Constant worry about animals: I have always... - Anxiety Support

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Constant worry about animals

MyChi profile image
124 Replies

I have always been a worrier, even as a little kid. I have also always loved animals (more than people). Lately, I have been making myself completely miserable worrying about animals being abused and neglected. Two weeks ago, the trashy people across the street got a dog. I’m not using the word “trashy” lightly; they’ve had CPS called several times, are always in and out of jail for dealing drugs, and don’t take care of their house. Needless to say, this is not a good place for a dog. I am in the process of reporting them to animal control, but it’s been difficult because they won’t drive out to my township because it’s not in their jurisdiction. I won’t get into the details of the situation in case there are others like me who can’t stand to hear them. Anyway, since they got the dog, it’s all I can think about. I can’t stop thinking and worrying about it, then that just makes me think of other things I’ve seen on TV, the news, pictures, etc. The images are burned in my mind and I’m constantly thinking about the poor dog across the street and it’s beginning to be too much for me to handle. Animal cruelty has always bothered me and I constantly think about it, but now it’s just like a whirlwind of terror in my mind and I can’t escape it. I can’t focus, I can’t sleep, I will just start crying when I think about it, which is all the time now. I can’t watch commercials showing abused animals, I can’t read or watch the news when it comes to cases of animal cruelty, I can’t even read a book that has mistreatment of animals. I just literally can’t deal with it. My friends and family just think I’m being stupid and say not to worry about it. I have an appointment with EAP through work tomorrow to see what they have to say.

I have 2 dogs that I rescued. I am crazy about them and love them so much, but I’m constantly worrying about them, too. I won’t leave a crockpot on during the day when I go to work because I’m afraid it may start a fire. I have to go back and constantly check to make sure I’ve unplugged the straightener or curling iron. I’m not afraid of my house burning down, but worry because my dogs couldn’t get out of the house if there was a fire, and I picture them scared and panicking and trying to get out. During the winter when we have really cold days, I’m constantly checking to make sure I let both of them inside after they go potty. I know in my head that I let both dogs inside, but if they are not in my sight, I will get up several times to make sure they are inside and not left out to freeze to death. I have family that would dog-sit for me, and have dog-sat before, but I won’t go anywhere because I will constantly be stressed out about them. I’m constantly worrying about whether they have food and water, or if they are being watched when let outside so they don’t run off, or whether or not they are getting enough attention. It’s ridiculous! I stress out about break-ins, not because I’m worried about my possessions being stolen, but that the dogs would be hurt somehow.

Does anyone else have this obsession with animals and the mistreatment of animals? I seriously do think that I’m a crazy person. I know what I’m feeling is not normal, but I don’t know how to make it go away!!

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MyChi profile image
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124 Replies
veganese profile image

It's a wonderful thing that you care so much about other beings. As a sensitive person, you are prone to anxiety. It's distressing when you feel you have no control over a situation, as with your neighbours' dog. Though, I have seen some undesirable people treat their dogs much better than they treat human beings, so it maybe that the dog is alright. Is there a rescue charity you can contact who might be able to reassure you or monitor the situation? I understand very well how you feel. I am vegan and feel very strongly about animal cruelty, but it's not healthy to constantly look at distressing images. I'm a member of several dog rescue groups online and at times I have to block their posts because it does put my mind in a bad state. There are things you can do as an individual towards making the world a better place for animals without feeling too much distress. I donate money on a monthly basis and sometimes give one off amounts for emergency situations. I have 2 rescue dogs and a cat, too. I sign petitions and attend local fundraising events. It doesn't seem much but the number of people doing these thing amounts to making a big difference to many animals. With regards to your own dogs, think of the millions of households that have animal friends that live with them. It is rare that anything happens to them when they are left at home. Your dogs will not be thinking as you do. All they know is, that they are well cared for and loved. It is enough. Some days I feel bad because I can't get my dogs out for a run in the park because my anxiety is high - which makes me dizzy and weak. Then I remember that my dogs are fed and loved and they came to me after being abandoned and a hard life. Things could have been much worse than missing a run in the park. Think of the positive things you give them. I hope this helps a little to change your perspective. I wish you well.

MyChi profile image
MyChi in reply to veganese

Yes, I've contacted animal control and asked what I could do and they said that unless the dog is being physically beaten, or left outside in bad wether without food or water, there is nothing they can do. I guess I have done everything I can, and I just have to accept the fact that it won't get to live a good life like my dogs. It is hard because I am reminded of it constantly whenever I look out the window and see that house, or just when I think of it all day long. I am trying to focus on being a good owner to my dogs and focusing on their well-being. I make donations to rescue organizations when I can, and am trying really hard to stop myself when I start thinking about that topic and focus on something else. It's getting better; there are just those days where my anxiety level is really high and it gets too overwhelming. Trying to do breathing excersizes and meditation, and physical activities because I don't want to take meds.

Oliveflower profile image
Oliveflower in reply to veganese

What a lovely comment! Just so lovely to read about someone really working to cause good in the world, even when they have anxiety!

Both my boyfriend and I suffer much like you do- but we both come from different backgrounds. I worked at rescue centres tubing animals and dealing hands on with emergencies. And he has his first cat ever who just turned 6. We'll start with my boyfriend. He doesn't live with me. And in three years he has never spent the night at my home - even if he leaves at 3am - because he is worried about his cat. Then when we talk next he goes on and on how the cat was meowing when he got home. He can't read anything about animals being hurt in the news and when it happens locally he says he would like to track down the people himself. This is not in his character. He is a confident, average person in his demeanour - but when he talks about cats he gets really ... Not sure of how to say it. But it is very intense and unhealthy to a point as he gets so upset even he says it is not normal. He was at a party once and some girl made a joke about saying if she saw a cat crossing the highway she would speed up! And he made a scene yelling right in her face asking if she would like to run over him with her truck- saying that is what she said... Because to him it was the same thing... *crickets chirping/awkward silence* If he see a cat crying outside a door in neighbourhood we don't even know anyone he will mention many times afterwords how worried he is about the cat. So your feelings are shared by other animal lovers! For me I have pets with special needs so I am worried about them if I am gone any length of time. And pretty much without exception I love for any social occasion I am supposed to attend to be canceled so I can just stay home with my pets. There is software you can get now so you can watch live streaming video of your pets at home when you are away. I guess for me I have worked at the rescue shelters and seen how much sadness and pain is way too common. So I work extra hard loving my own pets trying to give them the bestlife possible. I belong to a lot of FB pet groups and really get so broken hearted of people constantly posting photos of their pets that just died. Even though I never met these pets personally. This is going to sound awful and I apologize - but cases like the sweet dog next door are more common than anyone would like to know. Even if you can not help that particular dog you can maybe go to an animal shelter and take a dog for a walk as your way of remembering all lonely pets who appreciate your love and kindness. I relate so much to what you say- but my boyfriend's relationship with cats maybe more closer to how you feel. As his partner I feel frustrated at times but I always atleast quietly support him because his feelings are important. When how you feel start interrupting your basic necessities of your day then it is important to reach out like you are and share how you feel. If my boyfriend reads a story in the newspaper about a cat - it ruins his entire day. He was asked by a friend to adopt a five year old cat because someone in their family was allergic. For days he kept on talking about that cat and how he could not thinking about that cat. I told him there is a column of cats just like that particular cat looking for homes in the Buy and Sell newspaper. And then he said he really felt even worse. Those cats or dogs sadly are always going to be out there. Loving the ones in our own life and donating time or money to charities is all we can do. Reporting cruelty to the authorities is also something important you can do. I guess what I am trying to say is trust deligating the information to the people in charge to do something is you doing the best you can. However I too often find that difficult. But it sometimes is all we can do.

MyChi profile image
MyChi in reply to

It sounds like your boyfriend's problem is similar to mine. I feel for him - it's miserable to feel like that and be constantly worried, fearing the worst about your animal’s well-being. I, too, recognize that these feelings are not normal. I know there are a lot of people that worry about their pets and other animals, but not to this extreme. Last night I went to my grandparents’ house and they had container lids all over the furniture. We asked why, and they said it was because they didn’t want the cat on the furniture. I know it is healthy and in a cat’s nature to be on tall/high spaces. I am going to get them a cat tree, because last night I was constantly thinking how it was mean to be that way to the cat, and feeling that it was psychologically abusive to the cat. I know the cat is taken care of, but I was up half the night worrying about him. And these are my GRANDPARENTS! Who I know would never abuse the cat or treat it bad in any way. Then it makes me think about all of the cats in shelters who need a home. This is why I can’t foster animals, because I would totally become an animal hoarder. Good luck to you and your boyfriend; I know it is hard for both of you when one person obsessively worries about something.

in reply to MyChi

Thank-you for your reply! It is supportive to know other people share these feelings. I used to be really extreme about 15 years ago. I once had someone drive me home in the middle of my own birthday party to check on my budgie! I noticed my boyfriend gets most worried about his cat when there is other big stresses going on. If he sees a tragic thing such as a cat being hit by a car- he gets really upset like if he knew the cat personally. I am not sure how I eased up on my anxiety. Getting a cat tree is a lovely thing. When I lived in South East Asia there was feral cats. One got into my room and dropped a kitten and then came back with a huge rat almost the size of the cat! I stood there froze while the cat ate every single part of that rat- and I mean monster rat- not a mouse. Teeth, tail- absolutely nothing was left but the ears. I mean the car even ate the bones and most of the fur! I say this because there is a lot of ways cats live around the world. A barn cat in the USA would never be so hungry to consume a entire rat like what I witnessed in the feral one in Asia. But that feral cat was living in the jungle in her natural environment some may say. But there is no way we would want our cats living that dangerous life. Cobras are black and hang in the trees looking like branches. I was very upset at the treatment of cats in a culture much different than North America. Somehow I convinced myself that I will spoil and love everyone of my pets for them and sometimes give them treats saying this treat represents what I wish I could give every cat. Spoil and love your own like they are the furry embassators representing all cats! And also for the individuals they are too of course. Do the people in your life support you when you have anxiety about your cat! I feel it is important to respect my boyfriend's anxieties because the fears he feels are real to him. I catch my tongue sometimes when he sounds a bit excessive. And he would be the same with me.

Jewel3211 profile image
Jewel3211 in reply to

Hi. Im the same as your boyfriend and it drives me crazy. I live where coyotes will come down and hunt for cats, as well as a busy street! There’s a beautiful cat in the neighborhood that allowed to roam around and shouldn’t be. I don’t know who the owners are but even if I did I wouldn’t have the right to say anything. He is the most loving cat too which makes it even harder. I always carry treats for him which probably makes me mire attached to him :((

One time he accidentally got in the house where I rent because the lady leaves her door open and he sat with me and just soaked up the love. She made him go outside. Her own cat got killed by coyotes right in front of her house and a neighbor saw it and was so sick she couldn’t go to work. I actually hate people that neglect, abuse, or when it doesn’t bother them to put innocent animals in danger. Not suppose to hate but can’t help that one. So....I do get very emotional and worry a lot. I wish J wasn’t like that, or at least a little less!! I have a cockatiel over 25 years and will not leave him alone overnight.

Vanessa_23 profile image
Vanessa_23 in reply to MyChi

Do you still feel this way? I know it was a while back you? Because I'm going through this right now. It escalated early this year and now I'm easing into depression..I feel like dying every day. No amount of alcohol or medication can help me...I feel helpless every day knowing that this is the state of the world today and it will be even long after I'm gone. I feel like there's something wrong with me. Did you eventually get better? I feel like I never will

Stevieboy1966 profile image
Stevieboy1966 in reply to Vanessa_23

Yes I'm going through it now..there is s little dog being neglected not far from me..out in the yard all weather and never gets out for a walk it's killing me.. phoned authority they said they can't force people to walk dogs an nothing they can do..I pass food through now an again when I can but it's breaking my heart it's driving me crazy can't stop thinking about the poor dog...but ifeel so own dog is always spoilt an I love her very much...but I just wanna save the trapped dog but I can' it's making me ill

lowtide profile image

Michael Jackson; 'They're killing a dance.'

Once, during a dance rehearsal, he had to stop because an image of a dolphin trapped in a net made him so emotionally distraught. "From the way its body was tangled in the lines," he explained, "you could read so much agony. Its eyes were vacant, yet there was still that smile, the ones dolphins never lose... So there I was, in the middle of rehearsal, and I thought, 'They're killing a dance.'"

aspasia12 profile image

I suffer the same way -- I want to save all the animals in the world and I fund so many organizations and do hands on work if I can finding people to adopt animals. But when my anxiety is highest I think about misfortunate animals and their suffering. It is so painful especially when there are children in the world suffering as well.

My heart pours out to you. My therapist says I suffer from PTSD from childhood. Because I wasn't nurtured properly by stable parents this has caused this coupled with the anxiety. I do know being on social media where you are bombarded by stories of suffering animals makes it worse, so I recommend staying away. They say ignornace is bliss -- there is some truth to it. I just take care of my two cats and love them and pray for all the others. I do feed feral ones outside if I am able. There is only so much we can do.

I can only empathize -- unhappily, I don't know how to make it go away. Tranquilizers help to a certain degree coupled with therapy but I don't think you will ever be immune to these feelings.

sevinalee profile image
sevinalee in reply to aspasia12

This was a year ago, but I honestly am the same. I didn't know that my unstable childhood could have led to so many things but honestly, ignorance is bliss. <3

Jewel3211 profile image
Jewel3211 in reply to aspasia12

I pray for them too!!! Its distressing not being able to do anything and its not fun worrying so much and knowing what could happen, and what is happening, and nothing can be done. I have to put on white noise at night so I don’t hear the beautiful cat thats allowed to roam a neighborhood thats coyote territory. Stupid, ignorant, uncaring people. If where I lived was my own place I would let him in and shelter him. Even if just for the night. I guess I have a disorder since I worry so much about innicent animals that depend on us, but Im like that with my family too but don’t say much or I will get on their nerves! Oh well.

Natlov profile image
Natlov in reply to aspasia12

Hi, I too feel a lot of anxiety when am unable to help an animal. I have been a cat lover all my life, and feed stray cats and kittens. But when I see someone not being their usual self and am not able to get a hold of them as they are stray, I worry myself sick. I cannot concentrate on anything else, and my OCD leads to rumination and feeling totally depressed. I feel like it's my responsibility and like it's a child of mine, and I wasn't able to be there when it needed me. I dont' know how to help myself.

romeee1111 profile image
romeee1111 in reply to Natlov

hey,how are you now?are you better?

im the same. im vegetarian and im always concern about animals.all kind of animals. i cant even watch a cat hunt a bird. or ill be sad if a mouse dies. its so overwhelming that i cant take it. i cant sleep at nights and this stress wont let me breath. i rescued a lot of animals but seems not enough for me. even when i find nothing to be worry about around myself , i will think about a poor animals which is hungry anywhere in this world.

my friend is trying to adopt his pet to someone new , and it made my feel even more overwhelmed . i cant stop thinking about his pet , like will he(his pet) ever be happy again or how is he feeling ? will he feel abandoned? how will be the new owners? what if not nice? etc ....

please if you know how can i help myself, reply

Dawn427 profile image

Hello, how are you doing with this? I am currently awake, worrying about the animals and the horrors they go through at the hands of humans. It has gotten better for me, though, when I became a vegan. I do not have enough money to donate to animal rights groups, but I have saved so many innocent lives by choosing not to contribute to the suffering and simply changing my lifestyle. I am able to focus more on the honorable things I am doing to help. Maybe this is something that would help? I still worry, like I am now, but it's better. And please realize that you ARE normal. You are compassionate, empathetic, and kind. You have goodness to offer and these are the best qualities to offer the world and the animals. Love & Light

nivsan profile image

Hello Mychi,

I have the same problem. I am such an animal lover . i am constantly worrying and i nowadays i am getting worse. I can't even see FB. I am scared i will come across some animal cruelty article. how can people abuse animals? They are helpless and speechless. What is this world coming to? I dont know how to help.

Today I read something terrible and saw the picture in FB. I cried and cried and i told my husband we will go for a drive. i had to stop in the car in the middle and burst into tears. he was shouting at me as to why I am reading such articles.

I feel helpless. Can someone advise. I need help.


Jobo71 profile image
Jobo71 in reply to nivsan

I am the same. It's impossible to understand why people are so cruel it really really upsets me and I constantly worry about it.

It's ok people saying turn a blind eye but I never ever will.

I support charities that I can and write to the government / if I did nothing I would feel even worse.

It's never ok to do nothing 

Just do your best x

Lambchop777 profile image
Lambchop777 in reply to nivsan

My husband is the same way. He cant understand why im like this, and i cant understand why he doesnt care more.

K-Mxxx profile image

I worry a lot about my animals, since for as long as I can remember I have been on my way home worrying so much I feel sick. I'm the past some bad things have happened, we have lost a few beloved pets. I do worry when other animals are in a bad home and being neglected but most of the time it's for my animals. I love animals all animals and when they pass it makes me soooo sad. I try to continue but I can't. I have had animals all my life and from about 2 years ago when we moved are horses over to another yard it has been so hard to go over there, I worry so much and I feel so sick even thinking about it. I have lots of animals so of witch are quite old like my hamster and worry so much about her, it brakes my heart that one day she will not be here. Having the worry thing it has changed my life, I can't go for a normal hack with my friends anymore I worry to much to even go other to the horses. Every day I push my self so hard to go over there and I think that makes it worse. I find it really hard to talk about I feel as if no one will understand my problems. I try to put a smile on no matter how much I'm worrying, I try to take my mind of it but that does not work. I have no idea what to do ?!? I also feel what makes it worse is if one day one of my animals are not themselves it makes me worry more and harder to go check on them more so with the horses tho.

I don't know what to do.?!?

Wish you well.....

Carebear1975 profile image

I know this is an old post, but I've never read anything that sounded exactly how I feel every day of my life...this is EXACTLY what I go through in my mind...I also have 2 dogs ...I'm obsessed with worry about them and all the sweet animals of the world...not able to function properly anymore it seems.  I've never talked to anyone that felt the same as severely I suppose you could say..I know people say to just shut it out or try not to think about it...but how?!?  How does one do that when the images and thoughts are burned in your mind.  I feel like I need some kind of brain transplant or at least hypnosis if that might alter these horrible thoughts and anxities about something I simply cannot control.. Just wanted to tell you I completed related to every word you said...

Savxle profile image
Savxle in reply to Carebear1975

Same. I can't sleep, can't think without crying. My chest feels so heavy.

kezia83 profile image

Today I was feeling so horrible and overwhelmed with worry for my precious furry babies that I googled "how to stop worrying about animals" and found this thread. This is exactly what I'm going through! I can completely relate to constant checking on my animals and if I turned off the flat iron or the stove or whatever it is.... I have to go back and check and sometimes I have to make myself not go back to double check! I even unplug nightlights or air fresheners when I leave even though they say they are perfectly safe to leave on.

I worry when I go out that something will happen and the house will somehow catch on fire and my babies will be trapped inside. When I absolutely HAVE to go anywhere and I'm close to home I look up into the sky to see if I can see any smoke.

One of my darlings died two months ago in her sleep cuddled up to me as usual, and she had never been sick in her life. It was my ultimate worst fear realized, and now I'm constantly petrified something will happen to one of my other babies. I wake them up all the time just to check and my heart beats so fast out of my chest until they respond and I know they are alive.

I'm scared to take any of them to the vet because I fear they'll tell me something is wrong with one of them. I give them the best food and read up on the best care I can give them and what to look out for if any of them are sick. I check their poop and watch to make sure they are eating and drinking normal and not going to the bathroom too often. I'm just racked with worry and sometimes I feel I would rather die than have anything happen to one of them.

I can't bear to watch nature shows for fear I'll see an animal hurt or killed. I can't hear stories about animals mistreated or see them dead on the side of the road.

I hate living like this and being constantly scared that something horrible will happen to one of them. I've been on different medications for the past decade but nothing has made me feel better. They've just switched my Lexapro to Prozac and upped it to 40mg so I'm hoping I'll feel a little better. I just want to be normal and not live in fear.

in reply to kezia83

As a HSP (highly sensitive person) I love animals much stronger than the usual person. I have stopped caving into watching horrible videos and try not to read articles on animal abuse. I know the truth and being reminded doesn't make it stop. I can only control what I do. However, I hate leaving my dog at home and want her to be with me all the time and there is not enough jobs that allow us to do this. I feel guilty leaving get and always find someone to let her out every 4 hours when I'm at work. But I am suffering socially because I feel bad enough being gone when I am at work and I live alone so it's quite unhealthy .

How do we learn to love less????

Lambchop777 profile image
Lambchop777 in reply to

You dont love less....we need to kove animals as hard and strongly as possible, report abuse, and know your own animals know their loved. My dogs understand everything i say, they look at me and i know they know how much i care. We cant save the world, but we have to keep loving hard no matter what.

Veganangel profile image
Veganangel in reply to Lambchop777

You are amazing!

Oliveflower profile image

I do empathise with you. I have a situation where the little cat next door is left out all the time and isn't really looked after and it breaks my heart and I cry about it frequently. It helped me to read your post because it made me think what I would say to you to help you, that I can also say to myself. I would say that it's lovely to have empathy and sensitivity, and you are doing a great job of dealing with a challenging animal cruelty situation (as am I). I would also say that you deserve to have a break and let go of worries about the dog because you are important too.

I have a strong sense of suffering and can get bogged down by the presence of it at times and I am working to heal this now. We have a right to be happy as much as we can and the world and life do involve suffering and this is just the way it is and shouldn't be a reason to negate out happiness. In fact, quite the opposite. I realised earlier that, in my view, we all should aim to be prosperous and happy because that is how we can help others - if I had lots of money I would buy land and have an animal sanctuary. So letting go of suffering is necessary for us to realise our full potential and prosper in life, as is right and good.

If I may say, you may perhaps have some slight OCD and I recommend a website called Uncommon Knowledge that has a lot of information about that. I think anxiety is often linked to this sort of inability to claim happiness - I am currently recovering from depression, through a course on the above mentioned website. I think it is a lovely quality of people that they can care massively about the fate and health of others, and I wish we all could be happy and peaceful.

Oliveflower profile image

I just came across the term 'compassion fatigue' in relation to an animal charity organisation.

sjmk profile image

I am even worse. Not only animal cruelty but other things that happen to animals make me cry. Facebook post saying that a kitten didn't make it due to illness, picture of an animal in a post saying that they are no longer alive and have crossed the bridge, nature shows where animals die, get injured, lose parents, or starve make me feel depressed. I will think about this over, and over, and over as if it's a job. It feels like that I won't let it go or just want to hold onto it.

Mardiha profile image

I worry evry night about ALL the animals right now at this very moment who are sad, in pain, lonely, tortured, will be tortured and it makes me crazy, thus i googled to see if anyone else feels the same way, and i found this site and link and can so relate to everyone on here. I am at the point where i hate humanity and wish the world would end, just so the Animal cruelty would all end. This affects me daily and i have only one cat but worry about her all the time. I lost a cat two years ago and was so upset, i had her for 10 years and have depression and i wanted to commit suicide so bad, but didnt because my mom begged me not to. I got another cat, identical to her 4 days later, or else i would have literally died of grief.

I know this is beyond not normal, but i get so attached, thus why i can not even own more then one pet, it is just too hard. I took my kitty to the vet today and was more stressed then she was! I hate being this way, sometimes i think the psychopaths have a better life, not caring or feeling. I pray every noght for God to end all the animal suffeing in the whole many, in so many different ways, experiments, factory farms, entertainment, single abuse cases, work animals, etc etc....list just goes on, this one article came up after i googled to find if anyone was out there like me and i came upon this site telling me the 10 worst countries who abuse and omg why did i read it??? I am mow more traumatized. I use to be on care2 and sign so many petitions that it affected me so badly, i had to stay off the site. I donate to some charities, but they send me articles and pictures via website and in the mail and i am back to square one. All i can do is hope this world ends.....that sadly is the only way....people will never all be like us on here, so many think animals feel no pain and are ours to do with what we want...for our sick needs, entertainment etc and i can not go on like i sick in the head for thinking these thoughts, well i would savrafice my life in an i stant if it could even stop half of the world torture, but it wont help...nothing lil ol me and can do, but keep enduring this cruel cruel sick world, that we are destroying in so many ways, for ourselves and for all the gorgeous innocent creatures out there, so unfair...God gave us this world...all of us....not just MAN.

Myfurkid profile image
Myfurkid in reply to Mardiha

I feel the exact same way! I wish the world would end so the suffering would end and the disgusting human race would end!! Animals are more deserving than humans.

Veganangel profile image
Veganangel in reply to Myfurkid

I feel exactly the same way. I just want it all to end!

Vanessa_23 profile image
Vanessa_23 in reply to Mardiha

Mardiha..I read your post and it felt like I was hearing myself speak. This is EXACTLY what I say and think every day of my life...I know it's been a year but did you get better? Do you feel like you're stronger now? I'm asking because I don't know if I can get through this unless I get put under a hypnotic spell or a personality altering incident. I need help..

Jadealana profile image
Jadealana in reply to Vanessa_23

I don't know who may be still on this thread but I just can't seem to get past animal struggles. I have become fearful of scrolling down on facebook or any new stories worried I'll see a pic or will have to imagine if they say what was done to the animal. I have snippets though of thinking about the sounds the cruelty. I cry about dogs and cats every day. I have two rescue dogs that mean the world to me. One imparticular is my baby girl Zelda. She just turned 8 and I have cried knowing the likelihood she'll pass away before me. I already have cried and cried and she's still with me. I'm so scared I'm going to breakdown when she does pass.

Compassion for animals is a double edged sword. I give money but I've always wanted to help more on the front lines but if you're like me you know you'd go home bawling everyday and destroy yourself with guilt because you can't take them all in. I'm crying as I write this.

I would love to correspond with anyone who struggles like I do. I hate that anyone would have to deal with this but ona somewhat selfish note I'm relieved it's not just me. Please reach out here or my email

Just seeing this thread makes me feel a little better


in reply to Jadealana

Hi Jade,this is my first ever post. I decided to write this as was moved by your message. I totally get how you feel and so do many others I'm sure. I know it doesn't seem that way in everyday life and I have my own theory. How many of us like minded people start conversations about animal cruelty in the outside world?? If I'm out and about and hear an awful story or see on a shop counter a front page newspaper with abuse details on it, I exit quickly and can't bear to join in any discussion as I feel sick to the core and feel my heart will break. I can't ever start up a conversation as I'd get too upset even though I'm not an emotional soul ordinarily. This is what finally got me searching here today. Here's a snippet of how I've 'coped' with it so far:- I'm not on Facebook for obvious reasons. I don't watch much news incase of you know...I won't read the local paper until a friend scans through it first so I don't see certain items. I change tv channels if an advert of this kind crops up. My friends and family respect my wishes and don't talk of such 'things' when I'm with them. I feel like a basket case sometimes but funnily enough in all other areas I'm a trooper!!! People who don't know me that well have no idea of the hidden anxiety I have in this area. I can't help out at a shelter either but give to animal charities and feed stray cats. I have three cats, one from a shelter, one a stray who stayed and another I rescued personally. Just know you will cope and you're not alone in this suffering. It's damn hard for us animal empaths but like you say it's reassuring and comforting to know we aren't the only ones. Peace to you and your treasured two.

LexiCelloChick87 profile image

I just found this from a google search and reading through this thread was so comforting, to know that others feel exactly the same as I do. I had something happen this weekend that triggered the floodgates of my already intense anxiety around animals. The sadness I feel over the situation I encountered feels like knives in my stomach and my heart/lungs being crushed. And there is nothing I can do now.

I guess after reading this thread I feel less alone, and also a little less worried knowing that others are out there that care as much as I do. That more people than I realize are looking out for animals. I need to still figure out therapy or something because the anxiety it gives me affects my quality of life, and the things that upset me the most are the ones that I can't do anything about. I'm sorry we are suffering, but I'm grateful for this community.

100years profile image

I just googled to see if I could find others who feel the same as I do, and I must say, I am a little comforted to know I am not alone. I hate humans. We have ruined every gift we have been given. We are so cruel to each other and, what just kills me, we are so cruel to other species who have done nothing wrong. I am crying right now, as I think of all the poor creatures on earth who get born only to be tortured and killed by our stupid cruel awful human race. I know that sounds crazy. I don't tell people how I feel because so many of them get mad that I don't want our species to thrive. We would be doing the world a favor to just go extinct. God, I feel so horrible when I think how many cows, pigs, chickens, dolphins, horses, and on and they are suffering because of us. And then, my mind starts thinking of little kids and babies whose parents hurt and kill them. I used to not care as much about that stuff, but as I get older, my brain seems to lump babies in with all animals, and I cannot control the anger and sadness that just crashes down as soon as I even think of it. It has gotten so much worse since my cat died in May. I don't feel guilty so much as just horribly sad. But I have been this way for so long. I can't kill any insect, and I am a vegetarian and mostly vegan actually. I just don't get it. I torture myself. It's some kind of guilt, maybe? Like maybe it makes me feel I can control something if I think of it enough. Or, at the very least, maybe I am a good person if I get this upset? As awful as it feels to make myself sick with worry, there's also a part of me that seems strangely addicted to it. My emotions are soooo strong. I cry multiple times a day, and I am used to it. I think I must enjoy it on some level, or I would have figured out how to stop. I can stop anything I don't enjoy. I feel like I need a new perspective. Maybe I am trying to find a sense of power or control by letting this pity take over. I know animals grieve, so I wouldn't be so ignorant to say I should try to be like them and not worry about the suffering of others. I genuinely believe and have seen plenty of evidence that other animals care about each other (and us). But, to get to a more healthy place, couldn't there be some shift in perspective that will allow me to let go a little? I am starting to plan for an animal rescue, but I know if I don't think long and hard about this decision, I could ruin my life by completely losing myself in some kind of quixotic melodrama. I want to do what feels right, but I don't want to live my life from a place of guilt and pity. That doesn't even seem respectful to animals.

Roxinoki profile image

Aww my goodness bless you I'm like that all the time I worry about animal cruelty so much it actually makes me feel sick like you I can't watch it I can't read anything or watch films with animals getting hurt I have 2 cats and I love them so so much but still worry about all animals I thought I was alone too xxxxxx

mellyb profile image

It's so heartwarming to find a group of kindred spirits who feel the same as I do our defenceless animals. When I was younger, I used to be able to watch documentaries about animals, even though they troubled me but now, like many of you I can't, nor can I read or even look at news articles, if they involve acts of cruelty or fears or talk an animals extinction.

I am planning a trip to Africa next year with my 2 adult sons, as I am turning 50 and a Safari has always been an absolute dream of mine (one to mark off the bucket list). I am however nervous about going as I know that the moment I see a Lion or Elephant roaming, without a cage or bars in sight, I am going to be inconsolable. I also won't know how to handle the possibility of witnessing an animal that may be in distress, knowing that we/I cannot intervene, leaving things up to Mother Nature.

The world is facing it's 6th largest extinction, since the dinosaurs and they predict that 7 out of 10 animals will become extinct in the next 50 years. One such animal is the Giraffe, which they say is now in the extremely critical category having previously been overlooked. Thankfully I won't be alive to witness this and many others like this but how sad it is to think, that my Great Grandchildren will only ever be able to read about magnificent creatures like Lions, Giraffes, Rhinos as they too will all be gone, just like the Dinosaur.

There are times I literally feel in pain, thinking about things, asking myself the question, 'why are humans so cruel and stupid?' Do we not realise what we are doing, not only too animals but to the planet that we share with them. ❤️


sonja9 profile image

I am also glad to find this group. If I see an animal in distress, I am so overcome with grief that I can barely function. I try to rescue animals that others would not such as mice, turtles and all types of bugs. Every spring I say to myself, "I have to start saving bugs now." I cry if I see an animal that has been hit by a car. The thought of animals in cages makes me want to die. I drive by a dog almost everyday that is never played with and is always chained. I try to block it from my mind and sometimes I can. I take antidepressants but if I stop or decrease the dosage, I start obsessing about animals and the crying begins again. I have tried to talk to a counselor about this but he brushed it off and said that many people feel this way. I saw something sad about a gorilla today and I just needed to talk to others who have similar issues so thank you.

benjismum profile image

Hi all I had to just google for some help with my 24/7 constant worry and feeling upset and distressed by thinking of animals that have suffered/are suffering/will suffer at the hands of humans.I literally feel like im going mad, but to find this thread and know other people feel the same. I have just read the most horrendous story (by accident i was only looking rabbit hutches for my bunny) and it brought up horrendous photo i wont even tell you the story to add to you guys anxieties like mine. I literally feel like i cant function since reading it sat here crying. This is happening nearly daily, same thing happened yesterday with a horse story on Facebook yesterday. I dont seek these stories out they find me constantly whether im on twitter, facebook, browsing the internet, every news site im on, it never ever ends and my brain just cant cope. I think it over and over how they must have suffered, what they must have felt, and most of all, feel so sad and broken that i couldn't save them. My husband says i should come off the internet entirely other than for work purposes, but how i can live life without it i dont know. I dont feel this way about stories about humans, which is so strange. I may feel briefly sad for a moment but nothing more than a normal reaction. Animals are a different story and this anxiety is taking over my life. I have a normal happy family, 2 kids ( Im in my 30s happily married) with a rabbit and a cat (pampered beyond belief). I have never witnessed animal cruelty or anything bad in my life. I am on anti anxiety tablets from doctor and they do not help at all. Any advice on here would be great even just someone to talk too. is this a uk forum? im in england. Susie xx

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to benjismum

Susie it is terrible this consumes are lives . I have worried about mistreated animals all my life. I have many cats and love this but due to age and medical problems I am stressing so much lately. I am trying to stop helping and taking in stray but is almost impossible. I had a female cat dropped off. here and have tried to take to catch her to get her fixed but even won't go into live trap and to fast for me to catch her. Don't know what I will do with more kittens.

Stevieboy1966 profile image
Stevieboy1966 in reply to benjismum

Yes Suzi I'm exactly the same..I've had 3,dogs in my life loved them all I'm going through terrible anxiety over a dog that is being neglected badly trapped in a back yard with 8foot fences never getting to play run be walked got animal welfare out guy lied an NOTHING being done it's driving me crazy that I'm helpless ..I cannot do more I'm even getting to the point of stealing it..but my wife would go's really terrible feeling everyday it's on my mind it's cold hungry.. it's lonely...even got a neighbor to ask if she could walk it an this evil monster said IL think about it ..never let her ..phoned welfare they said they can't force people to walk there dog I mean it's a nightmare found this site an feel better knowing others feel the same...but I really despise cruelty to animals all animals but especially dogs...grrrrrr

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to Stevieboy1966

Steve it is terrible to have to deal with this and no one wants to help us or the animals. You have to watch trying to steal the dog because they will know it is you but I know it is tempting. We will pray somehow things may change for the poor dog.

When I was small I got caught climbing the neighbor's fence and feeding and watering their animals but I didn't care. I have lived in the same home 34 years and I had every animal in the neighborhood end up living at my house because I took good care of them. This is funny one neighbor thought their dog had died and it lived at my house for three years!

I think people that mistreat animal should have be serenely fined or spend time in jail. The jails would be full for sure. Don't give up keep figthing for the animal.


Dani_C_ profile image

I too have this, and you have no idea how much of a comfort this forum and you guys are for me! It shows that I'm not on my own AND that there are people who care as much/more than I do!

Some days it gets too much - like today. When it gets this bad I seem to think the only way out is if I die. I've had CBT and just had therapy with a psychologist, but for some reason I cannot get certain images I have in my head out! Even from years ago! They will not go. I despise a lot of humans if I'm honest. I think this world is so cruel and I often feel like I wasn't made for this world. Xxxxx

Schereso profile image
Schereso in reply to Dani_C_

I thought I was alone in this until I just found this site. I friended someone on FB because I fell in love with pix of her puppy. Turns out he has a congenital disease that in essence amounts to a very shortened life span. It positively haunts me. Now he's not feeling well and when I read this, I felt sick and so anxious. I've been on the verge of tears all day. It consumes me. I have a kitty myself, my husband insisted on only one animal. Probably because I spent 15K in credit card debt to try to save our other cat. I will go to any extent because my love for animals is so intense. Even as a child I would get stressed watching LASSIE for godssake! My mom would have me stand in the hall until the scary part was over and then come back to finish watching. Believe me, I am a RN and see terrible things with people all the time but nothing compares to the anxiety, stress and sadness and worry for animals. I didn't mean to go on so much about myself except to hopefully show you that you are not alone. My cousin is a therapist and said they've had success with EMDR. It might be worth exploring...I haven't read any research on this yet.

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to Schereso

You definitely or not alone. I hate seeing animals die but I realize when they are not wel, l passing on is a blessing at times for animals and humans. I have been through loosing lots of animal over the years but never wanted them to suffer.

Will be thinking about you and wish you peace with this.


Fran1120 profile image
Fran1120 in reply to Dani_C_

I often feel the same. This world is to cruel for me

zoefox profile image

"I despise a lot of humans if I'm honest. I think this world is so cruel and I often feel like I wasn't made for this world. Xxxxx" Me too!

Veganangel profile image
Veganangel in reply to zoefox

That is exactly how I feel. So glad I'm not alone

Myfurkid profile image

I also Googled "how to live in peace when animal suffering e ists." I am sooo glad for this thread & all of you sharing your experiences. I am consumed by sadness and images to some degree almost daily. I still volunteer at a "safe" shelter where euthanasia only done when necessary & where most cats are cage-less and dogs in nicer condos & they dont rot in them for yrs on end. The solution to all of this is spay & neuter & heavy & enforced animal cruelty laws & a cleansing of the human psyche (dreaming here) so we wake up to their suffering so that everyone can feel it as deeply & profoundly so that it ceases. In the past I have done trap neuter & release of several cats where I used to live. Idiot neighbor would rather "try" to turn these feral cats into pets where they are forced to live in a home with humans. This work was very rewarding!! No hands on contact w the cats. I took my humane trap out at night and or day and set it w food and they would go in and I would take them to a low cost place then release them in the same spot they were trapped 2 days later. Great satisfaction knowing the abuse cycle would not perpetuate for many more animals that would not be born in this world to suffer. I need to get back into it. Just getting even 1 animal fixed saves many many more from ever entering a shelter! Depression has held me back and moving away. You can get free traps onloan and take a class online even.

Anyway.. I remember even as a child worrying about where animals went in the cold. I hate cold and hot days because of the animals who may be suffering. I do attend circus protests. I remember how hard it was to go to my first one yet everyone was nice. I did have to see the images and messages on the signs and one in particular got me into therapy where EMDR helped some. Over the yrs I am not paralyzed by these same images. These are PG because kids see them. The energy at these protests and very healing and uniting. I just stand there for 1-2hrs and hold a sign. Some people bring their kids & dogs which make them more enjoyable. Standing up for an animal in any small way is monumental for people like us since we are traumatized maybe even more severe than some of the animals we worry about. Another very powerful tool I use which has nothing to do with religion or hocus pocus unlike I thought initially, is to take an Animal Reiki class. If you take Level 2 you can work w any animal or situation from a distance. Its just akin to a power charged prayer. Google it. I was a skeptic until I met this woman offering reiki to animals in the shelter. When she would come in and sit still somewhere after about 15 min the animals around her and then most even out of her sight would begon to become relaxed and stop barking or playing or shaking or cowering and get into this peaceful state. I saw it over & over again and I knew I wanted to learn it and its so easy. You basically initiate a treatment through intention. It cant be forced and the animal is in control the whole time. Some are not interested and carry on. After taking Level 1 I practiced a lot on my animal and forced myself to go to a shelter to practice. You never approach an animal w you hands..rather your heart! You also get relaxed and healing shifts occur. I have worked w animals who once sat for yrs in shelters who got adopted and have seen changes in the tiger at our zoo exhibit less distress only after 30 min of sitting outside her enclosure sitting still and creating a safe "bridge" for her to walk upon. No one needs to know what u are doing. I wear sunglasses and close my eyes and envision a beautiful and peaceful place. Bringing a peacful open and loving state to an animal that they can choose to tap into is very profound for both of us. I can work w any animal from here to egypt through it. You get an initiation from a Reiki Master Teacher that basically opens up your channels so you reiki can flow from you. If it were not from my direct experience with it I would have never believed it. Yet this woman showed me another way to help. Not a miracle do "heal" yourself..or "control" the energy. flows when you intend it and its gentle healing that goes where its needed. Like electricity..its there to tap into. Always remain open & humble and through reiki we create healing possibilities for everyone. Its a process I have been practicing 15 yrs.

Myfurkid profile image
Myfurkid in reply to Myfurkid

Oops I meant to type we "do NOT control the energy nor are we "healing". The energy is in control & we are merely a channel. A conduit. We let go of the outcome. We are not Mother Nature.

Myfurkid profile image

Sorry long post. I shared this because today I am not able to go into the front lines much. I am a Reiki Master Teacher and chose to get to this level because I wanted to pass it to my friends at the shelter. Sadly most are not interested but like I said..once u take Level 2 you can offer reiki to any animal who are not near you. I will say that I have transformed in some ways since taking and practicing thru the yrs & I give reiki to myself and my cats will come by me and love it. Its not more effective when u place your hands on an animal. They are highly sensitive and its invading them if you start a session by placing your hands on an animal or trying to confine them or chasing them around a room. What is effective is empowering them by sitting still somewhere and centering yourself and creating that safe healing space for both of you. This is where trust and healing begins. I dont mentally focus on them because near or far, an animal can sense this and it impedes their ability to settle into the energy and relax.

So reiki is one tool I use to help myself & my animals. I cant go into the shelters anymore because the people trigger me. Even the shelter workers. Their ignorance & disregard to the deep emotional complexities of the animals leads me to getting upset and sometimes saying things I should not say. 1/2 or more of these people should just stick w stuffed animals and not live ones! I avoid Facebook yet most of my friends are animal people yet no where to the degree I am as it relates to severe depression & anxiety after being exposed to their suffering and disregard. I often get hard on myself and get angry that I get so paralyzed and w drawn. That I cant be "in the trenches" like others who do..and how different my life would be if I were more average (whatever that is) in my emotional response.

I also found Recovery International meetings help w some of my anxiety & depression. They have free phone meetings. Dr Low founded in 1935 and its NOT religion or crappy 12 step based. Antidepressants worked only for 5 yrs now they backfire and make me worse and are dangerous. Therapy was only good w one therapist I had who used EMDR and who was super compassionate vs others. Yet she moved :( I am lonely and carry this burden daily. A ball & chain only temporarily leaving. I am learning it is always going to be a part of me. I no longer apologize for feeling and thinking the way I do. I cant medicate it away. Tried all the drugs from several doctors. None took it away fully.

Today I do what I can. To do nothing makes it worse for me. I rarely eat meat, dont buy from corporations who test on animals unless I have to and sign online petitions. Attend peaceful protests, write & call my congress people...offer reiki to animals around the world and sometimes go into the shelters. This summer I am going back to the zoo. Its been a few yrs. I will put in earbuds and play loud meditative music and offer reiki to the animals. Its amazing to connect w them thru the heart. Nothing like it really! Just creating that safe peaceful loving "space" and invite the enegy to flow and invite the animal to take whatever they want for as long as they want....or none at all. Some animals are very untrusting and closed off. For good reason! Yet like I said, I dont mentally focus on them or stare. I relax and center and remain open. To whitness their relaxation and receptivity is a gift. To have a giraffe kneel down for a nap even when all these A-H*** humans swarm by and run their ignorant mouths is amazing. Its like time stops. There is a break from it all. Peace..a precious commodity is experienced. We transcend that prision. Even if for a moment ♡♡♡.

I hope more people find your post and continue to post. Its very isolating & toxic to keep this all in. I got a break from it just now.


Talks2Cats profile image

I'm new here, and think I posted my first post in the wrong place, so here it is again:

Wow! I'm so glad to know other people feel the same way I do! You all have truly helped me today! The despair and worry I feel about mistreatment of and no compassion for animals is suffocating and debilitating to me. Everything you all typed out is exactly how I feel! I am not alone!

We always see/hear about these horrible cruelty/mistreatment stories on the Facebook sites, but this past week two things I saw on FB (one story and one cartoon) have caused me hours of physical/emotional agony and countless hours of crying/grief. I know that does sound ridiculous to many, but I think you all on here can totally relate/understand! (I made the decision last night to severely limit what I follow anymore on there. One of you mentioned that while ignoring it won't make it go away, reading about it won't help it stop either, and you are so right!) I don't need to read about it anymore.

Also this week, I witnessed something while in the car that emotionally punched me in the gut. I can't stand it anymore, and do feel I need professional help to cope and tolerate these a$$holes we have to share our planet with.

I try and do everything humanly possible. All my cats are rescued, spayed/neutered, never de-clawed and treated like royalty. I am vegan, support many local animal organizations/charities, other specialized animal groups in the US, sign any petition I can for prosecution/harsher penalties for animal abusers, and the like.

I am just sooooo disgusted, angry, upset, and very frustrated by the law and some of society's tolerance towards animal mistreatment. I have very negative thoughts about "righting" these wrongs people have done to animals (by wanting to harm them). I know vengeance is wrong for me to want to take, but I can't help it! I keep telling myself that karma does see all, and for those that have committed these types of wrongs, there will be a much higher force/power to reckon with at some point in their life (hopefully during it, as opposed to at the end of it). I know that is horrible to say that I want people to suffer, but I must admit, I want them to have to suffer the way I have suffered my entire life for all the animals. These type of people are probably not capable of feeling anything like we do, though. But, I hope they somehow, in some form have to accept responsibility, and acknowledge and atone for their misdeeds.

I once saw a quote (I'll see if I can find it and repost) that said "what merely scratches others, wounds me" and I really identified with it.

Thank you all so much for sharing!

A Kindred Spirit

Talks2Cats profile image

Wow! I'm so glad to know other people feel the same way I do! You all have truly helped me today! The despair and worry I feel about mistreatment of and no compassion for animals is suffocating and debilitating to me. Everything you all typed out is exactly how I feel! I am not alone!

We always see/hear about these horrible cruelty/mistreatment stories on the Facebook sites, but this past week two things I saw on FB (one story and one cartoon) have caused me hours of physical/emotional agony and countless hours of crying/grief. I know that does sound ridiculous to many, but I think you all on here can totally relate/understand! (I made the decision last night to severely limit what I follow anymore on there. One of you mentioned that while ignoring it won't make it go away, reading about it won't help it stop either, and you are so right!) I don't need to read about it anymore.

Also this week, I witnessed something while in the car that emotionally punched me in the gut. I can't stand it anymore, and do feel I need professional help to cope and tolerate these a$$holes we have to share our planet with.

I try and do everything humanly possible. All my cats are rescued, spayed/neutered, never de-clawed and treated like royalty. I am vegan, support many local animal organizations/charities, other specialized animal groups in the US, sign any petition I can for prosecution/harsher penalties for animal abusers, and the like.

I am just sooooo disgusted, angry, upset, and very frustrated by the law and some of society's tolerance towards animal mistreatment. I have very negative thoughts about "righting" these wrongs people have done to animals (by wanting to harm them). I know vengeance is wrong for me to want to take, but I can't help it! I keep telling myself that karma does see all, and for those that have committed these types of wrongs, there will be a much higher force/power to reckon with at some point in their life (hopefully during it, as opposed to at the end of it). I know that is horrible to say that I want people to suffer, but I must admit, I want them to have to suffer the way I have suffered my entire life for all the animals. These type of people are probably not capable of feeling anything like we do, though. But, I hope they somehow, in some form have to accept responsibility, and acknowledge and atone for their misdeeds.

I once saw a quote (I'll see if I can find it and repost) that said "what merely scratches others, wounds me" and I really identified with it.

Thank you all so much for sharing!

A Kindred Spirit

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to Talks2Cats

Yes there is a huge group of us. I was glad to find this group because now I know I can talk to others that understand what I deal with also. Welcome will enjoy listening to your input .

I also try not to watch things that are related to animal abuse because it upsets me so much and affects me terribly.


I have been this way for as long as I can remember. I'm 41 and I've always had cats, a couple of dogs in the past, even a bird, but I am the kind of person that if I see an animal on the road or wandering I will try to catch it and take it home or find a home (I've done this numerous times not just for dogs & cats but I even caught a bird and found a home for it as well when I was 16). The anxiety that I feel when I just think about animals being abused is so strong I have to completely shut my mind off to it.

I have always been able to watch humans gets shot, get hurt, excetera, but never an animal, I can't even think about it. In fact one of my dreams is to become a foster parent for Animals once I own a home. I would love to work at a vet or at the Humane Society but my biggest problem is I would not be able to be professional if an abused or hurt animal was brought in. I would volunteer my time even but I would just be a hindrance due to my anxiety over hurt and abused animals.

After reading your post from 2 years ago as well as some others I have to say I'm very happy I'm not alone in this... My family as well thinks I'm a little weird but my husband understands completely, he has said on numerous occasions, I am a compassionate person... I am compassionate not just to animals but to humans as well, I think it's something in the idea of Innocence ...that's where it starts from.

I guess I should not be surprised that there's even a website on this, but I am, and relieved. For those that feel like we do it can start to make you feel like you're crazy when you want to control where your thoughts go and the emotion that goes with them but you cannot, it can get tiring but I will never regret the compassion I have for those that are less fortunate than me.

SuzyQ1948 profile image

I have lots of cats and have them all fixed but I recently had a new one dropped off and before I could get her fixed she had 3 kittens. I have been so stressed because I can't take on anymore animals to care for and it is stressing me out. I have been having lots of medical issues and can't take on more responsibly. I have to find them homes or take them to shelter.

I always ended up with all the neighbor's animal because I always took good care of all pets but now I am getting unable to continue and it is tearing me up.

One thing would be great for animals and their owners is a break on the cost of spay and neutering these poor animals to control overpopulation . People get an animal when are when they are cute and cuddly and then quit taking care of them when they don't want to them anymore and then drop them of on people like me are unable to care for them.

People think us animal lovers go overboard worrying about our animals but I could care less what others think because I will never change.


Jaspersmum profile image

I'm reading through these posts smiling and shaking my head at the disbelief that so many people feel EXACTLY the same as me. I'm so grateful for this post right now ... I literally feel I'm going mad with images I've seen recently on PETA's site. My BF tells me to stop looking at the sites but I argue that if I don't know about them I can't sign petitions and share them with friends who will also sign. But then I'm left feeling like my heart has been ripped out - again! - and I can't breathe knowing that out there right now animals are chained up, confused, lonely and going slowly insane. It's a daily struggle, carrying on with normal life when all I want to do is run around and release all the captive animals! I think the hardest thing is that you just can't talk to people about it, my mum gets angry that I care more about animals than people and I think 'when you can show me a human that was stolen from its mother, tortured into submission, forced to perform and spend the rest of their lives chained up with no interaction with others of their kind THEN I'll care as much'. Or humans that are murdered for others to eat etc. Now I'm just ranting but anyway thank you for all your posts, you're not alone and it's great to know here are so many of us out there rooting for the voiceless x

Lambchop777 profile image

You have just described the situation in going thru. I helped move my stepdaughter out of her old house, and the neighbor has a dog left outside, no food, water or decent shelter. Ive called the law, yet they have not come to get the dog even though they admitted to me the shelter was not asequate and they saw no water. Ive written the Humane Society in this state. It's absolutely on my mind 23 hrs a day...the other hour i am forced to talk to humans. My husband thinks im nuts and going overboard. Last night i cried myself to sleep over this. I see the image of the poor dog. Im sick to my stomache that humans can be so nasty and cruel. But i know how your feeling, and im so so sorry you have to look out of the window and witness this. God put animals here on earth for us to care for. He breathed the life into all creatures on this earth. I just hope they get a stiff sentence and judgement. Your not alone with your feelings.

SuzyQ1948 profile image

I saw a dog everytime I went to town and was in sun with no water every time.I finally wrote a letter to this family, voicing my concern and finally they started taking care of the dog.I spend many sleepless night worrying over that poor dog.

I don't understand why the humane society has't done something by now. I would try writing or contacting the mayor of your town. I think it is so sad when you can't depend on your police department to help.

Hope you get some thing done for the poor animal and get peace for yourself. 😕

Lambchop777 profile image

Does this mean we should all be closing our eyes and do nothing? Because it upsets us? It should upset us! If it didnt upset you, then i would think something is wrong with you. Yes, something is wrong with us if we start to think this is normal behavior. We are sensitive, loving, kind, sharing human beings that love God's creatures. I wish i could meet all of you personally, form a neighborhood, build houses next to each other so we would all be in peace with all the creatures that come our way and with each other. Farm together, have a loving community where there is no abuse on anyone or anything. I believe God looks down on those torturing animals and children, even senior citizens who cant fend for themselves, and cries for us, is ashamed of what the human race, for the most part has become. If this continues, the end will surely be near. How can it not be? Pollution, cruelty, cloning, GMO's, government, etc.... is driving the earth to an end. It can be turned around, however, with love and caring for what we have. But that act will have to take over half of us to commit. It starts within you never stop caring for animals, plants, and for the people you know are good. The good people need to increase and outweigh the number of bad people. Power is in love, so teaching others to love animals is the best we can do. Starting with the most impressionables, children. I many times dont feel the love, when i see whats going on. Its a normal thought process though. And i would put my life on the line if i see torture or physical abuse going on. But spreading love and educating people about animals is the best thing. If you spread hatred, it will manifest and grow like a disease. Pray about it, put your worries on God's shoulders. He promises to take care of it, and God doesnt lie. There is power in mass prayer and spreading love. So whoever reads this, lets make a pact to say a prayer every night for all the abused animals, children and elderly, so God will put them out of their misery and take care of the problems and that God lifts away the burdens of your worries and puts them on his shoulders to take care of. PRAY PEOPLE! Every night! Love you all for sharing. Its healing in itself.

Lillychiff profile image

Finding this thread helps a lot. just to know that you aren't alone helps. I'm getting old now and this thing is certainly not getting one little bit better. I can still remember a article I read when I was about 10 about vivisection. There have been many things I've read since ,pictures I've seen and stories I've heard,that have stayed with me. They will suddenly just come up from nowhere and swamp me. It's such an intense feeling . I feel kind of ashamed to say that I rarely ever get this with humans. I really believe that there are much worse things than death. It's the fear,despair and the suffering that kills me. I I still don't fully understand how I can watch terrible things happening to people in the news and be realitivly unaffected,but if there are animals involved then I feel physically sick and can't get it out of my head for weeks. Yes,social media is awful for it. You never know when it will pop up. I find it so depressing because if you feel like this I don't know any way you can really be happy? It's just a awful world . How can you just switch it off. Im scared of seeing things that might tip me over the edge. I almost feel that this is the single biggest issue in my life. It dominates everything.

It's like we we are tuned in to the suffering somehow.

It's nice to know I'm not alone, but it's pretty horrendous to deal with. X

stella01 profile image

I found this site a few weeks ago and I keep coming back to it. I too have constant worry about animals and my husband does not feel the same way as I do about animals.

I am sick to my stomach right now as we speak. Here is my situation.

My neighbor got a dog a few weeks back. This dog came from a family who kept him inside all day while they were at work. And he had inside privileges at night. Now that my neighbor has him he is outside 24/7 and my neighbor is barley home to care for him. Buster is the dogs name. Buster has food and water and shelter (an awning) but he is not eating.. Right now as i type this he is tied up to the back porch because it is raining. This dog is the sweetest dog in the world and he is super friendly and affectionate. He is not getting the love and affection he deserves now. The good thing is though is that my neighbor is letting me go over to his backyard when he is at work. So i am able to give buster some love. But it is not all the time or everyday. I cry over this almost every night and it is effecting my relationship with my husband.

I think my biggest thing is me imagining what buster is thinking and or feeling... Like he is wondering where is other family is and why did they leave him. he is also skin and bones now. and his hair is falling out.

I just don't want to overstep my boundaries with my neighbor.. so I will tread lightly but do all i can for buster.. while I am here. I have contemplated moving.. but then buster wouldn't have me around. I have also contemplated asking the neighbor why he even has a dog and If i can find a better home for him.. I am sick to my stomach thinking about how abandoned buster "may" be feeling..

I know this doesn't answer the initial question above, but I am relieved to know that I am not the only one in this world that carries these burdens..

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to stella01

I feel for you Stella 1, it is torture for us animal lovers to have to watch animals being treated like this. I have been in your same situation. I finally talked to the neighbor because I was upset all the time. I am glad you show the dog some attention I have ended up taking care of my neighbors animals over the years but the stress can affect your health. I am like you Stella I also feel their sadness and pain.

I had a mommy kitty that was dropped on me and she had 3 kittens and I had to take them to our Shelter program but they are really dedicated to finally these animals new homes. I cried for 2 days but I have several health problems and have to quite taking in animals.

I hope this situation improves for your and the animals sake. Please keep in touch and know we care.

sankap profile image

I too suffer from anxiety regarding cruelty to animals. i constantly worry about my pets(guinea pigs) as well as of those around me. to the extent that it becomes a source of misery and does not let me concentrate on work or studies.

what has helped me is in trying to understand the nature of my emotions through meditation. this might sound philosophical or whatever but im sharing it anyway in case theres the slightest probability it might be of help to someone. i give just a few minutes of my day in the morning to understand that i cannot let external factors control feelings that are supposed to be generated from within. there is just so much happening in the world that i would collapse if i started letting that take control of me. my life is finite too, and the only way i can make good use of my time would be to generate some positivity around me. which would come if i take control of my mind and start creating what i want to see. so instead i try to focus my energies on that, rather than getting external influences the better of me.

there are days that i am able to do it, and some where i go back to my old self, but i'm working on it. im not saying that we should ignore an animal or a person in need, all i want to achieve is that any external event that you might experience shouldnt get the better of you, and make your emotions turn against you.

Lornaas profile image


I'm not sure who is still reading this link... but I'm going to comment anyway....

I get very very anxious about animal cruelty and it is taking over my life... I am just returning from a holiday from Canada and I feel so guilty I have spent so much money on a holiday when I could have donated it to an animal charity. I do donate on a monthly basis and will be donating to Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation too when I get home also Soi dog as I am so worked up over Yulin... I cannot understand why something like this happens in the world and it's not just Yulin it's Korea, Thailand, everywhere people torturing dogs and cats for their meat... I have two dogs and I don't know if this has what has made my anxiety worse as I keep imagining bad things happening to them. One of my dogs is a rescue from Romania where dogs are also treated so badly!!! Why do governments allow this intolerable cruelty!!!??? I keep feeling bad and then think, stop thinking about what you are feeling imagine what those animals are feeling and do something.... but I just don't know what to do... I just want it to stop... I want to save all those animals and I don't know how..... I hate people so much and I know there are good ones doing their best to save animals but if people didn't exist this world wouldn't be in the mess it's in and animals would be so much better off... I did once speak to a therapist about this... I think she thought I was overreacting I never went back... why if there are so many animals lovers out there is this animal cruelty still happening???

JulieJ123 profile image
JulieJ123 in reply to Lornaas

So many posts on this thread are words I have uttered myself over and over again. The Yulin atrocity has crippled me with so much sadness and I too feel guilty for anything I spend money on when I know such horrific things are happening to these poor, helpless animals. I feel guilty for not being vegan, but I do buy local humane certified and free range/cage free meats/eggs. I donate to national and local animal charities monthly and have been a volunteer at my local shelter, but it still doesn't feel like enough and it NEVER lessens the sadness and horror of the images I've seen (even though I try so hard not to). If you donate or support the people who are fighting these causes you are going to inevitably come across a picture you don't want to see.

Seeing the horrific, disgusting acts that are being committed against these sweet animals breaks me to my core and makes me wish the planet would just implode so the suffering would stop. I don't understand how ANYONE who has the capacity to feel pain (whether physical or emotional) could do such horrible things. How can anyone watch the suffering of any living thing? I am extremely sensitive to animal suffering, but human suffering and torture bothers me as well. I can't watch any movies/images about torture, violence or brutality. I just don't understand how any human could commit such acts against another living thing.

I don't really know how to cope, I have people tell me not to look at it, don't think about, but putting my head in the sand so that I don't have to "feel" sad for these poor, defenseless animals is NOT an option. If I can't be bothered to be moved to utter sadness knowing these things are going on, then I feel I am no better than the people committing or allowing these vial acts to happen. I really want to support those that are willing to stand in the street and steal the trucks and save thousands of dogs and cats heading to Yulin. I plan to find a cause that supports this and donate, but I also feel I need an outlet to talk to others about this to cope with the fact that it happens and not matter how much I donate my time or money, it won't end it all, everywhere and forever. So, I am on this site in the hopes that I connect with others who share my sensitivity and who are devastated by these atrocities as much as I am so that I don't feel so alone.

Thinker29 profile image

I feel the same way even if I try to silence it. The difference is you live in a developed world where animal cruelty is rare relative to where I am from which is Ethiopia. You can't believe how animals are treated in Ethiopia, it is so depressing that you don't want to step out of your house just to avoid seeing another animal hurt. It's that bad. I guess nature in general is cruel anyway I don't know. But what I know is that if I get the fund To Help the animals I would do it forever. Thanks, it's good to know other people care about animals as well.

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to Thinker29

So sad that you have to endure this horror. I don't think I could reman sane dealing with such abuse rtoward poor animals.

Doglover3033 profile image

I know this post is a few years old, but I feel exactly the same way as you about animals and my own (I have 4 dogs & 3 cats). I am 50 years old and struggle to understand why humans are so evil & cruel towards such innocent creatures. I am finding it very hard to cope with and within seconds of thinking about them I just start crying especially the dogs at the meat festivals and stories of other animal cruelty. It's getting so bad that apart from my animals and worrying about who would love them like I do if I wasn't here, I wouldn't care if I died tomorrow then I wouldn't be in pain anymore, I am so miserable over it.

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to Doglover3033

I completely understand where you are coming from things are hard to deal with concerning animal abuse. I have days I have felt the same way as you.I try to not watch things that upset me because I can't deal with things like I used to.

Charlotte3s profile image

Wow.. I did the same and googled regarding the normality of this constant worry. Reading through these posts has made me cry at nearly every one as thoughts go through my head too.. like how my cat would escape if there was a fire ( he's a house cat due to health issues), taking any animals to the vets for their boosters - I worry if it's a dodgy batch and will watch them like a hawk. Anything on facebook and I sit there crying. I follow Ricky Gervais and he is always posting about the Yulin.. (i refuse to call it a festival) . Then that leads me off on trails of thoughts about all the pain and suffering that is going in everywhere else.. I think about what they're going through and .. Welling up now even writing this.

Took in a hedgehog this morning.. sure it had been poisoned.. Couldn't get through to any rescue centres and was just left to watch it suffer and die.. I couldn't leave him alone and it was so so horrible to watch. It's all I can think about and then i think of others out there. It's so hard.. makes me feel so sick. I can't sleep.. can't eat.. I don't think anyone really understands how much it tears me apart... so thank you all for sharing.. some solace in knowing I'm not alone.

SuzyQ1948 profile image

I keep hoping animal cruelty laws would be harsher against ignorant animal abusers. I live in a small town and they don't carry through with the fines are penalties. The policy in our town is if an animal has some sort of shelter things are fine, no problem! Really! What about food and water and giving you pets a little attention. This is totally ridiculous but no one seems to care.

I have taken in animals for years and even some neighbors animals because they just came to my home and never wanted to return home. I have spent so many nights of worrying and not resting due to my animals and I truly think it has contributed to my health problems but I would do it again. Friends we can't deal with the total picture of the animal suffering in the world, we have to deal with what we can do in our area, it can literally drive us crazy. I try not to watch all the things they show concerning the terrible plight of animals.

I have lots of animals and still care for them but it all the stress has gotten the best of me and I missed out on things I should have done for myself over the years. I think we can do our part for our animals but need to let ourselves enjoy our lives and trust in God to help with our love for animals.


aussiejewels profile image

I just saw the, "stop animals suffering" commercial on TV (again) and burst into tears!... (again!)..I do this every time it airs!...I just cannot bear the pain of seeing an animal being abused!..So, I finally decided to look up how upset I feel, when I see these commercials, to look for answers, and I found a kindred spirit in your post!...People think I am, "weird," that I care about other living things so much (because to most they are not that important...) but i think there is something wrong with people who DON'T care!!....(especially those who go out of their way to abuse an animal!...These individuals are pure evil and i feel so angry and want desperately for them to pay for their crimes!...) I guess I'm looking for answers on how to deal with the daily pain and crying, when i see those abused animal ads, that are aired several times daily on tv (and are almost impossible to avoid!) Further, I am also concerned with the welfare of other peoples animals, and that they are being responsible pet owners... It doesn't matter who or what animal!...(They are all equals in my eyes)...Unfortunately, responsible pet ownership is often not the case and it breaks my heart...I donate monthly to the ASPCA but I wish I could afford to donate to ALL the organizations!...I never associated my compassion for animals to my anxiety disorder (OCD) but I can now see it relates to it...i take medication for the OCD but, unfortunately, it doesn't take away the emotional upheaval of seeing any animal suffer...I think i am way too sensitive for this world...My only solace is that I believe in KARMA, and that animal abusers might come back as one!...

Veganangel profile image
Veganangel in reply to aussiejewels

Sounds like we are in the same boat. I often feel so alone and a estranged from other people. This should be on everyone's mind. It's awful feeling so much pain but it's nothing compared to the pain these innocent animals are feeling

aussiejewels profile image
aussiejewels in reply to Veganangel

That is SO true!..It is unimaginable,

to me, what HORRIFIC things some animals have to endure at the hands of humans!...I simply cannot be happy in life knowing animal abuse goes on ALL the time!(even as I'm typing this!) It simply is not fair to these innocent creatures and I fear it will NEVER stop!! The thought of this just breaks my heart and soul!.. I feel powerless to protect all the animals in the world from users and abusers!

SuzyQ1948 profile image

Aussie I always flip the channel until the commercial is over. I can't handle watchi g them either.

aussiejewels profile image
aussiejewels in reply to SuzyQ1948

Me too, or look away, but the music I hear is just as heart wrenching!!

Stevieboy1966 profile image

I am exactly like you an it's driving me nuts...

Stevieboy1966 profile image

I am exactly like you an it's driving me nuts

megsox11 profile image

I feel so similar to you!!!! I quit facebook because I had gotten connected with so many rescue dog groups after I rescued two dogs, and I couldn't deal with the sad stories I would see, they would haunt me each night before bed and they still do! I volunteered at the humane society for awhile and want to do more. The reason I found your post is because I was googling "can I get hypnotized to be less sensitive to animals?"

I feel for you completely and feel the exact same way. The only thing I can say to help is try to live in the present. Make a check list of what to do before you leave the house- 1) Turn off stove, lights, unplug hairdryer, 2) make sure dogs are inside/have food/water.... Lock the door and bring everything you need. The more organized you are the less room there will be for worry.

The dogs are sleeping when you are not home. if you have a dog walker, and are every away and worried pay he or she for a walk to come by and check that all is OK. I've had mine stop by a few times just to check if the stove is on because I'm neurotic. I haven't left the stove over in 10 years but I still worry about it.

You're a good sweet soul for worrying about animals. They need us, they are helpless. you rescued, that's great, volunteer when you can and donate your time.

Hi everyone, I found this place on a random search looking for something to explain to me why I feel so much compassion and empathy towards animals. It is killing me!! Anyway, I will keep this short for now. Are you all active here? I would love to get to know like-minded people. I feel so alone (and exhausted)~

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to

Hello I just saw your post and totally know where you are coming from, I also start worrying about animals in this weather. I have cats and I take very good care of them and make sure they are warm but I constantly worry about other animal that are not taken care of in this world. I is heartbreaking. I stress over this so bad but save all the poor things out there.

I wish I knew the answer to dealing with the worry but NEVER have found a solution. Just KNOW you are not alone.


Dloz profile image

I am struggling with this right now. I dread the cold weather because I am simply paralyzed at the thought of animals being out in it. If I have to go out in it, my misery increases, and if my brain isn’t otherwise occupied I am a mess. I have rescued two dogs, but I am consumed by the millions out there who are suffering. I feel like my head is being squeezed, and I’m afraid to stop thinking about it because if I do, what will happen to them? My rational brain tells me that there’s nothing I can do, and that it’s happened for hundreds of years and will continue to, no matter what I do, but I just want to cry and sleep all the time because I can’t handle it. 4 months a year is a long time to be like this.

SuzyQ1948 profile image
SuzyQ1948 in reply to Dloz

I am dealing with this also Dloz , it makes me sick I worry so much. I just PRAY PEOPLE will wake up and realize if you have animals you need to care for them. Some people don't even care about there pets. This is terrible to say but they need a place just for the animal abusers other than heaven.


Jo-par profile image

I understand these posts so well. My focus in staying healthy and strong is so I can do what little I can to help. Saving one dog will not change the world ... but for that dog, the whole world is changed. For him or her, it was everything x

Sana_R profile image

Hello guys. I stumbled upon this thread while looking for some kind of explanation why do I constantly worry about every animal I see. I have rescue dog and cat in my apartment and I feed few cats in the neighbourhood. I have always loved animals but I don't remember being this upset all the time.

My main trigger are strays. Even now, I'm writing because I was walking my dog and the cutest little black dog joined us. She was so happy to socialize and what breaks my heart, she was unbelievably obedient and knew all the basic commands, which means someone probably abandoned her. I left her some food but I couldn't take her with me, and it's making me cry now. I feel like I'm the one who abandoned her now even though I know it's impossible to give home to all of them. I don't know how to stop torturing myself with these thoughts. They're just snowballing, it starts with a sad photo on social media or seeing an animal on the street, then I remember some stray I met three years ago, I wonder if it's still alive, could I've done more. It's gut wrenching.

I've read so many similar stories here and genuinely made me feel a bit more sane. I'd like to know more people who can understand this.

Oh my gosh...I just stumbled across this thread through a Google search and after I read your post I created an account so I could reply. Literally every single thing you said, I too have suffered from. It was as if I wrote your post myself. It makes me physically ill to think of poor animals being abused and I often try whatever I can to push it out of my head because it makes me so anxious. I wish there was something I could do to end it all and knowing that isn't possible makes me more anxious. I also have anxiety about leaving my fur babies at home or in the presence of a close friend or family member for fear of what could happen to them. If nothing else it is good to know I am not alone in these fears. I just wish I knew how to get rid of them. Honestly I sometimes think that all the awareness on social media, etc for abused animals just feeds more negative thoughts for the deranged sickos out there too. So tragic, sad and sickening.

Jadealana profile image
Jadealana in reply to luvmyfurbabies2018

I see you found this place about the same time as me! I posted a note above mixed in with older posts. I have been at my wits end because my sadness in relation to animals seems to get worse with age. Here was my earlier note -

I don't know who may be still on this thread but I just can't seem to get past animal struggles. I have become fearful of scrolling down on facebook or any new stories worried I'll see a pic or will have to imagine if they say what was done to the animal. I have snippets though of thinking about the sounds the cruelty. I cry about dogs and cats every day. I have two rescue dogs that mean the world to me. One imparticular is my baby girl Zelda. She just turned 8 and I have cried knowing the likelihood she'll pass away before me. I already have cried and cried and she's still with me. I'm so scared I'm going to breakdown when she does pass.

Compassion for animals is a double edged sword. I give money but I've always wanted to help more on the front lines but if you're like me you know you'd go home bawling everyday and destroy yourself with guilt because you can't take them all in. I'm crying as I write this.

I would love to correspond with anyone who struggles like I do. I hate that anyone would have to deal with this but ona somewhat selfish note I'm relieved it's not just me. Please reach out here or my email

Just seeing this thread makes me feel a little better

beverlyshifflet profile image
beverlyshifflet in reply to Jadealana

I'm exactly the's horrible

SuzyQ1948 profile image

I am so sad I found 2 little kittens and wasn't going to keep anymore cause of my age and health but just couldn't find them a home. Junie is the girl and Tracker is the little boy. I have Junie fixed and was getting ready to take Tracker. Yesterday Junie disappeared. My great nephew have walked the roads gone into woods around my home but can't find Junie.

I have talk to neighbors and we have cougars and other predators in our neighborhood and I am afraid something has gotten her. I have warm bed for 7 of them on my back deck and I check on them constantly but I think it happen that evening when I was at grocery store . The thing that is strange is Bozo has a tooth bite on his shoulder the same night this happened. I am about to go crazy worrying about Junie and just need support.

Thank you


kennyray profile image

Came across this thread and I empathize with everyone here. I am ashamed to be human sometimes. The cruelty to animals, the damage to the environment, all to serve our needs. The biggest culprit is money.

We breed animals not to eat and survive, but to make money. We breed dogs and cats not for animal love, for money. there’s millions of adoptable animals at any given time. Why not stop breeding and adopt until they ate all saved? Cause people need to make money, and this is an opportunity. The oversupply results in putting down the millions of shelter pets a year. This kills a part of my heart

The ones that are just outright cruel to animals, I wish I could end their existence

As long as there’s humans and money, this will never end. And I can’t wrap my head around it. It gets me depressed.

Seeing a dead squirrel on the road saddens me. The little guy was just trying to cross abd doesn’t know the danger of humans and their cars. There countless examples that tear my heart. Frustrating and overwhelming.

Josie2018 profile image

I didn't realize there were other people like me. I obsessively worry about animal neglect and abuse, particularly dogs for some reason. I feel overwhelmed and depressed. Not sure what the underlying reason is; however, I have loss and abuse in my childhood. I'm tired of blaming my past for the present. I have a very addictive personality . I feel so self-destructive .

Anyway, the worst is when the weather gets very cold, very hot or a hurricane is in the gulf. Some people still leave their animals at home . My husband is sick of this. I ruined a vacation because he wanted to go to the real area instead of the tourist traps. I spent the whole day obsessing over a dog instead of enjoying our long-awaited vacation. He thinks I can control these thoughts . I can't. I desperately want to get this under control. At least it's good to know I'm not the only person suffering with this.

Note: I obsess about Elder neglect and abuse to a lesser extent. Within the last year I have started picking perfectly normal skin on my legs. Goodbye bathing suit. Thanks for listening. I hope everyone is doing well.

If anyone has recovered from this, please let us know how.

beverlyshifflet profile image
beverlyshifflet in reply to Josie2018

I am in the exact same boat.....I thought I was the only one

Talafarhat profile image
Talafarhat in reply to beverlyshifflet

You’re not. I feel the same exact way & it’s driving me crazy! I cannot take this feeling anymore..

Myfurkid profile image

Hi everyone

I have been looking for resources to help me with the intense feelings I get when I am bombarded with thoughts of animal cruelty & not feeling at peace because I cant stop it..or bust them out of all of the zoos & circuses. Hating the human race.

I found that In Defense of Animals (IDA) has a lot of self care videos & resources per their Sustainable Activism Program. They have a free & confidential helpline. Here is the link. I have been feeling a lot better since going through all of these resources

Also..I found this on their site. I just did this EFT for 10 min & it was a big release for me. I am going to try to do it more & find an EFT Therapist.

Here is a link yo IDA's Sustainable Activist vids. They also have a monthly support group you can call into. They also have a Vegan Spirituality FB Page & monthly call. Once u register u get the dial code.

Hope this helps someone♡♡

Same here. Veggie, love animals, not very fond of people, extremely sensitive and emotional regarding cruelty towards animals. I have Asperger’s.

Cass1023 profile image

I too feel this way, it’s gettinf pretty bad. What have you done to help with these anxieties? Please help.

beverlyshifflet profile image
beverlyshifflet in reply to Cass1023

I'm the same way. It's horrible

Ilovemybluenose profile image

Im exactly the same way. Every single thing you wrote about , I go through all of those things also.

beverlyshifflet profile image
beverlyshifflet in reply to Ilovemybluenose

Me too!!!!!

Secretlysad profile image

As everyone has written, I'm relieved to have found I'm not alone. The overwhelming worry and sadness I carry every day can be debilitating. I cannot stop the intrusive animal worry. In the winter I worry about wildlife and stray animals constantly. I cannot talk to anyone about it because they either tell me to shut the thoughts off, ( which I cannot ) or poke fun. I feel alone even in a crowd.

beverlyshifflet profile image
beverlyshifflet in reply to Secretlysad

I'm the same's horrible.

reddirtmusic profile image
reddirtmusic in reply to Secretlysad

This is me also...

beverlyshifflet profile image

OMG I know exactly how you feel. I can hardly go for drives or walks because I'm afraid I'll see a animal in what I consider bad conditions. I constantly dwell on horrible things I've heart is racing just trying to type this. How do we get help?

Animal_friend profile image

I feel exactly the same way you do. I obsess about animals that I think are being neglected too. It is awful to have this constant anxiety for them when there is usually nothing you can do about it. I have worked in animal rescue for several years and the burden is overwhelming and soul-crushing. You desperately want to help them all but you just can’t; it’s not humanly possible. I finally just pray for them because as long as animals are viewed as property, there is so little you can legally do. I can sympathize so well with how you feel, I am a sensitive person and animal lover as well. I know this question is old, but I just came across it while looking for help for my own problem.

Cynical profile image

Hi. I going through deep sadness these days because it seems all my work and efforts to help animals is constantly sabotaged by indifferent or profit hungry people. Even small things they could do to support the wild birds and such but fucking nothing but their selfishness. And when I see dead birds or injured animals etc and whatever I do to help it seems a tiny drop compared to their suffering. When I'm not sad I very angry. And since most people I know hardly care I feel also alone in this

brit1088 profile image

In hopes that you may still read this. I am literally making myself sick of worry. I see a deceased domestic animal on the road and my anxiety gets so bad that I literally can not think and my husband will actually go with me so he can bring it home to bury it. I see boxes along the side of the ride and stress what is inside. Winter is terrible because I dwell on the strays. People tell me that I cant save all the animals and that I have to learn to cope with it but I feel it is a mental disorder and can not break away. I am hoping you have found a way to deal with the issue. I will go out of my way and do whatever I have to do if a animal is in distress. I have always cared but the last 5 or 6 years have been the worst and sometimes I joke and say I should just isolate myself from the outside world. I just honestly don’t believe people understand the severity of this.

JonahH profile image
JonahH in reply to brit1088

Know exactly what you mean. I am the same when I go out anywhere - I fear seeing a dead animal at the roadside, especially a domestic one and will endeavour to trace the owner. I wonder why other people don't do this, instead of just ignoring it because it is 'just an animal'. It is such a relief reading other peoples comments..I have OCD with regard to animal welfare and just about everyday I will see something that will concern me and stress me out.

Ideklol profile image

I saw this horrible video of a famous girl doing bad stuff to a dog (won’t talk about it), and I can’t get it out of my mind. I reported it and did all I can, but I’m scared she’ll get another animal! She’s famous because she does dark humor jokes but she is truly ill, I think I’m getting better by reading people relating to my love for animals!

reddirtmusic profile image

Wow...finally someone who understands me...I have felt like a freak for a long time because of my worry over all animals that don't have a great life...intense worry, stress and tears that others don't understand...I wish I could just turn it's incapacitating and debilitating...I love that I am a caring empathetic person...but the pain of this is at times unbearable...I have also felt guilty for loving animals more than people...but this is how God made me...I just need to learn how to deal with the stress of neglected animals...there must be a way to not let it rule my life...there must be a way to deal with the anxiety and depression that results from this...

KavitaGadanchi profile image

This is not being crazy, this is just being human. I have similar behavior and dont think it is something we shouldn't be. Its correct that these emotions gives us pain as we feel their pain but we have to embrace this suffering as we are in the world full of animal haters and meat eaters. Its just that we are misplaced in different time and may be there is a reason why we are here. Through our care and concern we can make life beautiful of atleast those few animals we take in.

If you observe , the people who are sensitive and both courageous go out and saves dozens of animals and do what is needed (Medical care, rehabilitation, fostering etc) n still be very stable in their emotions. They hardly get nervous and anxious about animal suffering. They dedicate themselves for the mission and nothing else. May be this is what we need to overcome our intense emotional state of worrying about animals. We need more courage and stability of our heart. I still cannot manage to see animals in bad condition and feel guilty at the same time for not doing anything about it. So i just pray to Shiva and tell him that i love animals and mother nature more than myself, please protect and keep them safe. I never ask anything for myself to God but always make sure to highlight the case of animals infront of him.

People who love animals and birds are beautiful and wise , you just need to balance and show more courage into the situations.

zazpa profile image

Not sure if anyone is still in this thread but I am so relieved that I am not alone. I am tormented with worry for my own animals and all animals out there in the world. It has come to a point where it’s very unhealthy for me and I’ve gone to therapy and got on meds. I have 3 cats and 1 dog that I share with my boyfriend. My boyfriend has a 5 year old daughter that he has joint custody of. She is sweet and a little rambunctious. But that plus my obsessive worry over my animals has been a nightmare for me. Anytime she comes over, I turn into an ultra vigilante and I often keep the cats couped up in our bedroom in fear that she might be too rough with them, or chase them, or scare them, I could go on with all of the possibilities. It has come to a point where I have villianized her and she is the threat that I must keep my cats away from. My relationship with my boyfriend and his daughter has suffered greatly because of my over protective instincts. I have turned to food and drugs to try to help alleviate the fear. As a result, I have gained over 50+ lbs, quit my job, stopped participating in extracurricular activities and hobbies, and I barely want to leave our room bc that’s where my cats are and I must protect them. This is a problem because I have lost myself and my sanity. Of course my bf does not understand and to top it off, he has a very short temper. He loves me and tries his best, but when it comes to me reprimanding his daughter just because she pet one of my cats incorrectly, he has little tolerance. What’s worse is even last night, I got upset that she wouldn’t leave the cats alone and put her in timeout. He got very upset and threatened my cats. Not because he would actually do anything, but because he wanted to say something that he knew would hurt me. Because it hurts him that I seem to show more affection towards our pets than his own daughter. I lay awake at night in fear over the safety of animals. It’s healthy to show compassion and respect for all living creatures, but I can no longer function in life and I’ve completely lost control over myself. I’m not here for advice, although I would gladly take that, but I’m here because it’s at least comforting to know that I’m not alone.

MankindSucks profile image
MankindSucks in reply to zazpa

I am so happy I came across your post. I am in a very similar situation. I have two cats and my partner has a 6 year old daughter and she stays with us every weekend. I get so upset with her because she runs through my house and scares my cats. I have told her on numerous occasions that she must not do this. I have had countless arguments with my partner. We went to the farm the other days and she was petting all the cows and pigs and for dinner she wanted a ham pizza. I'm vegan and she said to me, "I still want to eat animals". I shouldn't feel angry as she's just a small girl. My partner has recently became vegan after our conversations about the farm industry.

I live in a seaside town and everyday I witness something that upsets me. I've gotten into countless confrontations with people, it is getting to the point where I don't want to leave my house. I think about animals all the time. I feel so sorry for them, and the suffering Mankind has inflicted upon them. I don't know what to do. I work in an educational environment and I witness so many people being unkind, it's literally driving me insane.

Today I'm going to delete my Facebook and set up a reward chart for my step daughter, which my partner agrees with. I am also going to volunteer as a rescue Sanctuary. Hopefully this will help things!

sanitybee profile image

I have ptsd and lots of anxiety. I find myself worrying about animals a lot of the time. I used to do it even more. Until I was able to rationalize that animals do go through a whole lot in their natural life , without human interference as well. I still hate what humans do to animals through factory farming and dairy farming, also cruelty and neglect. We are quite horrible in so many ways. But no less horrible than nature itself. We are part of nature and perhaps nature intends us to be what we are. I still consider us to be horrendous parasites that will end up destroying themselves by destroying the host. I am too tired to deal with the other issues that plague human kind, basically I am burned out. I was a social worker. I am still trying to do my best with distressed animals and distressed people. But I realize I have to be a whole lot detached than I have been. I have to let some things be. i have to remember that nature is tough . Just read about Evolution and you will know how tough nature and the universe is.

At the moment I have two dogs at home with two cats and two kittens (below 1 yr) , and its a huge struggle sometimes. Because I also live with two adults, my parents, who want to do things very differently from me. The two kittens are in their teenage rebellion phase it seems. I tried to keep them as house cats with occassional trips to the outside but they are wanderers it seems. One of them keeps wandering off and the other one follows. Just to the other side of the wall into the neighbors compound or some wild bushes , but they are following their heart and driving me crazy. Im so tired, its not even funny. I keep looking for them and finding them gone, is heartbreaking every time. I have lost many pets and also many street animals that I loved. I have lost an only dear sister. I am full of anxiety. My parents dont care so much. But I am petrified every time they are missing. Keeping them in the house is impossible because I dont control the house. There is no way i can keep them inside when people are in and out all the time.

I dont know how to manage my anxiety or even whether I should. I take propranaolol but nothing else. Should I ask for some anti anxiety meds? Do they help??

Zoeysuzanne profile image

Reading your post I felt like it was my exact thoughts and fears almost to the T. I have had the same worries for several years now. My family and friends think that it's ridiculous and are always telling me I need to "just stop".Slowly over the last couple of years my worries have escalated and I have become worried about wild animals as well. For an example I saw a dead raccoon in the road. It made me sad but as I drove around it I started to worry that it may have been a mama raccoon and her babies would be left alone to die. I began carrying gloves and a shovel in the back of my vehicle and will stop anytime I see an animal on the road and move it because the thought of it just getting ran over again and again makes me sick to my stomach.

I also now carry water, big bags of cat and dog food and any food scraps which I will daily go and leave in spots that I have seen strays or wild animals wandering around. I basically have feeding spots and I joke that I am a meals on wheels for critters. Even though I know this is not healthy for myself or the animals. This often causes an anxiety attack because I start thinking I'm hurting these animals by not letting them naturally find food and hunt for themselves. It is a vicious circle.

I just cannot turn off my brain from worrying that animals are suffering whether it be from there owners or from the heat or the cold etc.

It is affecting my life in so many ways and it's very hard to explain. I'm afraid I'm become obsessed with my worries.

romeee1111 profile image
romeee1111 in reply to Zoeysuzanne

i am the same

SaltyOne profile image

Hello, so interesting that I have found your post from 7 years ago as I came online searching for help as I feel the same way as you stated. I look forward to reading the replies you received and I hope this finds you well and in a much less worried state and happy.

Chachs profile image

I do, I know how you feel, to me it happens more when the weather is awful, I can't sleep thinking I hav a warm bed, a roof and they don't. the strays are the ones that heart

Signsofautumn profile image

Hi, I realize this is a very old post, but if I just saw it. Than others will too. Some of why you’re experiencing is, OCD. The other part with loving animals so much, is most likely spiritual choice. I am the same way you are to a point, but because I have two daughters with autism. 1 severe non verbal 27. The other Asperger’s 18. Both have severe OCD, anxiety and intrusive thoughts and I have my hands full worrying about them 24/7/365, but every spare moment I have is spent worrying about animals. I can not leave am injured animal when I see any on the roadside. I have to make sure animals near me have a water source in summer, during droughts, I feed as many animals as I can during winter and worry about them on Christmas even though I don’t think animals recognize holidays like humans do, but I still think about them and spread peace and love to animals that are alone. Feral cats, etc.

I’d rather spend Christmas Eve feeding animals then go to my in laws for Christmas any day. Every single animal I have ever seen hit in the road, it’s burned into my memory. Yeah, it’s not fun. I believe a lot out issues are OCD and anxiety and I also believe we do it, because we may avoiding our own negatives in life or don’t want to recognize our own worries. We are definitely empath’s, fauna empath’s. Look it up and you’ll see why I mean. Maybe God or whoever the mass spiritual energy is, in our universe wants us to take up caring about those who need it the most and we all get assignments. Idk! I also worry about kids, disabled people and the elderly too, but mostly animals. Sometimes I don’t want to leave my house early in the morning because I’m so afraid of seeing animals hit in the roadside. Just last week I witnessed a turkey vulture get hit and the person didn’t even make an effort to avoid it. Sick!!! I puked over and wrapped a blanket around it and brought it to the wildlife rehab we’re very blessed to have near me. People have no idea how intelligent vultures are and how family oriented they are. They babysit each others young and the teenage ones are expected to help the younger ones. When I stopped to pick the injured one up. The other ones circled around me and didn’t want me to touch it. I assured them I wouldn’t harm it. They can also projectile vomit as a defense and I didn’t want to experience that at all. After I put the injured juvenile vulture in my car to take over to the rehab. All the vultures, about 12-14 watched my car and tried to elk behind me pulling away. After I dropped the vulture off. I went to see how the others were doing and they were ll sitting on the electrical tower, heads bowed and none were perched up as usual and they completely stopped eating the carrion on the roadside. So yes! I’m with you and I get it, but I still believe it’s our own sadness drop inside md we can relate so well with animals, we’re down to them and feel their pain and want to help them. No doubt we’re kind people and never want to see suffering around us. We can only do as much as we’re out here to do and someday will know why we did it all. God bless you and those of you just like us👼🏻🐾🙏🏻🌈

Klelia_rose profile image

I know this is an old post but I feel exactly the same now. I recently traveled to a country where I felt like animal suffering was everywhere. It kept me from enjoying my trip and made me cry so much. I’ve been back for a couple weeks and still think about the animals I saw there every single day. I also profoundly hate all the people who didn’t seem to care at all and encouraged the exploitation of animals for tourism - it infuriates me and I can’t stop thinking about the poor horses, falcons and donkeys I saw being overworked in horrible conditions.

This isn’t new tho because even as a kid, I remember sleepless nights worrying about animals being poached, animals killed for meat, pets being mistreated, cats or dogs on the street who might be lost or abandoned, etc.. I have a cat that I love to pieces and always imagine the worst scenarios, it makes me cry very often even when he’s safe right next to me. I’ve considered volunteering at a shelter but I’m scared I won’t be able to ever forget about the animals there if I do so. Sometimes I feel like I want the world to end for animals to stop suffering because of humans. Did you find a way of living a happy life? I’m constantly sad because I know that whatever I do will never be enough to save all the animals and that whenever I am enjoying myself, animals are suffering somewhere.

_negin_ profile image

I've got the very same problem, maybe we can talk about it together, it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone in this

Liseywashere profile image

I'm here because I was searching for a community of others who feel as I do regarding the world and the selfishness and coldness of humans. LOTR analogy I can't get out of my head: I honestly see humans as Orcs from Lord of the Rings, who only see animals as tools or 'meats'. We are the devils in the animals hell and it just devastates me! I want to be an 'angel' inside this Earth hell we humans have made and try to help, but I'm so powerless and isolated! My family doesn't feel as I do, they think I'm too focused on animal welfare, but it's like looking around at other humans and seeing a world others ignore. I see the suffering, or visualize when I see a woman with a fur coat on, I see the suffering when I watch people eat meat, People are cutting down rainforests and poaching wild animals, people are torturing and killing animals for money and it makes me just start sobbing. I donate all my money to charities trying to help, but it's like a drop in a bucket and nothing is going to stop the fires of Mordor from destroying the forests and animals and good things.

We are evil creatures and there are so few of us who see what we are doing to the world. How do I get rid of the despair I feel? How do I find peace? Donating isn't enough, rescuing my dogs, isn't enough... I wish I didn't see all the things I see. The ONLY thing that makes me feel better is knowing that there are others who see what I see and feel as I feel. I pray for relief for all of us.

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