Hello, I’m 16 years old. I’ve been struggling with this thing of thinking I’m seeing signs from god that I’m dying soon. Such as YouTube videos, video games I play, all sorts of things. I’ve had health anxiety for as long as I can remember but was diagnosed while I was in 7th grade (2016). My head will give me these specific days I have left or just fear I’m dying this night or that night. Are things like that I’m seeing coincidences or could I really be dying? Does God do these things? I’m trying to get an appointment for counseling but the COVID-19 thing keeps extending the appointment date. I’ve been feeling hopeless and restless. Thank you for any responses!
I fear that God is telling me that I’m dying. - Anxiety Support
I fear that God is telling me that I’m dying.

I feel like that sometimes but think to yourself how do u know the feeling of dying? You don't and it will not happen,it's a frightening symtom but nothing is going to happen to you
Thank you for your response! I try and think that way but my head twists things around constantly. I literally don’t know what to do. I feel very very helpless.
Your mind is a powerful thing but your not going to die,your anxiety is playing tricks on you
I understand, thank you so much for your reply. I’m still waiting on my counseling. I feel very very alone when it comes to this, it has me convinced almost 24/7.
Health Anxiety is horrible,I've suffered with it for 7 years now and had every symptom going but just got to think were still here,I don't let it take over my life anymore it's not worth it x
I’ve had health anxiety for about 4 years, and I agree, it is horrible. I’m pretty sure my head decides to get even more creative due to the whole lockdown thing. (Michigan)
It will do,your probably over thinking then you let it take over,don't let it and try and occupy yourself,there is nothing wrong with you,your fit and healthy x
The bothersome part is: how do I know it’s just anxiety and not anything religious? Is it something God would tell you, knowing you suffer from anxiety regardless?
I use to think to myself am I sure this is anxiety,it really does frighten you but it is anxiety unfortunately,I've learnt how to control it now and until you can do that it will scare you everyday
This means so much. I feel somewhat hopeful now, thank you tons! I’d like to hear more about your story if that’s fine..? So feel free to shoot me a message and we can chat possibly.
I'm no expert but I think sometimes we look for patterns in things to try to make some sense of the Chaos we feel in our heads.
Please do not read anything into it, it's just thoughts.
You are all good.😀
Hi there! Thanks for posting that because I'm going through the same problem. I swear I get these kinds of videos on Instagram or youtube and I get a crazy panic attack. It sucks REALLY! But I always try to tell my self that how many times through the year I got this kind of thought so I try to ignore it. It comes to me whenever we have a happy occasion which makes me really mad. Now I feel I know that it's just my thoughts and yes I'm try to go against them and it's hard, but because I want to change and not live like this I will do my best to ignore these feelings until they disappear.
Thanks for this response! Tell me more, are you getting better? I understand how hard it is. It’s really hard when you’re searching things up and you can’t find anyone with the similar fear as you. I’m glad you posted this and found my post. I hope it reassures you just a little bit like it did with me!
Hello there. It isn't God that's telling you that you are going to die. He never gives us that information. I have health anxiety, and I learn't that what you are experiencing is one BIG lie. This comes from the father of all liars the devil. He likes to keep you in bondage, and the biggest way he manipulates us is through the mind. Hence the saying "Get behind me Satan". Just tell him you are a child of God, you belong to him and he made you, and you will not die - you will live to glorify the Lord. Stand up to him and he will flee from you. Say the name Jesus out loud - and give him a nervous breakdown. He is terrfied of the name of Jesus. I am a Christian and this is all the truth from the Bible. Hope this helps you calm down. I know how terrible this condition is - but I am still here, and fighting fit. Love and Blessings.
Thank you so much! I’ve understood how minds would take everything you love and attempt to flip it on its back, but I wasn’t sure if it was really God or not. I’m a Protestant but never really worshipped but I’d pray occasionally. I’m most definitely gunna start going back to church when this pandemic slows down!
That's really good to hear. You will be OK honest! Get Jesus back in your life, he brings great joy and love, and of course, he is the Great Healer - doing the same today as he did yesterday. He is alive and with you right now. He loves you because he died for you, that you might have life and have it to the FULL. He will never leave you, or forsake you - that is his promise. God Bless.
Yes! I get these sumptoms since several years and they made me so pale. My family didn't notice at all, sometimes I will be sitting with them chatting and having fun and suddenly I feel like dying at that moment, IT SUCKS!!! There were so many times where I felt myself sitting in a black corner while I wear laughing and taking to them, of course they couldn't see that, but I felt it. I couldn't tell them how I feel because I think its gonna make my situation worst so I just kept it to my self. And i still think I made the right choice for me because then I feel that I'm not making it feels right and a big deal. By time and especially after working it went away and I appreciate living without these toxic thoughts. I'm not saying it went away completely, it does come from time to time but I try to control it as much as I can. If you want to hear a story about the last one and why it happened i will let you know 😊
I think you should keep yourself busy and find something you love to do. Never sit by yourself without doing anything. That helped me a lot too!
You know I love this website. I have been going through exactly what you have for the last six months after i had my baby. I had voices from within me tell me when and how i was going die. People keep telling me that's it is related to postpartum but it still terrifies me. I too wonder would God tell someone that to prepare them. It's been tormenting to say the least. I pray every day and i hope your feelings will go away. God bless you.

I hope you feel better very soon too. After this lockdown, we all can go and get the help we deserve! I’ll pray for you!
Thank you for your prayer. And yes i pray we get the help we need soon. If you need anyone to talk to I am here for you. Have a blessed life.
I completely understand been feeling this all week heavy but battling it for a year now. It gets worse when im so mentally drained i feel it physically then realize im dehydrated and hungry. Keep praying and no matter what stay strong. All this technology always seems to read your mind not realizing we are putting these horrible things into our brains looking up stuff and over thinking. I hope you feel better soon. Anxiety and Depression sucks
I very much doubt he would warn you if that was to happen. God works in mysterious ways but you need to remember that your in control of your life , your body and your mind. Nobody else.
There’s that saying .... He your self as everyone else is taken. 😄😄
So he wouldn’t tell me these things at all?
I’m not big on religion as I believe science plays a huge role based on fact ! However, I do believe there’s something’s special for us to be here !
With that said the human mind is a powerful thing and if your a religious person and want to believe what you see and dream then that’s your choice. But like I said , the human mind is very powerful and only you can decide what’s what and who is in control.
Also , look at the views on the you tube videos .... millions of people watch them so the likely good of it being a special message or sign to you must be taken with a pinch of salt. And the video games you play are made by humans and by technology again which thousands of people play each day.
Don’t read too much into things at such a young age.
I have had this since the age of 18 and I am now 24!! For years and years, on and off, I have had a fear of dying.
Driving has become hard for me as my mind tells me I will end up in an accident and die. My mind has also latched onto an age and keeps telling me i’ll die then.
I’ve read lots and lots of peoples posts on here regarding this topic and it’s all related to anxiety. Anxiety is a terrible thing and a very clever one too. It knows how to control us but we need to learn to control it.
I found working out regularly and cutting out sugar can seriously be life changing when dealing with anxiety. Since doing those two things, I have less anxiety and don’t get those dying thoughts.
My mind has been telling me i’m going to die since 2013!
So you’ll be fine! x
Thanks a lot! Did you surpass that age your head told you? Curious because mine gave me certain days. Now it says June and it’s driving me pretty crazy.
I just wanted to make sure you was ok? And no I haven’t surpassed that age yet x