This is the only place i feel safe to talk .
For the past few days my head has been all over the place. I cant even think straight . days back i told you about my relationship and that i would stay the night at my mums. That did not happen my bf came there at 12 at night long story short i had no choice but to go with him. Last night he started again we was fine until i got ready for bed . if i don't give him sex when he wants he starts and badly on me that sometimes i give in to stop him getting angry. Last night was that he got so angry he tried to push me off the bed he was through my cloths he was getting next to my face i was so scared i thought he would hurt me. Last night he was very angry Hes mood has changed he gets this angry look in hes eyes its scary. 2 days ago he told me something we were just talking about the future he said to me that we never get are kids back. He said if we broke up no other man would want me they would only use me he said i will never have a long last relationship as i cant have kids with anyone as the baby would get took. He said that he could get someone and have kids with if we broke up. but he don't want that he only wants me. He said he is the only one that can protect me from bad people he said no other man would protect me . i did fall for it i believe in him until i told my mum and she said he's manipulating me she opened my eyes to the truth on what he really is . he is not a good person he has done so much to me for so many years.