The whole thought of instant death and unknown conditions scares me so much and that’s all I think about. I just want to go to the doctor every and see if I’m okay
Dying : The whole thought of instant death... - Anxiety Support

Hi oliviaaa1
I know exactly what you mean. I had this and thought it was health anxiety but I was recently told by a doc that this is a form of ocd. Like some people need to wash their hands constantly and we need to think about illness and go to the doc constantly, so our body makes us feel things to go to the doc. With help I have managed to stop. And my symptoms come and go but overall are decreasing. In fact the longer I manage to stay away from docs the better I feel.
Could you get any professional help with this? I say this because it's horrible and no way to live x
Definitely know that feeling
This is me everyday..
Can you think what is causing this feeling of death and panic? It might be due to some incident in your past. If there have been difficult moments, where you had the loss of a friendship or someone you knew had passed on this might be affecting your thought pattern. If you are on medication, sometimes a few people may have side effects to the medication such as feeling sense of forboding, or having racing thoughts which may be unpleasant. I know you feel you need to see the doctor, as you are not in control of your thoughts, and although it is normal to think you should avoid plaguing the doctor, may be, you could chat to a nurse in the practice, and explain how your anxiety seemed to improve but now you are getting obsessional thoughts and ask if it could be a side effect of the medicine. Some foods may react with drugs, and coffee has high caffeine, and may upset some people with drugs. If this is a sleep related problem, then may be finding out if you have a sleep disorder may be one way you can help the anxiety. You mentioned you had a problem with glare of lights. This might be a sign of a migraine condition, or even an eye and ear sinus related
problem. Going to your optician might help. Computer work may strain the eyes with the glare of the screen, or overhead lighting, such as in supermarkets may make your sight blurred. Your eyes are sensitive to light, and may be you need a pair of tinted glasses to take away the glare. If you feel worried, don't be afraid to talk to someone, as if the medication is not the right one, or you need a sleeping tablet, before you go to bed, this might help your anxiety during the day if you have a good nights sleep. Hope you find the right person to help you through this.

It’s just stories I hear and all my anxiety symptoms making my think that way
That s good. I learned to switch off news programmes, and find light entertainment as it was too upsetting. Even social media networks can trigger anxiety, If you can find a distraction reading a magazine, looking at a comedy on TV doing some knitting listening to happy music then this can help. Phoning a friend might help talking about other things, to get your mind off the worry. Sure with cutting down irritants which can make you feel frightened, will help. I like painting, and papercraft, which can keep me busy for hours. When you can manage a day, without wanting to visit the GP, then you are slowly adapting and may feel better.
I'm sorry to hear of your battle. I can relate as I have been in a similar state for the past 5 years. I think about "it" all the time. I know I'm wasting "good time" worrying about something none of us can control (death) but it continues daily. I have tried just about everything, CBT class, medications, therapy but to no avail. I guess we just "take it one day at a time" and hope it will be a better one.