Ovarian cancer or just a cyst : Is this... - Anxiety Support

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Ovarian cancer or just a cyst

Katej48 profile image
8 Replies

Is this ovarian cancer or has the cyst got bigger? Hi looking for advice please, had a pelvic scan and camera back in March and also a ca125 blood test in February of which came back normal, the ultrasound should a small cyst on my ovary which the sonographer said was nothing to worry about, for the last month or so I’ve been getting constant lower back pain and pain in my pelvis, I have put weight on but that could he due the medication I’m on for anxiety , I’m worried sick I have ovarian cancer . My GP has arranged a new scan which isn’t fior another 18 days and I also can’t get a blood test for the same time due to covid, she has told me she doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about and is only referring me for my peace of mind. I know something isn’t right , we all know our own bodies , maybe my cyst has gotten bigger, does anyone know if In a 6 month period things could have changed and my doctor is wrong . I can’t even get into see her as our surgery isn’t seeing patients unless it is urgent and she said I’m not urgent !

Sorry for the long post ,

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Katej48 profile image
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8 Replies

My experience.... I’ve had a lot of cysts. They usually dissolve on their own, on occasion they don’t. Removal of one has to be measured via a scan and be a certain size before they decide you need a Laparoscopy. These are not cancer.

My cysts never caused back pain, I could feel the pain literally in the front where our ovaries are located. The one I had removed hurt when I would walk or lay a certain way putting pressure on the ovary.

Try not worry, trust your doctor and she’s taking the precaution needed by having you rescan in a few weeks.

Katej48 profile image
Katej48 in reply to

Thanks for the reply , I am a major worrier especially with my health , it’s got worse over the years , my mum died of lung cancer , she passed within 10 days of being diagnosed and then my nephews wife died in July of advanced bowel cancer , she was diagnosed in April , it’s so frustrating with covid as In normal times I could have had the blood test done the same day instead of having to wait for 3 weeks.

Hallyhooyou profile image

I’ve had cysts since I was 15, I’m 47 now. I have all kinds of symptoms, different each time it seems. Back pain? Heck yeah. Pain shooting down my leg, fatigue, massive bloating, nausea. One time I had a cyst in each ovary and it shut down my whole digestive system for a week! No number two’s at all no matter what I did.

Cysts can grow really fast or they can deflate on their own or rupture, not life threatening but it can hurt. Are you on the pill may I ask? It helps to control cysts for most people. I’m on the pill still until menopause kicks in otherwise I have a cyst grow immediately. I’ve even had cysts grow while on the pill. I had a doctor once try to schedule me to remove an ovary because my cyst was 8 cm big. I just got on the pill for a time and in a couple months it was gone. I stayed in the pill after that.

I will say that if you had a cyst rupture (sometimes you can’t feel it when they do) the pain lasts for awhile. One time I had symptoms 6 months after a cyst ruptured. Ovarian cancer is always a scary thought but if you’re still ovulating, cysts are far more likely.

I had a laparoscopy a year ago to check on scar tissue left over from all the cysts. If the doctor recommends that route, take it from a total health anxiety freak, it’s nothing to worry about. One of the easiest procedures I’ve ever had. I was back to work in a few days.

Please don’t worry. If it was a cyst 6 months ago, it’s highly likely it’s still a cyst.

Katej48 profile image
Katej48 in reply to Hallyhooyou

Thanks for replying , I’m 50 years old and going through the menopause so I went nearly a whole year without a period then had one in January and February that’s why the doctor arranged for the scan , then nothing since , I’m not on the pill , was for years but she took me off it about 3 or so years ago , x

GJRWS profile image

don't know much about gyny problems, except that I have had recurring breast cysts all my life, they just seem to come and go or are removed but I am realising just how much cancer is a blight on so many of us. I watched my dad and only aunt die of it and my sister in law at 32. Then I developed it but was treated. My daughter developed it and had the full whack of awful treatments and the day she got the all clear my husband started being ill with it and we went through hell in the four months before he died.

I too am in a position where I immediately think the worst of any tiny twinge, go for investigations and then don't believe the doctors if they say all is OK or go back and repeat the tests or imagine things growing away inside me.

You are certainly not alone..........and thank you, I am comforted to realise that I am not either.

They can find out such a lot from blood tests and look for evidence in all of them in relation to each other. I think you should take comfort that they were OK and certainly that your doctor thinks it isn't urgent but know it is easier said than done.

I for one will be thinking of you and wishing you well.

Katej48 profile image
Katej48 in reply to GJRWS

Thanks for your kind words x

Natsteveo profile image

Hi kate

Been reading you’re post so sorry you are suffering I’m identical to this a born worrier I lost my mum to pancreatic cancer within 7 weeks of diagnosis I lost my stepdad 5 years later to lung diseases after 5 weeks of diagnosis my best friend to same cancer as my mum with 8 weeks till she passed you’re like me everyone around you has quick diagnosis then die so quick it’s traumatic to deal with it’s your trigger.. so you’re instinct is to worry

I had a cyst on my left ovary last year it was the size of a “cricket ball” I was so scared but it was only removed because of its size otherwise they would of left it they don’t worry too much about small ones they usually go by themselves if not they will just cut it out like they did mine if they thought for one minute it was anything bad you would of been in and dealt with by now


Katej48 profile image
Katej48 in reply to Natsteveo

Hi Nat, thanks for the reply. I’m glad I’m not the only one who worries over things, it’s hard speaking to people about it because all you get is “stop worrying there’s nothing wrong with you” , well how do they know ! My health anxiety had been a lot better up and till now after a nightmare year last year , I had several months of counselling and had calmed down a lot but having to wait to get a scan etc doesn’t go my mental health any good., it’s crazy not being able to see a gp because of covid , I wonder how many people this year will die because things have been overlooked, I for one will take things further if I do have something serious wrong with me .

Thanks for listening Kate x

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