Hello,Im 17 and i suffer from anxiety for about 8 years. Ive always feared death,but not with such intense panic. About 3 weeks ago i started to feel horrible,but this was due to the fact that i wasnt eating enough because i was stressed. I started eating and i still got these annoying feelings like vertigo,dizziness,almost 10 panic attacks a day,sometimes heart palpitations.I went to the doc,she told me that im anemic and gave me pills. i feel better. But the one that scares me is the fact that i have a real feeling that im going to die. Its like my mind tells me this constantly from the moment i wake up,till the moment i fall asleep. Its very intense and very real and i feel like im going to die any minute and i worry because i dont want to die young and i worry because i think this dying feeling is a sign of death. Did anyone else felt this way or it's just me? Is it anxiety?
Fear of dying: Hello,Im 17 and i suffer from... - Anxiety Support
Fear of dying

Hi, I also have a fear of dying. It's always been my biggest fear. It recently has gotten worse and basically has taken over my life. My grandmother passed away in March and my doctors believe that is what has triggered my anxiety. I literally think I'm dying all day long. I become angry because I'm wasting my life away worrying about dying instead of living. Research "health anxiety" and see if it helps at all. Make sure you talk with your parents/guardians about your feelings.
I experienced even more anxiety after my grandma died too. It was 3 years ago,but still. And I too feel like it has taken over my life. What do you do to keep yourself calm? Or its just like me,you cant keep calm at all?
I'm 20, I have anxiety disorder and panic disorder, I'm terrified of dying. I'm constantly having panic attacks about death. I'm at at ER like 5 times in one month Bc I'm always afraid I'm going to die. I don't know if it will ever go away. /: sorry if I'm no help, just thought it'd be nice to know you're not alone..
Yes I have been feeling like that everyday it's my life I have tried everything but nothing seems to help me the feeling is real believe me dizziness 24/7 now 17months headache ,feeling like am drunk and it's scaring all the time it's hard to believe that it's anxiety and the feeling is so painfull am helpless