pls read: ok guys so this year has been very... - Anxiety Support

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itzliz115 profile image
9 Replies

ok guys so this year has been very hard for me and it’s the year we’re my anxiety had developed to the point we’re it’s serious now. idk I just always feel on edge, I get headaches every single day, I cry for no reason , I got my first panic attack ( so horrible I’m scared to get one again) , chest pain , my muscles be feeling weak and some times they hurt, stomach problems , all my symptoms make me feel like there’s something wrong with me!! I know there’s not bc my doc told me It’s my anxiety , but I just worry that ima get like a serious disease or tumor in my body. I hate how I think like this (irrational) . I just wanted to know if y’all also deal with some of the symptoms I listed , I just want to be sure I’m not alone :(

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itzliz115 profile image
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9 Replies
Agora1 profile image

itzliz115, you are definitely not alone. Most of us can identify with how you

are feeling including myself years ago. I searched for an answer in why I felt

so bad. Scared but yet wishing the multitude of doctors would tell me what was

physically wrong, remove it or give me a medication that would take it away.

Unfortunately, there was no easy fix. It was Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

that had taken hold of my life. And I was not only scared but tired of dealing with

these symptoms and fear on a daily basis. I cried daily at anything and everything.

Finally one day, I turned my fear and crying into anger. Anger that Anxiety was

robbing me of my life. It had taken control and I wanted my control back again.

Instead of crying, I heard myself yelling out loud to this monstrous anxiety,

"leave me alone, this is my life" and "I will do what I want to do". "I do not fear

you anymore". "You are nothing but a lie from my subconscious mind" . "I no

longer want you in my life". "I accept that you are the coward and not me".

After years of medication, therapy and even in-patient hospitalization, my

acceptance to this being anxiety and not a medical condition became the start

of my stopping the "fear of fear" cycle. I got off my benzo meds, started using

Meditation in all forms as well as breathing meditation. I've been my own person

the last 7 years. I won and you can and will too. Welcome to this amazing forum.

We will help you go forward with your life and no longer stay stuck. Believe in that :) xx

itzliz115 profile image
itzliz115 in reply to Agora1

wow I’m so happy that u were able to cope with ur anxiety 🥺 thanks for replying

aneerj profile image

Hi whatever you wrote is anxiety..1st of all did you check your Thyroid..

If you wish to know more about my experience so that it may light up things for you..just click on my name..thx and anything am here so we can chat about the anxiety in details

itzliz115 profile image
itzliz115 in reply to aneerj

wym check my thyroid ?

aneerj profile image
aneerj in reply to itzliz115

Bcause thyroud gives you all the symptoms you mentioned above..

I wish you were alone. Just kidding there literally are millions of people with Anxiety and panics atticks. I had them, and when I first had them, they scared the shit out of me. Then just like you, I developed axiety about other (imaginary) medical issues. i.e cancer, uncurable diseases. Through therapy and medication, I have taken back "control" of my life. I have learned not to fear panic attacks. I would encourage you to think of panic attacks like diahrea. Diahrea is very unpleasant and not fun, but you know it will run its course and go away. When you have a panic attack, treat it the same way. You know what it is "fear". That is it nothing more. Don't fight the fear, but tell you yourself over and over that you safe, you are healthy, there is nothing wrong with you mentally or physically, all that is going on is you are having extreme fear and that it will run its course and go away. It is something you have to work at. I have gotten to wear I will have 2-3 minor panick attacks a year and many 1 major one every 3-5 years. I can live with that. Now, I catch colds more often than I have panick attacks. There is help.

carrieprice1998 profile image

Your not alone. I deal with all of these on a daily basis. It's not fun, it sucks so bad I know. It's called GED (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I pray that you find the strength to fight it.

Your not alone at all I got diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder when I was 17 years old and I’m 25 now at first I thought I was dying from something like cancer or something like that I was put on Paxil,Zoloft,Xanax and I felt like I wasn’t myself like I was outside of my body didn’t eat to much I’ve had weird random headaches I was thinking i had brain tumors and then I had bad chest pain shooting up my neck then I thought I had an enlarged heart went to a cardiologist and everything came back good I took a bunch of blood tests and everything came back fine, then I stopped taking all my pills which I don’t recommend anyone to do but it worked I went through rough week but then I got my anxiety under control kinda for about 3 to 4 years I was good now it came back and I’m scared I can’t stop thinking that something is wrong with I feel fatigued and nauseous in and out the day scared thinking I’m gonna die from cancer or something along those lines cause i refuse to believe these symptoms are from anxiety I feel like a burden to my family and I’ve been depressed about everything it’s hard to have motivation to go out a do things or go to work and the physical pain I get in my left side makes me think I got a tumor or mass of some sort I sound insane probably but idk I hope this helps just know your not alone and it’s hard but your definitely not alone I would not wish this on anyone there is hope don’t give up you’ll beat this.

utep99 profile image

I did. Right along with the inability to forgive myself. I strongly suggest talking to Jesus about this (It took me years) and once you forgive yourself and others things get so much better! I am now on the path to whooping the anxiety in the butt and PTSD is very under control. Jesus died for your sins have a talk with him and you will get a calming reply of "I got this" Don't look back you have been forgiven. Now it only matters after your talk with Jesus to forgive yourself once you can accept this you will find that you feel much better!

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