Just been getting on with my day the BANG I just don’t feel right all of a sudden gasping for air heart pounding shaking dizziness.. surely that ain’t a panic attack? Can they just come on whenever!? Iv taken 2mg on diazepam for now .. spoke to my doctor yesterday again over phone I’m saying to him look I’m just so scared I’m going to have a heart attack he goes you ain’t and the pains you have had in your chest have been for years he said put it this way if you was going to have a heart attack you won’t know it you be dead so why u scared and If you believe in life after death then u be in heaven lol he made me laugh I said do you think I’ll be here next week he goes YES MICHAELA !! I must do his head in lol .. but once again nothing has really changed my anxiety is still through the roof well hope it is just anxiety it’s just my heart is pounding and I can’t stop swallowing it’s so weird!
😒: Just been getting on with my day the... - Anxiety Support

Aww you are certainly going through it right now, how awful for you. Is your auntie staying with you just now? I hope you will start to feel a bit better later. PM if you need to chat, you'll be ok xx
Yeh my auntie is staying with me for now .. I have my dog aswell that cuddles me at night lol. My dogs gets so weird when I start running around the house screaming I can’t breath feel like I’m totally CRAZY but Thankyou. Hope your ok to xx
Awww nothing better than dogs ❤️
Love my dog so much. She’s by my side constantly! She’s 9 now x
That's nice, I love dogs, all animals to be honest but dogs are special, great company and very loving. What breed of dog is she?
I have 6 dogs 😂😂

Aren't they just the best!

I will be an old lady with just 100 dogs and no kids lol
There’s a website called The Worry Games. I also follow her on Instagram, her website explains everything and is brilliant for understanding what’s happening to you and how to deal with it.. Give it a go x

Ok I will go look now! Thankyou xx

What’s her name on instagram x
Annalisa scott @theworrygames. She’s been through it all. Her website is the best I’ve ever seen for Information and explanation. It really is worth reading through it all.

I'll check that out as well, thanks for that info!
Tell everyone where you can. No doctor or mental health nurse explains it like this lady.
I had this yesterday! So scary. I always think it’s more serious but it’s always just my anxiety. I know how you feel. If you ever need someone to talk to just PM me! I get these same sensations with anxiety and they are pretty scary.
I’m sure it’s just anxiety. I have the same thing happen to me often and I always worry about having a heart attack too. Reassurance from your doctor and other people helps but only for a short while until it happens again. Anxiety is very evil because it creates physical symptoms and makes you believe it’s something else which creates more anxiety. I hope you’re feeling better now!
Im still having palpitations even though Iv taken a diazepam am I going to die 😢 feel terrible AGAIN
No girl. You’re going to be fine

It’s the worst feeling it’s just beating so fast! And can’t stop thinking about my heart now! It’s ridiculous my hearts been racing all day practically has yours done this before. I feel like I’m about to die!!!
Oh yeah mine is racing right now. It races all day every day. Whenever I go to a doctor’s office my heart rate is usually 110bpm or higher. If you can, get some exercise. Drink some chamomile tea. A lot of water. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Whenever I have alcohol it gets so much worse, especially the next day. So I’m abstaining for right now.

Yh one time my heart went up to 201!!!!! I don’t drink alcohol anymore haven’t even months Iv given up smoking aswelll! Dunno just all day my hearts been racing even with diazepam scared I’m going to die x
I’ve had it go up that high before as well. Good for you! You’re doing the best you can. It’s hard not to self-medicate when you have severe anxiety like this. Personally, I can’t tolerate SSRIs. I’ve tried all of them and they all gave me weird symptoms. Talk with your doctor since diazepam doesn’t seem to be helping you. You’re not going to die, it’s anxiety and when you have anxiety it’s normal to have a high heart rate. Some days are worse than others.

Iv been on sertraline for years I don’t get any symptoms from them really I don’t think .. I was on mirtazapine before being put on sertraline and was the worst put so much weight on me I couldn’t open my eyes constantly made me sleep!
I take Xanax. I’ve been taking it for 5 years. I’ve been weaning off slowly & it’s so hard to stop! Benzos are no joke. Even though I’m on a very low dose. (.25mg once or twice a day now)

I just read up about sertraline on nhs site it says about “have a heart problem - sertraline can speed up or change your heartbeat” but don’t think I have heart problems think I’m panicking now
Every medication has side effects and looking them up can increase your anxiety and panic. Googling anything is a bad idea.
Hang in there. I work as a firefighter and I’ve been in a lot of stressful situations, and I’d had the chest pains before but it will get better. You’re a beautiful girl and life is wasting away for you. You will get through it I promise. If you ever need to talk just message me.
Thankyou means a lot! Just going through a lot right but don’t get why I’m waking up with my heart racing it’s so scary I know I’m going to die 😢
The mind is a powerful weapon. It’s so powerful, it can create thoughts and pains that aren’t real...it can convince the masses to wage war against another country. Your mind can either be your worst enemy or your biggest ally. Knowledge is power. Research about your mind, your thoughts. Read up on brain research, and read up on ways you can train your mind to work In your favor. Anxiety is scary and feelings of sickness and thoughts of death are scary too, but I promise you that time is your best weapon, and focus is your most powerful tool.