.
I understand your fear... I have it as well. And while my job isn't on the line, I have lost a friendship to all this. She now refuses to see me or even speak to me because I've decided to not get vaccinated. This whole thing is tearing people's relationships and livelihoods apart and its absolutely heartbreaking...because there is no black and white answer. I'm on a FB vaccine reaction group, and the stuff I'm reading about is terrifying. You could take it and be okay (my husband seems to be fine 8 months later) or you could take it and not be okay...its a game of Russian roulette that we should never be coerced, threatened or forced to play. 😔
I can sympathize completely, it's just very sad that people are being judged, fear is a very strong emotion and unfortunately it often overrides any logic, so fear of these particular vaccines are becoming common, my gp actually told me that in the future there will probably be better vaccines available than the one's on offer now. I wish I could just go and get it done because I do believe it's best, BUT my fear of side effects is huge.
I have chosen not to be vaccinated quite simply because I don’t trust something that was mass produced so quickly, it is my choice, at the moment I have Covid, but I am ok, but I too have seen devastating results of people being vax, I also know 4 people who have died in the the last 3 weeks, of Covid, and all double vaccinated, all under 52, and it broke my heart, there is no easy solution, I am praying that you make the right decision for you, it’s certainly a crap time for all. Xxx lots love ❤️
Completely understand your position Suzie. I was quite happy to wait at the end of the queue, but in the end I had the vaccine this week as otherwise I can't visit my parents in the UK and they are in their 80s and I can't push it back another year.
I think it's appalling that people are being forced into the jab, and the conversation in the media is becoming more and more shrill.
People should have an honest choice, but it does appear to be being whittled away.
I agree, people are turning it into bullies and are creating such hate against the unvaccinated without even trying to understand that for some of us it's just an overwhelming fear that takes over, I just don't know how all this will end? but already I see it getting very ugly. Anyway I'm sure your elderly parents will be truly overjoyed that you made your decision as it enables you to visit them here in the UK 🥰
Who's spreading misinformation? I've clearly stated in some of my responses that taking the vaccine is absolutely the best option and that the risk of catching covid is much greater than any having any vaccine side effects! This is about my personal fear I do not misinform anyone
My father died this year due to Covid he contracted in his care home.We didn't get the chance to say "goodbye". Maybe look at having the vaccine from the point of view of those who didn't get a choice, who have lost loved ones,we can't change things now.But we can protect others from getting it more than if we don't get it. At least if you get the vaccine you will have less to worry about,but nothing is bulletproof. I hope you find peace whatever your decision.
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So sorry for your loss, sadly it's not that simple, and did you know that compulsory vaccines only apply to CQC registered care homes but not private ones, and that an unvaccinated nurse can treat a sick patient in hospital and yet an unvaccinated carer can't take care of a care home resident.... anyway I think the world's just going mad
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It is that simple.You can turn the argument around from " people should not be forced to have the vaccine" to "people in care should have the choice not to be treated by an unvaccinated person". As Bifield34 has said it's everyone's responsibility to have the jab.
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My original post was about my own personal anxiety fears, it was not about the rights and wrongs, if you wish to discuss the more political aspects then you can always create your own post relating to that.
You do realise the vaccine only protects you?! There is not enough evidence to say it prevents catching or spreading covid. That’s a dangerous unproven theiry
I understand your fear. I had an extreme reaction to the second vaccine. But, I knew my body was reacting the way it was supposed to. That's what I told myself and I got through it.
A job on the line is tough. I think we all knew this was coming once a vaccine became FDA approved. To any medical professional I don't think it was a surprise.
Now you have to make your decision. It's a tough one due to your fears. I don't pass judgement on people's choices and I am sorry you have to go through this.
I have had 2 doses of Astro Zeneca. No side effects. I just think that I would rather have the side effects than Covid - 19. It is everyone's responsibility to have the jab.
Free speech is NOT misinformation. Its people like you causing the fear. If you ban discussion on the vaccine, people will inevitably fear it. …and rightly wonder what is being hidden
Please try not to let any response upset you, you'll find lot's of varying opinions here but don't let anyone of them upset you sweetie, I can see by your comments you've just been trying to be understanding and helpful, your ok ❤❤
I’m the same, I’m far to scared to go and get the vaccine because I’m scared of side effects and possible long term side effectsMy partner has had both but I won’t get it, I’m no anti vaxxer what so ever but this vaccine I’m very worried about.
In the process of stopping smoking but I’m terrified to catch COVID as I think I will die if I do die to smoking etc I’m 35 slightly over weight but do smoke. Iv known people who smoke who have had COVID but not died but my brain thinks the worse
It’s so hard I feel pressured from every corner to get it but I’m to scared
I think you may be referring to a reply to this post which was misleading and dangerous, and which I reported and has subsequently been removed.
On the other hand, Hidden 's comments are genuinely held opinions, based on experience and well within HU guidelines. I happen not to hold those opinions and my experience is rather different. I used to be in the risk management business and it was interesting that, even though a lot of risks are quantifiable (COVID being one of them), a number of my colleagues would have different views of risk based on their own personal experiences.
Personal experience often alters risk perceptions markedly, and shouldn't be underestimated.
I'd just like to add that my original post was clearly about my own personal anxiety fears relating to getting a vaccine, it most definitely has nothing to do with any political views or judgmental opinion about the rights or wrongs. My fears are illogical and have no baring on the efficacy of vaccines, my fears simply mean that I personally am suffering with making a decision for myself, my anxiety clouds my judgment, this doesn't mean I don't understand the value of the vaccine. So for those who are beginning to turn this into a debate on what's right and wrong I advise you to take your views elsewhere as this doesn't help those of us who are struggling with our anxiety fears.
Suzie, I feel exactly the same way you do and nothing on earth, no amount of 'common sense' or 'logic' will change my mind. The well-meaning people on your thread who are trying to switch people like us to the way they see things are absolutely wasting their time. I am not working, am old and choose to tuck myself away in my home.... for now. I live in a small village in the mountains of Andalucia. So I do not have to make the choice you may have to make. But my dilemma is I want to travel and see my family. I am hoping, as time goes by, to get more confidence in this treatment but so far, that isn't happening. Sending you my very best wishes, it's a comfort to know there are others like me.
Likewise! I’m battling anxiety and panic attacks too whiles tapering diazepam which isn’t making things easier. I hope I can get through this. I read your very inspiring post on how you defeated the stalker. Keep doing the good things. Hope I can find a way to do the same. Thank you and all the best ❤️🙏🏼
I understand completely!!! I have scheduled an appointment several times but then my anxiety would get so bad I wouldn’t go. I am scared that I will have some crazy side effect from the vaccine. My husband is fully vaccinated and he had no side effects (Pfizer) but I heard women get more side effects than men.
Same with me, my husband is fully vaccinated, as I wouldn't dream of trying to influence anyone else's decision for them. However, he was very ill indeed after his second vaccination and it frightened us both. He is not sure he will get the third, the booster.
That must of been very worrying for you both, it's such a difficult time for us all. Which vaccine did he get? because I think they intend to use a different one to the first that people had xx
Hi Suzie,Just wondering-with all these replies, you blew up the board!! 😂 Isn't it great to know that so many people care and can sympathize? ❤ But the question is-are you any closer to making a decision now, after reading all the replies?
Yeah it seems there'll be no room left for anymore replies 🤣 and I'm truly grateful to each and every one for taking time to write and show great understanding and kindness. Regarding making a decision, I'm just going to try my hardest to consider everything presented to me, what the outcome of that will be is yet to be seen? my anxiety in this situation is somewhat overpowering but all I can do is my best ❤
I sympathize with you. My husband lost his job over it. He is in remission for cancer and too afraid it will come back after the jab. This should be a choice for people. My mom has serious health problems now after receiving it. Good luck with everything
So sorry about your husband's situation, it's perfectly understandable that he's going to feel extremely fearful having gone through ill health, my thoughts are with you both. Stay safe and be strong ❤❤
I was not impressed, in fact found it very scarey, when people were being bribed to take the vax..Very reassuring (not) i SO understand your anxiety and share it. I pray that we all get some more clarity. Why, for instance, is it not mandatory to dispose of masks in a proper manner.instead of throwing them.on the ground for others to.pick.up? Do these masks not carry getms? When it all even BEGINS to.make sense then more people may choose to take the vaccine. I have a friend who had a bad reaction to the Swine Flu vaccine and has been told not take other vaccines. She is now afraid of being 'locked in' like a leper. My thoughts are with you. 🙏
Hi Suzie, i got both shots of the Pizer with no issues and glad I did, my wife did the same. I think pjsmom summed up the good rational thinking about why I decided it was safe and it's value in not preventing an infection but minimizing the severe affects of it if I do get the virus. I also plan on getting the third booster shot when it's available. I suspect you'll be glad you got the shot and got it over with, if you do.
I’m stuck in a a similar situation if not worse!!!!. I had my first AZ jab back in March. I had some side effects 3 weeks of headache but than developed nausea, and later GI issues , unable to swallow eat or drink, air hunger and the feeling that the food is stuck in my throat. I honestly don’t know for sure if it was related to the vaccine but the timing makes me suspicious. I have to cancel their very crucial gastric emptying test that I desperately need to get some kind of treatment because I’m unprotected and a scared to get COVID and can’t no longer breathe wearing a mask due to my new symptoms. I’m stuck at home and loosing weight, almost no sleep.. getting panic attacks. Exhausted I’m afraid to take the second jab due to the possible risk of my symptoms getting even worse. My GP isn’t any help either. The fact is that no one knows! Some few people will have bad side effects but I’m too scared to be that person due to my experience from the first jab.
Please forgive me if I made you more nervous but I think we just have to be brave and take a chance and hope for the best. I pray and hope we can both do it. Bless you 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thank you for taking time to reply and share your experience, it's very difficult for so many of us to make the choice about vaccines, I hope you will improve soon and feel well, stay safe and strong ❤❤
Hidden , if “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak,” if you really do rationally believe getting vaccinated is the wise thing to do, but the fear is too strong, maybe some people with experience overcoming debilitating phobias can help. It’s no fun, but then it’s done.
Maybe you could arrange for someone to come to you with the vaccine, or something else about HOW you do it that reduces the barriers and triggers.
With this whole thing, some people are becoming better, while others are becoming bitter. I’m more angry at how so many treat people who disagree, than I am about the position they hold.
Your attitude is commendable. Most people come up with a story to fit how they feel. Sometimes the stories are pretty unlikely, or harmful to themselves and others. In that way, some of these stories are like addictions. People are just trying to cope, but they are also doing harm to others by spreading falsehoods.
You on the other hand are clear about the mismatch between what you think and what you feel.
If you do get the vaccine, who besides you would you be doing it for? Love is powerful. What’s the story you want to tell later?
Well said. KUDOS !!!
Sorry, I think your way off track for me but thanks for responding and I wish you well ❤
I'm the same as you, not antivaxer per se, but after suffering terrible side effects from a medication I'm now terrified of everything.
I was determined not to have it, but people kept saying, if you get Covid it will be worse, then you will have to take loads of meds, etc, etc. So finally my fear made me give in to the pressure and I phoned to get an appointment.
But as it happens the girl who booked me in knows me, and explained to a doctor at the surgery why I was afraid, what had happened to me with that medication I took. This doctor said to her: tell you friend to trust her gut instinct, if it is telling not to go for it, then she shouldn't. We don't listen to our gut instinct enough.
Anyway that just my story. Whatever you decide, trust what you are doing.
So what did you do? did you go with your gut instinct? It's all to easy for those who don't have this fear about the vaccine, such a difficult time for so many and for so many different reasons ❤❤
No, my gut instinct was telling me no. Wether I might have to regret it or not is another matter but my decision is made. The dichotomy was making me ill with anxiety
Yes but we can't get into the minds of every one, there's lots of different views and not everyone will agree, I just don't think it's worth getting upset about, my original post was about vaccine anxiety, I just don't want people falling out because of different views
I had both doses of Pfizer vaccine which I felt a bit rough for couple of days but no other problems. Much better than getting Covid at age 80. Plus it protects others from catching it from you. Also I have had the flue vaccine for last 15 years with no problems 😊😊
The decision to have this vaccination was easy for me: Before the pandemic hit I delayed getting a regular flu shot. I ended up getting good & sick 🤕. Then the pandemic hit & my doctors were afraid to see me in person. Telemedicine hadn’t geared up yet. I felt on my own, unless I wanted to brave the Covid-19 crowd, then overflowing the E.R. (Ambulances were waiting four hours outside in some places just to bring their patients inside).
It seemed I spend the greater part of the year wondering what I was dying from (If it was Covid-19 then I was the very first person in California to come down with it!).
I never again want to go through this experience again. I received my Moderna last February & March. I was achy with the first installment but fine the second. I can’t wait for this years senior flu shot & the booster vaccination. I’d jump in my car & go get either this minute if available, that is how sold I have become on them now.
I went to a teaching hospital clinic for my Covid19 vaccinations, they really do have administering them down to a science. The administration process seemed routine & felt ultra safe to me.
My friend had a third Covid vaccination & she was told to be well hydrated for it. Hers went well. Whatever you decide to do don’t delay your flu shot! I’m told it must be separated fourteen days from the Covid-19 vaccination. As they say experience is the best teacher. Unfortunately Covid-19 too often isn’t forgiving.
I think the least helpful posts are ones that say I had the jab and was fine, go get it’. Most people don’t seem to have horrific effects but it does seem to be a lottery. Just like covid which 98% survive. There’s no telling it’ll be fine for you. We shouldn’t be in this position. It’s awful. It’s also personal and is no one else’s decision but yours
Hi suzie I understand how u feel I too was very reluctant to have the jab I was actually shaking when I had it but everywhere I wanted to travel insist on it I still panic thinking about it and I'm already worried in having the second one my hus died quite sudden from covid it was all so quick only 57 but others have survived I think it should be a personal choice and not have to be put in a situation where it is kind of being forced on us we r all worried about covid but we too also worry about side affects of jab I hope you do it because you want to hope you all the best
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