It’s happened again just fell asleep woke up with my heart POUNDING got myself into such a state I just feel like all the time a sense of doom and constantly worrying surely this ain’t anxiety I’m sweating , how am I ever going to overcome this I can’t keep living the way I’m feeling I feel so awful. I hope everyone is all well and coping ok
Never ending : It’s happened again just fell... - Anxiety Support
Never ending

Last year during the first part of the pandemic I was waking up in cold sweats , feeling doomed not eating ETC it was so bad
Hey kaaayla,
I have had panic attacks wake me out of a dead sleep before. What you are describing is exactly what I felt like. You will eventually overcome it. It took me well over a year to learn how to start to cope. Every day I would wake up and tell me self “see you are ok, it was just anxiety.” Try telling yourself that every morning when you wake up and see if that helps you any. It may take some time. I really hope you find some relief soon. Anxiety is exhausting ❤️
I have had these feelings of panic during the night just the same as you have described sweating, shaking, heart pounding , then lie awake wondering if it will happen again when I go back to sleep and it does. I also wake with bad nausea which stops me from eating breakfast.It’s a vicious circle I have been told it is all down to anxiety and your brain is still active even when you are sleeping,
This has been happening for weeks! I wish I could find a way to stop it happening!
Iv just had it again it’s like such a weird feeling my heart is pounding so hard and I’m shaking all over. I don’t understand why this keeps happening I’m just so scared. I can’t shut off
Is the pounding of your heart the main symptom bothering you? Are you on any anxiety meds? There is a med called Propanolol which helps slow down the fast paced heart beat.
I suffer with this most nights, I wake up feeling, hot, sweaty and feeling sick and also a sense of doom. Its the worst feeling but it is anxiety that causes it, knowing this doesn't always help but i keep repeating to myself that it will soon go and sometimes it calms me down. I hope you start to feel better soon.
It’s so horrible ain’t it I just trying to sleep Iv slept for like 5/10 mins modded of . Iv jump up thinking I can’t breathe heart rate was 200bpm and I felt like my chest was getting all tight. I’m so scared I just dunno wots going on with me
So it’s ur fight or flight being active at night stopping u from sleeping. I recently bought a supplement from Amazon that I can honestly say helps sleep and anxiety and I’ve tried everything but this really works!! It’s £40 quite expensive it’s called LIDTKE Tryptophan u get 120 tablets and take 3 tablets 1 hour before bed!! If ur not sleeping Kayla then ur body will be exhausted which will heighten ur senses causing more panic, vicious cycle😢what time do u go to bed normally?
I still haven’t been to sleep every time I’m dropping off I wake up with my heart racing like mad!!! I’m so scared. I dunno what’s going on. Iv just taken a 2mg diazepam it’s like my brain just won’t stop thinking negative it’s like I’m not even real weird feeling. I will look up that thing On Amazon n give it a try Hope all well with you
I’m ok thanks for asking! Give it a try as it seems u need something to help u as ur going through hell at the moment!! Hope u get a few hours sleep 😴 this morning/afternoon and look after yourself! Chamomile tea may help before bed but isn’t quite PG Tips!! X