It's so very tough to have to sit and have a self talk with yourself. Day in and day out. Making yourself sit there and rationalize every morbid terrifying thought that comes across your mind and the ones that won't leave. The thoughts that turn into feelings. The fears that turn into feelings. One day I will be normal.. and I will feel good. But for now I'll just endure this hell. 😪
Tough : It's so very tough to have to sit... - Anxiety Support
I could have written this post, you are me! OR I am you No advice since I do the carbon copy of your day, every day and everyday! You will get some great input from someone who can help you, but I only wanted to let you know you are not alone, don't forget you have a clone out here living your same day 24 - 7, and I do it with no friends or family. I know we are not alone this, so , I predict you will have some very helpful reply's that WILL help you with sage advice. Good luck friend. *-*
So me!!!
I hear you. It’s really hard to be overwhelmed by your own thoughts and emotions. I’m struggling with PTSD and get intense flashbacks.
Sitting and fighting those thoughts are worth doing but tiring.
How about getting up and distracting yourself?
I find it calming to go on long walks. At home, I put on a YouTube yoga session and get on my yoga mat. When the thoughts are really intense, a high energy exercise video with upbeat music helps.
Others have found it helpful to do puzzles or coloring. I personally find getting off my butt and moving around the most helpful. Just try to stay busy.
I hope that helps.