Sometimes my heart flutters out of nowhere for no apparent reason and sometimes it takes awhile for it to calm down. Is this associated with anxiety? Sometimes it feels like my heart aches when this happens also.
Heart fluttering out of nowhere. - Anxiety Support
Heart fluttering out of nowhere.
Yes I get this. I read that it can be the vagus nerve being irritated by a gassy or upset tummy. Interesting read..have a Google certainly makes sense.
I wouldn't worry too much my heart has been flitting for years on and off. Jen xx
Yes that is probaby heart palpitations.. they are pretty scary but usually harmless. Just something else coming from anxiety 😕
Hi, my heart does it all the time and it makes me feel light headed! I also started having panic attacks which are very scary, I try not to worry about it but it's hard not to! It's down to Anxiety I know but some days I feel awful!!
Hope you feel better soon x
get the same thing my heart goes fast all the time and flutters its like a everyday thing i get lets of chest pains aswell back pain neck pain and sometimes my arms and shoulder but i guess all anxiety they say if you have it severe been to docters they say im fine
Yeah anxiety is a terror!