I’ve had shortness of breath for 3weeks now all day everyday,went to the doctors Thursday checked my heart and lungs with a sterthoscope and to my oxygen and temperature the doctors said it’s anxiety but I’ve still got shortness of breath can someone help
Shortness of breath: I’ve had shortness of... - Anxiety Support
Shortness of breath

My lungs oxygen are fine but still got shortness of breath
Do you have any medication to help with the anxiety?
With all the things going on right now, the symptom of shortness of breath, and others have greatly increased, everyone is dealing with anxiety right now.
Stay home, stay away from TV and social media, stay calm, your not alone.
Yeah I take sertraline,can the shortness of breath be there for weeks and months everyday all day
Yes it can, you have done the right thing, gone to the doctor, and they cleared you. I know its difficult, I go through it with symptoms, but have to try to trust the doctors.
Maybe see if you can get a as needed medication added for short term.
can you not feel anxious and still have shortness of breath
You can have all sorts of symptoms, yes, without " feeling" anxious, when your body / brain gets oversensitiized for any length of time, it take a certain amount of time to de sensitize, .. it various from person to person.
Do you see a psychiatrist? Or a therapist?
No I don’t mate cause all this going on atm
Many places are offering on line , video counciling right now for people dealing with the crisis
Oh really just a quick woestion can you have shortness of breath for weeks and months all day everyday mate I’m new to all this so just a bit confused
Try typing in physical symptoms of anxiety, lots of information on line
Yeah I have but it doesn’t say how
Long you can have it for
Well time frame can be minutes to years.... depending on the person
So I shouldn’t panic if I have had it for a few weeks
The more you panic, the longer it can last, try to live in the moment.
Keep telling yourself, you went to the doctor... was all good.
Look into some local anxiety crisis support in your area.
Most places have them set up now.
I’ve had variations of this myself, first I thought I was having an allergic reaction to something, tight lump in my throat lots of trouble swallowing and lots of clearing my throat it felt as if someone had their hands around my neck then I’d have trouble breathing . My chest will feel tight and I’ll start to panic and have a hard time breathing like I can’t get a good full deep breathe. This has been since late Feb, I also went to urgent care and they checked me out and I was fine. These are terribly unsettling scary times we’re in and our nervous systems are going nuts. Try to pray or meditate every day, say positive affirmations to yourself that you are strong and healthy and okay, it’s just anxiety. Be kind to yourself
I know I Keep repeating myself but the thing that scares me is having the breathing all day everyday I try all the breathing methods once a day and it don’t work
Even just normal breathing don’t feel right
I will call your doctor today and ask if they can prescribe you something like Xanax to help you in these moments to give you some relief so you can actually breathe literally and metaphorically... you shouldn’t have to “ live “ like this, The constant anxiety perpetuating more anxiety and obsession over what’s going on. You need some relief.
The doctor said it was anxiety
Yeah I try all the breathing and it doesn’t work I think my mind is just so alert right now it just doesn’t work
I only started them about 2weeks ago and the breathing started 3weeks ago
Even tho the doctors said it was anxiety and all my heart and lungs were clearly and getting enough oxygen around my blood,I just keep thinking it’s corona virus
I’ve got no fever
I’ve only started taking them for 2weeks now
I had a little cough but it’s more like to clear my throat cause obviously it feels tight
I’ve got no fever tho
Sounds like a panic attack! I get those sometimes too
I’ve had this for three weeks now and can’t get my breathing back to normal just yet
Oh my gosh. Literally the same thing I’ve been dealing with. I’ve been feeling short of breath for maybe 3/4 weeks as well I did go doctors as well and they said it was anxiety.
I do already have health anxiety but I never had shortness of breath with the normal anxiety I was dealing with until 3-4 weeks ago. I constantly feel like I need to catch my breath like I’m not getting enough air. It’s horrible so I totally feel you. Anxiety takes over our whole mind, you just coming on here looking for answers is anxiety taking over your mind so because you keep thinking about it and looking for answers it won’t stop because it’s a physical symptom.
I won’t sit here and say oh do this and do that because there’s actually not much you can do until you figure out what works for you. But definitely your not the only one dealing with that right now. I think even more people are dealing with shortness of breath because of the virus it being listed as a symptom so we’re all thinking it and getting anxious and getting physical symptoms. It’s so annoying 🙄
Hope you feel better soon
Do you get out if breath easily excercising
Yeah I do. Sometimes even just walking around the house I get out of breath.
And I’m not like extremely over weight or anything
Yeah I do aswell where does it feel tight at the bottom of your throat
Did the doctor check your d-dimer level? That can show if it’s a blood clot. If it still isn’t going away, I would suggest following up with your doctor just to be safe. I have chronic air hunger due to mast cell activation syndrome which has been going in for years but I had to rule out a lot of other things before getting this diagnosis. One of the most frustrating things was when doctors dismissed it as anxiety in the beginning which just delayed my diagnosis and treatment.
Is this shortness of breath from your throat feeling tight and blocked at the bottom? I have been dealing with nxiety for years and since this coronavirus it has been sending me in tk so much panic. I want to live a normal life. I feel like i have a sore throat and that Its going to stop me from breathing. I do have to try clear my throat and feel a little cough about once or twice a day. Then I panic thinking I have coronavirus. I am to scared to ring my Dr's because they are putting everything down to coronavirus and I would panic so much if I got told I could have it.
How long have you
Had it for
I have had it or about a week now. And now my throat feels scratchy. Everyone keeps telling me it's anxiety but I don't believe them even tho i got diagnosed with anxiety 4 or 5 years ago. I think a lot of it does come down to anxiety. I have never experienced this before it usually is a lump in my throat that i experience but I guess that the more our brains think about a certain thing it can bring on all sorts of symptoms. If It was coronavirus you would have had more symptoms by now I'm sure. I know it is annoying as I feel like i can't cope with it much longer but we have to have hope. Try drinking lemon and honey in boiled water and I find that gargling salt water solution eases mine a little bit. Do 4oz of water and half a tea spoon of salt let it get to room temp or a temp you can handle and gargle for 10 seconds 4 times about twice a day. Where are you from BTW. Are you in lock down?
I rang my doctors and they done hearing test for my
Lungs and heart and took my oxygen and all was fine and doctors said it was anxiety
Hi lee
I feel you
I am the exact same
I am constantly breathless or just can’t get that full air feeling
It’s so scary
Like u I suffer with anxiety. Dr says it’s all anxiety .
It’s all this bloody virus that’s kicking us all off
I recently came off my anti depressants
Around 5 wks ago and all my symptoms are back including the breathing thing .
It’s not just you please believe it ,I know the feeling and suffer daily with it. And as u said even if u don’t feel anxious it’s still there
I am doing cbt online as can’t get to see anyone
It’s the worst fear ever
But plz feel reassured your not the only one having this
It is anxiety 100%
Ps I was on sertraline too and at first this med can activate your anxiety symptoms
It takes a good while to kick in
I take a diazapam to calm me down
Can’t you ask ur gp if u can have something to help you while starting sertraline

I’ve never experienced this before and I’ve had it for 3/4weeks now,is it in your throat the breathing thing
Yes it’s in my throat

I’ve been sweating recently aswell does anxiety make you sweat
Yep I sweat too and head feels hot
It’s a common symptom of anxiety
Even if ur relaxed and not feeling anxious it’s still there
Like u I was checked and dr said it was all fine
But like u I come out gp room and still think they are missing something
It’s way us health anxiety sufferers deal with

Yeah it’s there all day every day
Yep same with me
I was hoovering and felt couldn’t breath it’s horrible

What test did you do with the doctors then
The gp checked my chest and heart and throat
And bp and had full blood test

They checked my heart and lungs and oxygen
Yes same
Told me to breath in and out
Checked my pulse and heart and temp
Sertraline will start kicking in day by day

Yeah that’s what they done with me how long have you had this
Saw so many different Drs
They all said it’s anxiety

I rang three doctors last week and they all told me it was anxiety,and then I rang up again saying all this breathing is still there, went to the doctors last week and they listened to my lungs and heart and took my oxygen and she said it’s all fine
Gp would know if something not right
You are fine
It’s anxiety
Plz believe me
Anxiety is a horrendous condition
It makes u think ur dying
I am totally with u ok

Can it make you have a little tickle in your throat to
I feel I have a sore throat too
It’s like a dry cough feeling like u need to cough

And my throat tickles to
Breathless Is one of the top symptoms of anxiety
Doesn’t help this virus too
I don’t watch news anymore as it makes me panic then symptoms get worse
Can’t u ask ur dr for something to calm ur mind while starting up on sertraline

Sorry about all this I’m new to this i haven’t had this before
Plz don’t apologise
Trust me I am always on this site with different symptoms
Anxiety is damn scary
I totally understand the breathing thing honestly
Your not alone but it feels that way I know
Please don’t feel alone
Lok how many replies u got on this subject
It’s the top symptom x

Like even just lying down feels hard to breath
Yep I get it when I lay in bed it feels worse
I get up and start doing something

just normal breathing is scary isn’t it
So scary

Like I’ve had this all day everyday for 3/4weeks
I have it everyday too
Without fail
It’s always there in background

I try being busy but it’s still there if you know what I mean
Plz believe me
Ur not alone

Yeah I do believe you I just need to talk about it
Yes I find talking or telling someone helps
This site helps sooo much
As we all suffer with all different symptoms of anxiety
Keep on talking
Keep posting
It helps
I try the breathing exercises but that makes mine worse as I feel we are focused on it more but that’s wat experts say and most people say too
It’s like u can’t run away from it or like ur trapped in ur own body
Horrible shitty feeling

The tickle in the throat is always there to that’s horrible
Yep agree

I can do exercise cause I get out of breath so quickly
When I walk to shops I feel I have to keep taking extra breaths to get that full breath in
If I sit quietly it’s there too
Sertraline will start kicking in
Is that the first med u been on ?
Post as much as u want
And ask questions
It all helps and kinda reassures you
As gp don’t really do that
You have a 10 min app with Drs
But they don’t sit there and reassure u

Yeah I was on it a couple years ago,but then started about 1/2 weeks ago now
Yeah I was on that for around 9 months but unfortunately didn’t help me
I couldn’t hack side effects and never fully helped me
But that’s just me
Everyone reacts differently
It will ease in time
I take diazapam
Know it’s addictive
But I don’t care as it helps me soo much
But that’s just me
Gp has offered me fluxetine but scared to take it lol
That’s health anxiety for u

When your breathing in normally not deeply how does it feel
Umm I don’t know
I just feel like I can’t get that full breath
But I must be breathing ok or we wouldn’t be here right
Have you ever read up on all the symptoms
Omg there’s soooo many
I have all lol

When you breath in is it your throat
well i have shortness of breath for 4 days , i also had something stuck in my throat but a chest pain started and i have been coughing up yellowish mucus , last time with bit of blood , i have called 111 and they said it could be chest infection and send ne to urgent care to pick up amoxicillin (antibiotics) i will see how that's go on , you might have something similar.
I’m right there with you, been to the hospital probably about 6 times to where I ended up seeing a psychiatrist. I have to now see a permanent one but I’ve been feeling short of breath not all day it comes & goes & been having heart palpitations often now scared to even fall asleep I’ve had 2-3 just typing this but idk maybe it’s in our heads especially how the world is right now it’s the most stressful time & it sucks
Hope you feel better & find the answers you need
Sound's like you have Health Anxiety same thing as Hypochadria
Could be anxiety but low iron and b12 can also cause this.
If it makes you feel any better, I have this very same issue. I’ve had blood tests, oxygen level tests and even a chest scan. I was told over and over again that it was due to anxiety. Every test came back perfectly healthy and normal.
It feels like I can’t catch my breath, like even when I take a deep breath it feels like my lungs aren’t full. Like there isn’t enough air going into my lungs. And then after a while I manage to catch my breath, but seconds or minutes later the feeling returns where I can’t catch my breath. This is the only way I can describe it really. Its scary sometimes, but mostly just uncomfortable. Is it similar to what you’re experiencing?
But it does give me some peace of mind knowing it’s just anxiety.
It subsided all through January and February, but has come back the past month. Admittedly I’m very anxious at the moment so makes sense that it’s back. But it originally started for me last summer, and I’m still alive and well, so it really is nothing to worry about.
Have you tried meditation to help ease anxiety?
I’ve had it for 3/4 weeks now and hasn’t got any better is that normal with anxiety
I’ve had it constantly now for around 3 weeks because I’m super anxious at the moment. Even when I’m trying to relax, like watching tv or reading, I still have it. But when it first started last summer it would come and go. I’d have it for 2+ weeks and then it would go for a few days or a week and then come back.
It will pass, but only when you can totally relax. Anxiety is a horrible thing and it shows it’s self in many different ways.
Just try to take comfort in the fact that the doctors said it’s anxiety and also other people have the same issue and have been told it’s anxiety. So don’t let your mind try to convince you that it’s anything serious. Please don’t worry too much, worry and stress will just make it worse.
That could be because of the anxiety? Have you sought counseling? Anxiety can make your body to different things ?
As I'm sitting typing this I'm having those exact symptoms. I'm having shortness of breath, my lungs almost feel heavy, I'm coughing (but mainly to clear this imaginary lump in my throat) the real me is trying to tell .myself its anxiety, but my anxiety is telling me that its carona and I'm going to die. Its just horrendous. I wish I could say something to help you, but please know you're not alone.
Yeah as I sit here just normally I can feel a little tickle in my throat persistently can this happen with anxiety
Hi Lee
I have shortness of breath as a lingering symptom of anxiety even though I don't feel anxious. Mine has gone on for over a year. It is very gradually improving and can go away for a few weeks then comes back again. It is unpleasant but nothing to worry about.
Excercise does get rid of mine even though I feel worse while doing it I persist and afters get relief for a few hours. That also tells me that I have nothing wrong with my heart or lungs. My doctor said that I would feel much worse after excercise if I had.
Try not too focus on it and it will gradually go.
Very best wishes.
I’m the same Kim, exercise relives mine. I run. And I tell myself that if I had any serious lung issues I wouldn’t be able to run for 40 mins with ease!
It’s shocking but also comforting to see so many people have this very same issue.
Makes me feel less worried and alone knowing it really is just a common sign of anxiety!
You just have to relax and stop creating symptoms that are related to your fear disease.
You have to start believing in something that heals you
If you think of the symptoms will the symptoms appear with anxiety
ACCEPTANCE is your biggest challenge right now. When you start absorbing others experiences here and accept your doctors advice etc. you’ll be able to work on this.
Breathing better is your ultimate goal, acceptance can move you towards the right path of better management and coping.

I know just my tickly throat worries me
You can do meditation maybe it can be helpful for you.
Best of luck!
I’ve tried all the breathing and doesn’t really work
I've found this article, maybe it can be helpful for you. You can check your anxiety level as well as there are short term & long term treatment options are mentioned.
Best wishes!
My chest gets tight with anxiety but if I excersize I can get past it. If there’s anything that helps you to not think about it and relax do that. I also have a prescription for Xanax and that works when I can’t sleep Good luck that’s a miserable feeling
Lee ... you say you’ve had this for 3/4 weeks... trust me when I tell you this.... if there was something seriously wrong with you that was affecting your breathing firstly the doctors would of been able to hear (crackles etc inside your lungs) and see oxygen levels ... if there is a problem with lungs oxygen levels fall and fall dramatically most times to like 84 instead of 100.... your thought is that you can’t breathe.... your subconscious thought carries on that scenario inside your head so fast that you don’t recognise it but your subconscious then says (so if I can’t breathe then I must have the virus and if I have the virus maybe it will kill me) .... this is why you feel like you can’t breathe as your bombarding yourself with anxiety.... and I “know” its anxiety because I’ve read through this whole post and have noticed that when someone convinces you somewhat that there’s nothing wrong with your breathing you jump to another problem... then it’s the tickle in your throat (please note this wasn’t part of your initial problem that you posted about) but now it has crept in to become one.... do you see what I’m getting at.... if you couldn’t breathe due to a really serious condition you wouldn’t be standing you’d be on a stretcher with an oxygen mask being taken to hospital..... try to let it go and next time you feel like you can’t breathe you tell yourself “but I am quite adequately ty and drs know my chest is clear and my oxygen levels are fine I’m really overthinking this take care
Yeah I know where your coming from just had it everyday all day for 4weeks that’s all and never had this before
I’ve been dealing with the same thing for about a month. It’s constant...all day every day and it’s worse when I lay down. I’ve been waking up gasping for air a lot in the middle of the night too.

Yeah and me my oxygen was 99 when I went doctors last week and still have the breathing

Literally dealing with this right now. Has it gotten better or went away?
When you breath in what does it feel like
It’s a horrible feeling. I have been that way for years. It is anxiety and it’s awful because it lasts for days. I actually carry a pulse oxomider to check my oxygen level all the time. It is the thing they put on your finger at the hospital. Get one at a drug store and check it when you feel short of breath. It will ease your anxiety when you see your getting enough oxygen in your blood.
How u doing now?