It sounds crazy but it's true little bugs that are alive swimming in my tub , not roaches or caterpillars ,more like mites , I have no headaches ever ,no back pain ever one knee just started hurting but only because I pulled a ligament hosting around , I am on zero prescription medications, I am over weight my b.m.I my blood pressure is fantastic I'm in zero.pain but this has made my skin ugly,
When I take a bath small bugs are constant... - Anxiety Support
When I take a bath small bugs are constantly escape g my body,sometimes I see.a.small.whirlpool being created by something invisible
Perhaps it will be helpful to talk with a doctor this week
mites can not be seen by the human eye
So you've been told , understand this fleas are in the nite family just to let u know ,trust me i.can spit.then a mil e away if i.was.I'm pain is already had done something g , I've been do ing things on my own for the last almost two years. Let me ask you guys this I ha was friend that I've I own so very Aug 2018 she has similar tho vs going and h ad some kind of Snyder embedded in the back of her head. I've been lucky rounds that one, but anyway she caught this thin g.on her nine days before we met. I personally think this was planted in me intentionally, could she also been I texted on purpose so we would flick together
You have fleas! If you are itchy than its fleas. Fleas like yo hide in crevaces on the body, including hair.
It could well be bedbugs, they just drop off when they've had their fill, or it could also be "Crabs" if you believe that they were planted on you! Sorry I can't be any better help. !