I just got a new job with a major hospital in my city, and my vaccines are all up to date except for varicella (chickenpox). I never had it as a kid and I had a blood test last year that showed I am not immune. I have to get the first shot next week (there are 2 spaced a month apart) and I'm really anxious about side effects. I have no issues with the actual shot, just the aftermath. Has anyone had this shot as an adult, and did you have any side effects? Any reassurance would be great, this is a requirement for the new job and I can't afford to turn it down.
Vaccine anxiety: I just got a new job with a... - Anxiety Support
Vaccine anxiety

Hello!! First of all, let me congratulate you on the new job!! Very exciting! I also am starting a new job in September. I wanted to respond about the chicken pox vaccine. I have never had it. I SHOULD have, but never did. I was working years ago (1999) at our daughter's elementary school as a library aide and playground aide. They had a major chicken pox breakout in the school. Our daughter caught them and had maybe two or three little spots and a very mild temp. She was home from school two weeks, and I would go pick up her school work. On day 21, (last day to catch ckn pox /21 day period), I saw a few tiny spots I assumed were bug bites. By the next day I had a temp. That night, a raging fever. When I woke up and looked in the mirror I passed out on the bathroom floor!! My skin was gone. I was covered head to foot in spots. I looked like a leper!! My parents came and helped me as my daughter was gone that weekend with her Dad . When my ex brought her home, he was very concerned and our daughter cried. When I went to the Dr office the next day, they all backed up in terror. Same at the pharmacy... I looked like a monster. The Dr said many adults over 40, get deathly ill and pass away. I was 38!!! I was put on a very high dose of meds for five days. These sores were inside and out of my body. Had to drink liquids and eat pudding and jello as my mouth was so sore and throat. All spots .Sorry about the rant, but yes.. I would get the shot. Worse case scenario.. a mild temp. Nothing like CATCHING this vile disease. It nearly killed me. My collie knew I was very ill. She never left my side. 😔 My I had to crawl on the floor. I could not walk upright, this was before the Dr. appointment . Its your decision of course. But this is deadly for adults. Take care! 🤗
Yes, I’ve heard way more horror stories about having chicken pox than about side effects of the vaccine. That’s so scary, I’m glad you’re ok! I’m 38 right now so that definitely drives the point home. Thank you so much for responding 🙂 I’ll definitely be getting the shot, just hoping I don’t get much of a reaction if any.
Hi!! You are welcome! I didnt want to scare you or write a novel 📖 📚, but at the same time letting you know the hell of having these things inside and outside of the body. I often "overthink " if trying a new medication also, or anything with ⚠ and side effects. When I do that, it causes more anxiety!! For me, its always best to do it on a day off or day that you wont be going anywhere. If you get 💩 or 🤮🤢🤮🤢. Good luck with the new job!! Congrats again!
I agree get the shot. Adults get so sick.
If your daughter had a mild case she should get checked down the road. You don't want chicken pox if you become pregnant.
I gave my daughter that advice and she did need a second shot. Better to be safe.
Have had the vaccine as I work in healthcare and even though had as a child, got the vaccine anyway. Super safe, no side effects and remember they give these shots to babies so you will be just fine. If it makes you feel better, get the shot and hang out in the dr office or hospital for an hour or so after. Good luck. Trust me you do not want the chicken pox at 38😊
I had chicken pox as a child and it was HELL, me and my older sister had a bad case we got them inside out throats, nose and even my lady parts! Awful. All 4 of my children have had the chicken pox vaccine and none of them have had any negative reactions
Congratulations on the new job ❤️