Didn’t last long : Well had a pretty decent... - Anxiety Support

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Didn’t last long

Natsteveo profile image
17 Replies

Well had a pretty decent day yesterday but this morning?

Completely different health anxiety at its peak

The usual symptoms only this time had many nervous toilet runs. (Excuse the info)

That pure fear of dread is there in the pit of my tummy like something bad is about to happen although I know it’s not convincing you self conscious mind that it’s not, is the hardest hurdle

😔😔 really hate living like this anyone else agree

Nat xx

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Natsteveo profile image
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17 Replies
Amandasullivan12 profile image

Same woke up with butterflies feeling of dread 😫

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Amandasullivan12

Aww sweetie it’s horrible isn’t it

Hope the rest of your day is better

Nat xx

Amandasullivan12 profile image
Amandasullivan12 in reply to Natsteveo

Same to you to hun x

Tallbud profile image

Totally understand what you are saying,had those feelings so bad that it made me house bound for just over 3 yrs

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Tallbud

Oh dear it’s so consuming isn’t it


I’m the same - had a relatively good week last week, but this week has been an anxiety roller coaster! Woke up feeling fine and then literately about 2 mins later, that sinking ‘sick to the stomach’ feeling kicks in and I start worrying. My knees feel wobbly, my head is pressured and aches and I’ve lost my appetite.

Trying to put a brave face on it for my children, but it gets so exhausting dealing with anxiety daily.

What do you all do to help? distraction? Clam breathing? Meditate? Cry? ......I’ve tried them all today and it’s only lunchtime 😀

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to

Awww so sorry your going through this too its a nasty nightmare to live through isnt it the actual struggle is so hard . Ive not actually got any coping strategies yet but I get up out of the place I'm in and I do something to try and take my mind of it and I breathe deep through my nose and out my mouth I try not to focus on the anxiety but we have no control whatsoever do we.

I had some amazing advice the other day and that was to accept the anxiety let it in do what its gotta do then it leaves? Do you know what I actually did that this morning.

I spoke out loud to it and said"come on then do your worst...then do one??

Ya know it actually worked I was so amazed ive had it for 20+ years and its just up and gone and I'm gonna do that now every single time it happens could be 10 times a day but I'm going g to give it a go

Nat xx

Cicinoodle profile image
Cicinoodle in reply to Natsteveo

Sometimes we have to just shake it off like a dog does. We cannot waste anymore years in a black hole of dread and anxiety.

Think healthy and it will happen!

Try to get a good belly laugh and make it a good day!


Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Cicinoodle

Yes totally agree 👍

Davola77 profile image

Exactly the same as me, feel need wee but nothing much

Feeling tense and tense headache..

it’s horrible

Hi Nat :-)

Sorry you have woken up and it has come back but it will have it's up's and downs and then level out

You have the runs I have the opposite today when it comes to the toilet my anxiety will go one way or the other ! neither any good !

Had an awful night last night , still feel shattered but together we will get through this , you are doing really well :-)

Take Care x

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to

hello my lovely lulu

We know what our symptoms are and what they mean its just convincing our heads what it really is and making it believe thats what it is too isnt it

I had a night off last night and I started a journal of my Ha journey so I can refer back to it at a later date to prove that its real it does happen and I'm not alone in any of this

Hope your doi g abit better today

Nat xx

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image

Hello Natzsteveo,

I've seen your last few posts and have been wanting to reply for a while now but finally took the time to.

This was exactly my life as well for many years. Waking up with those feelings and at times worse, often times I'd wake up around 3 AM and every hour from then on with a panic feeling, etc. I was on sick leave for nearly 3 years due to chronic fatigue symptoms/fibromyalgia.

I did so much research and countless tests but everything would come out normal. I had severe IBS but always related it to my Panic Disorder. I tried so many things, Diet, Exercise, Meditation/breathing techniques, medication then vitamin supplements, nothing helped.

The 3 things that have completely controlled the symptoms were #1 Renewed faith in God, #2 Probiotics, #3 CPAP machine for sleep apnea. I am not obese and my doctors kept ignoring my request for a sleep study because I would tell them that when my anxiety was bad I would stop breathing when dosing off. Finally he accepted and did the study and was found to have sleep apnea. So my sleep is much better with the CPAP.

The biggest help was the probiotics, because the issues didn't completely leave with the CPAP.

I really believe that for many people their gut microbiome is messed up, which affects our immune system, and other systems, etc.

What has helped me is, 50B probiotics daily, with psyllium husk capsules to help feed the probiotics. I've been through 3 different meds last year which hadn't really helped much, some made me worse. About 6 years ago I was on Venlafaxine which really helped and stopped my panic attacks, but came with a bunch of side effects, including fatigue. I had also tried diet and exercise but with no results and usually felt worse for hours/days afterwards. I also went through a lot the past 10 years with anxiety and panic. But last year was the worse for me.

My anxiety is pretty much nonexistent now, and my energy levels are still problematic at times but I'm gradually recovering from years being unwell. Biking/moderate exercise 3 times a weeks sometimes a little weight lifting in between days. All of this I find helps me to actually be tired at night and fall asleep better.

The gut and brain connection plays a huge role and the probiotics helped me tremendously and might do the same for you. It took a few weeks to finally notice a difference and a few more to really see a big difference.

I saw a study that shows that approximately 80% of our seretonin is produced in the gut, so imagine all the other ones that might be the same.

I use Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion from Renew Life. They also have 30, 40 and 90 billion. Here's what strains you should try to get if you can't find it, since these helped me:

Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132) 25 Billion

Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA-122) 10 Billion

Lactobacillus casei (HA-108) 8.875 Billion

Bifidobacterium breve (HA-129) 4 Billion

Bifidobacterium longum (HA-135) 1 Billion

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-111) 250 Million

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA- 114) 250 Million

Lactobacillus plantarum (HA-119) 250 Million

Lactobacillus fermentum (HA-179) 250 Million

Lactobacillus salivarius (HA-118) 125 Million

other companies have similar ones but I know this company worked well for my mom and I. Their capsule is a slow release so that more can reach the large intestine. Multiple strains are being studied because theoretically probiotics are supposed to help your immune system, anxiety and as the probiotics help convert the food you eat to vitamins more effectively, since they aid digestion.

I pray you find a solution and that this may help. God Bless.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to HealthAnxietyGuy

Hi there wow there's some amazing advice and support in your reply im goi g to look into the prebiotic somebody else mentioned them before im on vitabiotics if that's whT they called 😉 just for hair and nails though i will certainly look into this thanks so much


Edmonton81 profile image


Fully agree, it’s like one day we are good and the next it’s totally different. Do you have kids? I have 3 and they keep me busy in the day but then at night when everyone is asleep bang I’m all in my thoughts.

Where are you situated hun? If you don’t mind me asking xx

Natsteveo profile image

My kids are grown up and left home im a grandmother now to a 2 year old granddaughter who i love with all my heart ❤ she helps me loads its just trying to hide it best I can which as you know is hard im in UK hun

Nat xx

Berniebow profile image

What helps me is reading the messages on this site at least I know I'm not alone and anxiety is frightening sometimes our methods of coping work but when they don't it's scary. I've seen me sometimes looking through web sites all night long for reassurance when the anxiety attacks hit me in the night and nothing seems to work. Take care.

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