Happening again ugh it sux i wish i could get some med's already but there is a 2 month waiting list at MHMR i already got my foot in the door all i have to do now is to see the doctor
Heart fluttering : Happening again ugh it... - Anxiety Support
Heart fluttering

They'll probably live you lorazapam Jax. They help for a while but your body gets used to them and you have to take more as time goes by.
Yes i have taken them before and they did help the ER gave them to me a few years ago
It's really up to you how you feel if you want to take them again. I've been on and off them for years. They relax your mind and body for 6 hours, they take about 20 minutes to work. They're a good stop gap for emergencies but really you need to learn meditation. I'm trying to do this atm.
My advice is cut out all caffeine if you do drink it.... See if that helps.
Hello Jax, I suffer from anxiety as well not as much as I used to tho. I am on this sight now to help others and share the knowledge I have learned and try to help others get a hold of this real live fear we have . The one thing that helped me the most was someone told me I can not die from anxiety . That statement helped me greatly. But it's true everything speeds up with anxiety it's the opposite if your dieing . I used to be on xanix and adavan but I learned so much about how my body works and about anxiety that it got to the point were I did not need to take them anymore I just made sure I carried at least one with me to feel safe . It was a mind set thing. . There are reasons why we have anxiety and it helps to know why we have it and if you can figure out why and when it started you will be on your way to squashing this anxiety .. hang in Jax . We are all here for you.
Yes, tea has caffeine.
Hi there
We all have different coping strategies and if they work well, great! I hope you don't mind me saying this but you can overcome your anxiety, even without medication acting as a crutch/safety net. You just need to take the fear away from all those thoughts and feelings that occur when you are anxious. To do this, you need to gain a good understanding of what triggers it from a physiological point of view. It is just your normal fear/flight reaction kicking in but exaggerated when something happens or a thought enters your head, both of which never used to bother you or even think about, let alone worry over.
Once you understand what is happening to your mind and body, it takes away a lot of the fear which is keeping you on the anxiety treadmill. Once the fear has been exposed as a lie and you know what you are dealing with, it makes the whole process of acceptance (being comfortable about feeling uncomfortable) much easier. This is key because true acceptance will eventually see you recover and no need to rely upon medication to see you through or be tucked away in your pocket, just in case the bogey man reappears.
How do I know all this? It is contained in a book called Essential Help For Your Nerves by the late Dr Claire Weekes.
If you follow her teachings, like I did, you will recover and never fear anxiety again.
Best wishes