Does any one suffer from different sensations especially in the head/eyes/ears hands and feet I get chronic head rushes out the blue follow'd by severe panic, jelly legs, palpitations, aches and pains, lightheadedness, plus it feels like my brain is shaking which is terrible, and all other symptoms that come with this disorder
Anxiety : Does any one suffer from different... - Anxiety Support
They know already and did test and exams and said I’m healthy
I just started taking hydroxyzine
Thanks you are fine
I have been where you are with head, sight and such. I'm on day 10 of my Covid diagnosis and I went out for a short drive today because I was going stir crazy. I was driving and my eye site started to feel weird and I felt that initial flip of the stomach and my panic started. I pulled into a parking lot and started meditating. It took about 10 minutes and I felt like me again and my eye site was crystal clear again. Breathing will be your best friend. Learn to meditate. Hydroxine is not a fast acting like a benzo and if your sensitive to antihistamine as I am it won't do you very well. I listen to YouTube meditations 10 minute recordings and also an hour long Dr. Weekes recording when I really feel bad. You will get it under control the more you work on yourself. Good luck and here if you need to talk or anything. Gentle hugs!!!
Good Job Fearoffear Proud of you.
Feel better soon from covid Wishing you well xx