I’ve been dealing with anxiety and agoraphobia for almost 8 years, is there anyone else suffering from the same problems that would like to chat and support each other?
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We are all here to try and support each other and I hope as people come on you will get some welcoming replies
I suffer with anxiety as well as been agoraphobic 18 years now which is no fun as when you have anxiety as well as been stuck in I think this adds to everything as you have to much time to think
How does yours affect you ?
Are you getting any kind of support , in contact with your Doctor , maybe have friends and family to help you ?
There is always someone on here that you can talk to and I hope even if in a small way that might help to know you are not alone
Take Care x

Hello, thanks for your message. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been going through the same things for so long, you must be tired of it by now 😂. My anxiety makes me think the worst of every situation. I get anxiety thinking about leaving my home and when I’m outdoors in busy places I can be a nervous wreck at times. I used to be a lot lot worse it seems to be getting better with age but I’m no where near the place I want to be in. I don’t get much help from anyone tbh. I don’t get much support either. It’s just me dealing with it, I have very few friends that I can vent to but it is what it is
O bless you
But you are doing well better than me and you are getting out a little so think of those positives and a bit better than what you were , I would settle for that
Have you thought about talking to your Doctor about how you feel and maybe been referred for some therapy ?
I know you tend to loose friends when you are like this I think this happens to quite a few of us but you always have someone to talk to on here x

I’m just focusing on my health right now, I used to binge eat so much and I’ve only just recently got a grip of it and now I’m losing weight really fast, I just wanna focus on that, one thing at a time and when I’m healthier and I’m happy enough with my body I’m going to look into therapy. Have you ever tried therapy or found anything that helps your anxiety and your agoraphobia? Also I used to have lots and lots of friends, they used to always come to my house to try and get me out but I’d just make up excuses to why I couldn’t go out and eventually lost contact with them all x
Well you are doing some real positive things so well done
I think once your health feels better your MH will improve to
I have tried for years to get the right support still trying even though I feel I could be getting closer , I do hope so
I also have been stuck in 18 years now so I have no idea how to get back out that is why I say if anyone can still get out a little bit keep pushing yourself as I would hate anyone to end up like me !
I used to also have friends that tried to get me out and it is sad and it hurts as eventually they do drift away but I suppose they have their life's to get on with but I would still keep in touch but maybe that is because I know what it is like to be suffering
I have no miracle cure as yet , but I do go on You Tube and put in deep relaxation that helps me when I am loosing it and just really trying hard to reverse my thinking process which is easier said than done but as long as we are trying I think that eventually it will get better and you sound like you are taking some really positive steps x

18 years is a long time I can only imagine how hard it has been for you. If you ever want someone to talk to, need to vent, or want advice, come to me, I’d be happy to help you the best I can.
Yes it is a long time
Thank you and same as well if you need to talk just give a shout x
Hi Jason, welcome to the group, great people on here, alot of people with similar issues to youself so hoping being on here will help you get things off your chest x