I posted a little while ago about my heart fluttering more than usual. I did see a cardiologist that has done ekg, stress and echocardiogram on me before that found no sign of a problem with the heart flutters; they were benign. This time he wants to test again before he gives me any beta blockers to be sure nothing has changed. Meanwhile, of course I am more stressed; trying not to be but the older I am getting, the worse I am about doctors and me. Can anyone share some positive feedback for me? You are all so kind and supportive😊💕
Heart fluttering and slight Mitro valve pr... - Anxiety Support
Heart fluttering and slight Mitro valve prolapse

Can you explain further on what symptoms you have to deal with other than the fluttering? I get the flutters too but I also have to deal with POTS. ( Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia.) I'm glad he is retesting you. Doctors that show that kind of concern and don't just throw a med at you, are hard to find.
Thank you for your reply. I have a sudden heavy beat that can happen multiple times a day or not at all for months or years. Two or three times the skipping or heavy beat was continuous and lasted for 2 or 3 minutes or more. That was scary. The last time that happened I was given the beta blockers to take. That hasn’t happened since. I haven’t taken the beta blockers since that time. My doctor says that sometimes problems with the heart can bring on anxiety and it feeds on each other. I exercise, horseback ride and am very active and feel no pain, lightheadedness or any other symptoms. But I do have a mitro valve problem which he is going to check through the echocardiogram and go from there. That’s a faulty flap that opens and closes as the blood flows and the heart beats. Mine is slightly leaky, but at my last test was considered non problematic. I’m hoping nothing has changed and this increased skipped beats are just the results of added stress. I also have high cholesterol which he says he also will address with a statin that I won’t have side effects from like I did the last one given from another dr. A lot to hope and pray for.
Hi, I get skipped heart beats every day. PVCS.
If it helps 5 years ago I was getting thousands and thousands per hour. Even had to stop working,
Had a cardiac reveal monitor inserted for 3 years and all benign. It’s just an unfortunate uncomfortable symptom I have to deal with. I really don’t worry at all about them now even when I feel like my heart is kicking and sometimes it actually hurts. If cardiologist say it’s benign Don’t worry. Xx
Hey I think I have POTS! I have low blood pressure and when I lying down my heart rate is let’s say 60 then when I stand up it does up to 130. My systolic pressure always drops too. My eyes go dark and my legs start shaking like mad and I feel dizzy. My doctor is an expert in POTS, she written to a cardiologist to to and get me in but after 6 weeks still haven’t hear because of Covid! She keeps asking to if I can pay private and see and expert in London who is the best at diagnosing automonic dysfunction. This has been going on for some time but I didn’t know what it was, only found out by accident that my BP was low When I used my father in laws monitor.
I also get PVCS but benign.
Wonder what your POTS symptoms are? X

Thank you for your reply. I was diagnosed with mitro valve prolapse and then a while back my dr said it wasn’t severe enough for him to say that I have MVP. This time he wants to see if anything has changed since those tests. I have been having higher bp readings lately and I have moderately high cholesterol count. Dr wants to treat both issues. So I have a lot to address but I don’t believe I have POTS.
You can sort your high cholesterol with eating right. I am eating really healthy... mine was 7about 10 years ago... always normal now. Presuming you have had an echocardiogram?

I am on a low cholesterol diet. Always. My cholesterol is high because of genetics. My liver produces too much. I have had an echocardiogram 4 years ago. My dr wants to do another next week.

Sorry I just saw this. I've been offline for a while due to the fires here and all the smoke. I was getting really ill from it. And not the best thing for POTS. As for my symptoms, I have the same thing happen to me. My blood pressure drops really low but my pulse goes over 100. I get extremely dizzy and I've passed out many times. I have a scar over my eyebrow when I passed out in my bathroom one time. I woke up to blood of course. I can usually tell if my blood pressure is low by how I'm feeling. And I also find when I'm laying down, I have trouble breathing, when I don't have that problem at any other time. Not sure if that is related or not. POTS is very hard to diagnose if the person being tested isn't having an episode. My doctor at the time went by all of my symptoms and what would happen to me. It doesn't help that I'm anemic and have low sodium levels too. Are you going to see that specialist or wait until you can get into the Cardiologist near you? Please be careful!
I don’t believe I have POTS, but my stress level has been high lately and causes my heart to flutter or skip in my chest. I have had this condition most of my life. One cardiologist a while back said I have mitro valve prolapse. My recent dr said after some tests that I have a very mild form of it. Because the flutterings have been increasing lately I went to see this cardiologist again and I will be having an echocardiogram on Friday to see if the condition has changed. My blood pressure has also gotten on the high side as well. My dr will address these things for me. I power walk every morning and have no shortness of breath or dizziness and the flutterings or skips don’t register on a ekg or the halter monitor as anything serious as of yet. I do hope this has not changed.
Well some of that was good news! Please keep us updated after your test? I was told I had the same thing years ago, however, I've never had high blood pressure except when I get the "white coat syndrome" at an appointment. I hope everything turns out okay and whatever they do find, is minimal!

Pamziepam, The symptoms of POTS vs Dysautonomia are quite similar and can
in themselves cause anxiety. Once the issue is corrected, the anxiety can go away.
Many patients diagnosed with MVP really suffer from Dysautonomia.. In the states,
there is a large teaching hospital in Birmingham, Alabama that specializes with this issue.
I hope this helps some. xx
Keep on with it it's so hard at first
Update on my tests from my cardiologist. First he told me to take 2 tablets of magnesium each day. I didn’t know why, but started taking it and I noticed a change right away. I felt my heart was acting more normal with less skipping. My halter monitor test was completely normal as was my echocardiogram. And at the time I was having these tests I was very anxious and my heart was skipping at the time but even though , all showed a normal healthy heart! I am very thankful and I can say that I am much better now; very few heart flutters and sometimes none at all. The dr said my mitro valve prolapse was not changed and still considered not a problem. All this has put my mind at ease💕🌷