Hi alan here I feel very silly because all I think about is that I have cancer I can't get it out of my head every ache and pain and I'm away checking smytoms
Health anxiety : Hi alan here I feel very... - Anxiety Support
Health anxiety

if you read my posts all of them are the fear i have cancer. its your head telling you this. iv been like this for a very long time . are you on meds? im on 6th week of citaroplam and i feel so much better im not afraid anymore and deal with things loads better and all my aches and pais seem to have gone or atleast faded. the wordt thing you can do is look up your synptoms please believe me. as soon as i stopped doing this i felt better. the internet will always always always lead you to the worst possible cause of your aches. you could type in runny nose and if you look you will eventually find cancer. i know you think you are looking for almost some reassurance but trust me you wont find it. it will only make you worse. i had 3 differnet cancers in one week because of google and what my symptoms suggested. trust me on this one i know it all too well. and the o ly way to hwlp yourself is to stop self diagnosing and researching your symptoms. im a pro when it comes to health anxiety. get yourself to the doctors and get on some tablets to help calm you down. im here to help you if you need me . i know exactly how you feel x
Hi Kylie. Thanks 4 reply I seem that I can't get of the merry go round aches pains , symptoms, Google . Every day I think the worst I have no quality of life because of it, I have a lovely wife and 2 great kids but I no iv been very distant thinking what's wrong with me it really is affecting my life. I just wish I could switch of
Hi Kylie thanks 4 reply I seem that u can't get of the merry go round aches pains symtoms Google. Every day I think the worst I have no quality of life because it. I have a lovely wife and 2 great kids but I no iv been distant thinking what's wrong with me it really is affecting my life. I just wish I could just switch off.
I really feel low this morning bad nights sleep
I think this too even after blood tests come back normal I still think it and if there was anything it would have come back in them know exactly what you going through
Alan here low this morning no appetite , diarrhoea worried sick about my symtoms. One time iv no appetite hours later I'm starving a bit of nausea as well is this in my head. Iv been to the doctors blood tests done back normal. Waiting 4 an appointment 2 c consultant. Also have a lower niggle back pain I'm putting that done 2 my job bending stooping all the time
sounds to me like ibs. ibs causes nausea, lower back pain, achy legs and groin. please try not to worry . ho estky it will be so ething so simple i promise. iv had all these symptoms. get yourself on so e anxiety tablets they work amazing. helped me so much. its all in your head , this is what anxiety does, this is why its hard to snap out of it because the more anxious you get the more synotoms you have, the more symptoms you have the more anxious you feelZ its a visious cycle. try to relax. plan some days out try and put your mind on other stuff. iv got such a bad head that iv had constantly for a week and im trying not to worry about it. trying to think rational that its prob just a migrain or tension.think positive and you will feel better i promise youZ i ha e been there and its hard , very hard but it works xxx
Thanks Kylie that's what I need to do think positive and not let things spiral out of control but as u no its very hard.I have a contition called ivm which gives me massive headache 2 relieve it I lay on floor on ur back just think of 1 part of ur body at a time legs arms head back buttocks shoulders neck relax that part then on 2 the nxt part give each part about 60 to 90 secs. When finished don't get up 2 quickly sit r a minute x
Can anyone tell me why you always feel worse in the morning and as the day goes on you feel a little better.
Hi alice I feel the same in the morning I try 2 get active as quickly as I can but it can b very hard I'm going through some health issues at the moment and it can be very hard to get yourself going
I don't know why this is, yes I do force myself to get up shower and get moving. Are you on meds and how long have you been like this. Sorry about your other health issues hope you feel better sn.
No I'm not on meds been like this 4 a while every ailment I get I think iv got cancer I'm going around in circles stomach problems diarrhea wind stressing me so much
This is how i was for a while. First thing you need to STOP is googling your symptoms. I know its hard but you have to stop. I stopped doing it and along with counseling and praying i havenot had an anxiety attack for two weeks already. I also started drinking chamomile tea, 4 cups a day and it calms and relaxes your body a lot. Now i still get the little sharp pains in my head from time to time and my headaches but they are not as intense anymore and not as often. Pray to God and give him your worries and anxiety, even your bad thoughts, he wants you to. You will start feeling better. Just give up the google, i spent all day googling every single thing i felt and it drove my anxiety through the roof. It doesnt help at all. Just remember anxiety causes all sorts of crazy symptoms and its usually always just that, anxiety. I will pray for you and hope you get better soon. God Bless you.
Hi Alan, I too have health anxiety. I am working through it as we speak, music works for me to calm those thoughts. Also prayer, and family. But when i am alone and scared about all the rare diseases my doctor "didn't catch"...I make myself laugh about it as a coping mechanism which helps a little to use humor if you can, anyway, don't worry there are a lot of us here who know what you feel and you're going to pull through. (=
Hi alan here feeling very low today anxiety overwhelming just buried my mum yesterday just can't motivate myself still in bed hope I can move on.
Hi alan how are you? I suffer the same. I think every symptom i get is cancer related. Its horrible. How you feeling and dealibwith things?
Hi kylie I was doing very well but my mum wasn't 2 well for a while and I was spending a lot of time with her but unfortunately I lost her 2 weeks ago I have been quite low now but I'm trying to fight back. How are you I have been reading your posts remember that we can beat this thing I think we have to get ourselves in to a positive frame of mind. I know this helps.
Thanks Agora. I'm feeling a bit better a rough couple days though but I'm getting through it a lot of tears. How are you I hope ur good .