Low .. : Just asking for some company really... - Anxiety Support

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Low ..

1973m profile image
25 Replies

Just asking for some company really , I’m alone mostly in this lockdown! As are a lot of people. I miss working so much , ive so much time to think .. about my choices in life .. I left my emotionally abusive marriage.. had to get a rental.. my two teens are with him in lockdown having come back from college and uni . It was for the best for them .. but I ache for them and my family unit. Consequently I’m so low ... I don’t stop crying and have that ball of anxiety inside me permanently.. I can’t settle. I’m just writing this how I’m thinking.. I know we’re all going through it at the moment.. I don’t want to be selfish. Just need some comfort from like minded souls.. thank you 🙏🏻

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1973m profile image
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25 Replies
blackcat64013 profile image

Well done to you for leaving the marriage that abused you. There are great posts in Positive Wellbeing on this site that might work to pick you up when weighed down with the blues. I am in Australia so live in a different time zone to most of the members here. Always happy to chat when I can 🐱

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to blackcat64013

Thank you for the reply. I have a cousin who lives in Australia. Somewhere !

I’m a very busy person usually, with two jobs both of which are very social. I like to chat , a lot apparently so lockdown is quite hard . Thing is I think it stopped me thinking.. now all I do is think of my old life and my kids . Anyway what’s it like living in Australia? I’d love to go one day 🙂to see my cousin. Thanks again

blackcat64013 profile image
blackcat64013 in reply to 1973m

The country and weather is fabulous and always glad to return home from holidays o/s. My home state is South Australia which is leading the world in testing for the C-19 virus per 1000 people. We have just recorded 5 days in a row without a new case so hopefully some restrictions can be lifted (slowly). The health system was prepared for much worse than what eventuated here. Hoping that you can see the end of the pandemic real soon.

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to blackcat64013

That’s good news for Australia.

Fingers crossed for us all .

You're amazing for escaping the toxicity in your life and being courageous and brave to talk about it on here. You deserve all the good things in life. You are not alone. Big hugs 🤗.

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to

Thank you , wish I felt amazing!

I’ve tried to be positive today so I’ve made a lasagna and had a chat with my sister .

I hope that you’re doing ok .

in reply to 1973m

It seems you are already doing the best you can do by trying to stay busy and being around others. Keep trying to do that the best you can. Me? I try to do that as well but the feeling of loneliness is always too crippling for me to be able to cope and being too anxious to get out of my comfort zone so I do feel for you. x

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to

Loneliness is crippling., I’ve felt lonely, as they say in a room of people!

I’d always lived in a village where everyone speaks . I’m now in rental in town and nobody speaks .. even better lockdown 😔

Anxiety is awful I hate myself for being like it and actually tell myself off and try and pull myself out of it ., usually it works and I bury myself in Friends, family and work .. but lockdown has put a whole new spin on that hey ?

Do you have any coping strategies?

in reply to 1973m

I agree. It's going to takes a certain kind of person to cheer you up so even amongst others you will never be happy. I know this all too well.

That's really sad to hear. I wish I could have lived in that village. No one talks to me at all but I am not able to get out regardless of what's going on outside. Again, I know this all to well too, it's horrible. I will always respond to anyone who says hello to me as well but just don't have the courage to reach out most of the time.

Don't hate yourself. It's not your fault. It's the fault of people who made you like that. You deserve better.

Unfortunately — as I said, keeping busy and/or being around people is the only thing I know of but I know that can be difficult too. I hope others will have some better ideas for you, and happy to chat with you too which will help. Keep reaching out and send messages to people you like as well. I don't mind chatting as well!

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to

That’s a really kind , heartfelt reply . I can’t imagine what it must be like to not be able to go out or be able to talk to people. Yes village life was good! I’ve managed to fill today. I hope to sleep a little better tonight and hopefully feel more positive tomorrow. Thank you 😊

Marshall64 profile image

I'm feeling the same way from being in lock down and working from home. I'm a full time single dad with a 14 year old daughter who is in her own world (computer and phone).

It is really hard for me to get motivated to do anything.

Going through a divorce is tough but I commend you for being able to get out of an abusive relationship. Hopefully things will get better for you.

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to Marshall64

Hi , thank you. Must be tough being in your own .. I also know what teenagers are like .

Working from home must be difficult too sometimes keeping the routine going.

Hopefully it’s just a blip for me . Look after yourself.

mrhealthanxiety profile image

Hi 1973m - don’t worry low days can always be followed by up days, nothing wrong having low / bad days but it’s important to know better will follow.

I’ve felt a bit low today as it’s my mums 70th birthday today, I haven’t seen her (in person only FaceTime ) since before Mother’s Day so have now missed her birthday and Mother’s Day and I just miss seeing her, and the nice weather seems to have gone for now too ! ☹️ but tomorrow is another day !!! Keep smiling and I wish you well.

1973m profile image

Hello , thank you . I’m sorry you’ve not seen your mum , that’s really hard !

We unfortunately had a funeral today( nothing to do with covid)

we lined the street ( social distance) to show our respects . So I did get to see my parents briefly .

Yes tomorrow is a new day and WILL be a better one .

mrhealthanxiety profile image
mrhealthanxiety in reply to 1973m

Sorry to hear about the funeral of course that wouldn’t have helped the way you felt today, reading your bios it’s clear you are a strong person, you’ve got this and I’m sure the new day will bring some positive thoughts 👍🏻

AnxiousSince1998 profile image

Hi 1973, I’m down in Australia, and have found that being under ‘lockdown’ for the last 6+ weeks have taken a toll on my anxiety.

The past week has been the worst so far, with a lot of health anxiety issues; watching my body way too much, which leads to increased heart rate, chest aches and pains, heavy/tight breathing and feeling very vague, which then opens up depression (all the good things).

I am also stuck in a small 1 bedroom apartment, by myself, and I usually work outdoors, so I guess I’m going thru a cabin fever like anxiety too.

My heart is so sad for the millions of us who are going thru these horrible feelings at the moment, and I wish I could give each and every one of you all a great big hug to let you know it’s going to be alright.

1973, I was getting out each day for one hour exercise; either a walk or bike ride, which I found to really help me, so maybe you can try and do the same?

Also some meditation before bed, but my sleeping has been terrible too, so I haven’t nailed that one yet.

Thank you for reaching out and sharing, it does help, and I wish that you can take something positive from every response on here. Your not alone, even on the other side of the world people are listening to you and sending hugs. XX

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to AnxiousSince1998

Hi, yep you are right we’re not alone ! I too. Have found get out for my daily walk had helped massively. I’ve all so ordered a cross stitch in honour of my late grandma., to pass some time ! I do try to do all the right things and I have good solid friends and a sister and my parents are amazing.

Like you say if I can reach out and wave a wand .. hug everyone and make it well again I would . I’m much better at offering a shoulder than being the one who needs help , but I do so I’m not ashamed to ask .

It must be so difficult in a flat on your own I would think yes it will be cabin fever on top of all your anxiety must be impacting massively on you . I hope you have some good friends you can call . Take care and thank you 😊

AnxiousSince1998 profile image
AnxiousSince1998 in reply to 1973m

Thanks for your kind words.

That’s fantastic your doing those things. And well done, don’t ever be ashamed or feel bad to ask for a shoulder or some help.

You sound like an amazing, caring person, and will get past this.

Cross stitch will be a positive step to keeping your mind active and help pick you up a little. Good choice. Take care, 😊😊

Want2BHappy3 profile image

What you’re feeling is Normal for what we’re going through. Can you get counseling? They can call you or FaceTime ? This has been rough on everyone Except the rich crying about having to cook their own meals and do their own laundry, having to take care of their own kids. 😂 I’m worried about running out of Money. My daughter lost her job and I’m retired living off my savings. Get some help, this isn’t going to last forever 🙏

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to Want2BHappy3

That made me laugh about the rich !

Thank you, yes money is a massive worry but luckily I’ve a very understanding landlady. I’m on basic wage . So having to be careful. But my mental health is more important. I tried signed up to a councilling

Thing but it’s expensive so I didn’t commit.

Thank you for your reply.. and that the feeling is normal as you do start to wonder . I value this site so much 😊

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to 1973m

Do you live in the USA? We have Medical which provides medical assistance for low income citizens. I worry I will catch the virus? I’m one of the High Risk seniors, I feel like a Sitting Duck 🦆😞

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to Want2BHappy3

Hi , no I’m in GB , gosh you must be frightened, I’d be just the same too . I am afraid but trying hard not to let the virus overrun my thoughts as in my head I’m following the advice, social distancing, only going for essential things and lots of hand washing.

I hope you have someone doing your shopping etc so you don’t put yourself at more risk than necessary.

Are you alone?

Look after yourself , take care we will all get through this 😊

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to 1973m

Thank You for your support, I’m Not alone but don’t feel I’m getting the cooperation from my daughter that I need? She’s one of those young people who think they are untouchable. She’s gone sometimes for hours she’s says she’s taking precautions needed? I feel I will eventually get it? When my grandson goes back to school? If the virus is still here? Him and I have underlying conditions, so both our lives will be at state? Here in the USA a lot of people here aren’t taking it Seriously, SPOILED they will when they or someone close gets it, then it will be Too late? We have everything we need here. Hopefully this won’t last too much longer? 🙏

lyd_beechxx profile image

Let me start by saying that it's perfectly okay to feel the things you're feeling at the minute. You aren't being selfish, and yes this is a difficult time for all, but some people such as yourself will be anxious moreso due to the situation you're in. You should be immensely proud of your resilience and strength, to leave an abusive situation such as the one you were in.

Try to stay connected as much as possible, and that includes being connected to yourself. Practice self-care, call your children, call work colleagues to catch up.. etc. And if you're feeling particularly low it may be worth journaling to keep on top of things.

But please check out some of the online or chatroom services, or even phone call or text services. If you just google what's around your area or even nationwide for you, there will be support there if you need it.

You're doing exceptionally well and it is ok to feel 'all the feels' during this time, and the fact you're seeking help here shows great strength.

I hope you find the guidance you need. Stay safe all ❤

Are you able to go back to work yet?

Are your children able to visit you now?

Have you heard of - Shout UK ?

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