Had a suspected heart attack in December 2020. Tested positive with Covid 19 same time. Was suffering from bad cough and felt ill. Went A and E Admitted 5 days Discharged myself as wanted to go home from covid ward.
Hospital wasnt happy. But Christmas and family came before me.
February after 6 weeks on pills and several phone calls to GP . I was re-admitted for further testing.
Sent Basildon from Colchester hospital for Angiogramme. Result Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Going back for MRI soon. Awaiting outcome. Life completely changed. Cant walk far or travel far...No supermarkets even . Wheelchair at the moment. Only 52.
With a 7 year old. Wife and older son.
Digging deep at the moment . Trying to get all the help I can. Trying to get my life back. Its been shattered.