Does peri menopause cause anxiety and shor... - Anxiety Support

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Does peri menopause cause anxiety and shortness of breath?

Lizzypink profile image
17 Replies

Hi I’ve been away for a while, tapering off sertraline. It’s been 2 weeks and 4 days. I’m on the peri menopause so do you think this is making withdrawal so much harder? I’m crying constantly, dizzy, and chest keeps feeling like a heavy pressure, short of breath! It’s always bad around my menstrual cycle! I dread my period, as I’m ok other times, any advice would be great. Thanks


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17 Replies
Rangie001 profile image

oh my gosh Lizzy same here!!! It feels unbelievably bad. How areyou feeling now? Im laying here in bed with chest pains, and my asthma kicked up. My doctors don't get it. Super frustrating. I've done a lot of reading along with another friend of mine experiencing the same and its the onset of perimenopause/menopause. I've felt dizzy for days. My legs feel funny. Like I'm separated from my body. My mind is foggy, then the asthma. I'm trying to find the best treatment for myself.

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Rangie001

Hi, wow isn’t it awful, I too have read so much on this..I felt ok yesterday, now today, decided to try me again! Yes dizzy spells, funny headaches, tightness in chest, so fed up. I’ve discussed with the doctor, but your right they don’t get it, so hard when your short of breath, and all those hormonal issues spring on you! Are you any better?

I do deep breathing in to my tummy to try help, but I’ve also had days of crying like a baby for no reason. IM waiting for some hormone pills in the post, and doing all I can! It effects your day big time. Hope you get some relief from this! 😘

sbadd profile image

i believe im in peri aswell, started with symptoms last year and still going, tachycardia all the time and out of breath on any exertion, heart rate last year was jumping to 140 just going to shop, unbearable fatigue, pins n needles, head fog, weakness in legs, muscles etc, drunk feeling, i could go on and on, fast forward year and half and feel half normal again but touch and go.

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to sbadd

Are you taking anything for it? I got offered HRT the other day but I’d rather not! I’ve had panic attacks and anxiety takes over, I’ve done online therapy and do yoga and meditation, it does help and I have good days, but come to think of it, this could of been going on for months, and I thought I was ill due to COVID and kept panicking.

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Lizzypink

No not taking anything at the moment as i think i may be through worst of it , last year was horrendous i could barely function, my periods were still normal last year however this year have gone a 41 and 54 day cycle and now on day 43 again, all my bloods were coming up normal and even saw a cardioligist for the heart, they did offer me beta blockers which i did take only on days when heart was high, i would prefer not to go hrt either as haven't been on any contraception for around 15 years, i believe my peri started few years before any symptoms as i had noticed decreased symptons of ovulation, discharge, cramps and periods went to around 2 days then gone, im now 45 noticeable symptoms hit at 43, doct still saying im too young, not!

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to sbadd

I’m almost 46 and think the same, I’m sure it’s being happening for a few months.

I was on sertraline ( big mistake) so have had the clash of withdrawals and the peri to deal with, I can’t stand the sun now either, it feels to hot for me even tho I’m not having hot flashes at the time, I always have my windows wide open. I’m on beta blockers at the minute, 10mg as I don’t do well with meds, also no contraceptive pill, but a few have said they take Levest and never looked back, guess I’m just scared to take the pill! When you say last year, how long exactly do you think you had this going on for? I nearly fell over this morning, lost my balance, and legs feel weird!

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Lizzypink

I went to doct in dec 2018 with tiredness, only thing that came up in my bloods at the time was low b12, i was given 6 injections in the jan 2019 all went dowhill from there, my legs became really heavy along with arms, fatigue kicked in and pins n needles and buzzing feeling like tremor, i was shaky, head foggy and pressure, woke at times with numb limbs and tachycardia started, i suffered till about aug when i changed doct, we then thought it was my thyroid meds, so stopped them, only to still have same symptoms weeks on, so started back on my meds, ive only started to feel half normal in last few months, so 19 months now since this all started.

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to sbadd

It’s kind of nice to know this is normal, and we’re not the only ones to go through this. I think not knowing is scary, but I’m glad your feeling much better!

I also have requested a thyroid test, after doing a lot of reading, as it sounds similar with over active gland. I spent this weekend crying and so emotional and didn’t want to leave the house, but forced myself to as I want to try to carry on. Did you have any flu like symptoms too? X

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Lizzypink

No not really but i did have alot of muscle twitching, nervousness and would cry at anything, anxiety was crazy, im still up and down but not as bad as last year

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to sbadd

Aww yes I no how you feel, I’ve never experienced anxiety like this! I’ve had weak feelings in my muscles also, I have 2 days near normal then it just hits out of know where, and the awful pain in my left breast. I’d like to keep in touch, see how we’re getting in in a few days if that’s ok. X

Rangie001 profile image
Rangie001 in reply to Lizzypink

The awful pain in the left breast... yes, yes and yes. Omg i have had all of these symptoms. It is unbearable the anxiousness, the chest pains, the brain fog, the weird flashes. I keep saying its perimenopause, can you at least give me anxiety meds so i can cope when all i want to do is bury myself into a hole. I am 46 and I've had major issues with my period. Starting in Feb of this year it was nonstop for months and then it got to the point where i couldnt leave the house. So they put me on birth control. Now I only get my period twice a month lol! (I hate it!!!) I have a doc appointment today to go over blood work. My chest hurt all night long. I do have asthma, but i also think its because of peri. Anxiety meds help but Im on edge because i never know when an episode is going to hit. Please lets keep in touch.❤

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Rangie001

i actually thought i had an undiagnosable disease, but had a feeling for awhile it was hormone related, i pushed myself through everday, i dont know whether my b12 injections excelerated it but it was not good, i also get like an ache that comes and goes in left breast, i went 3 straight weeks recently with daily hot sweats , they have now stopped during day but still sometimes get upon awakening in morning, i also had bouts of nausea like morning sickness but they too have stopped for now, lol

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to sbadd

I no! I was really worried thinking the same, I had some mystery illness, let’s hope we can look back and think wow I had a bad time of it, but now living a healthy life again 🤞X

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Rangie001

Hi, it’s so unreal all these symptoms, I never thought this would all be down to peri menopause. I wish you well, and hope we can get through this nightmare ok! X

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Lizzypink

Yes im on a forum called patient info they have a section for menopause, when i 1st joined and shared my story, i had so many people say they could have written it themselves.

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to sbadd

It’s so nice to share and talk about this with you and others!

Thank you!

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Lizzypink

No worries if you look through my profile you will see it all and can follow me

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