I noticed that nowadays I can’t seem to enjoy anything in my life, and can’t seem to be able to eat or shower due to the physical symptoms stopping me, My eyes and head always feel weird, and when I am worrying about something I can’t seem to stand up because the physical symptoms weigh me down. I feel as though I am going to pass out or get a heart attack or stop breathing when I stand up. This comes and goes alot, I am really scared I don’t want to die. Can anxiety affect one in a way that would make it hard for them to stand up? I am constantly suffocating and wish the times I didn’t suffer any of this sh*t. My heart feels perfect but the other parts of my body get so many damn symptoms that feel like a bad disease, Idk anymore if whats happening to me is a panic attack because my heart isn’t pounding anymore and my blood pressure goes low instead of high. Google says that losing appetite and interest in everything is a sign of early death??? I don’t have any diseases, just a bunch of vitamin deficiencies but they can’t be this bad can they?? They won’t kill me?
Am I dying???: I noticed that nowadays I can... - Anxiety Support
Am I dying???

Wow I totally understand and I did the same thing on google as well !!
Hi SxufferingSxoul, I've been there and know how terrible it can be. Understand that anxiety, much like any other disorder can be debilitating. There was a time in my life where I couldn't eat because of immense fear of choking holding me back, and at the same time couldn't take showers or go outside because I felt like I was going to pass out and couldn't breathe. It really is terrible. Losing interest can be a sign of depression but can also be attributed to general sickness. I would call a doctor especially if you have a large number of vitamin deficiencies so that can be helped, as vitamin deficiencies actually can cause a very large amount of physical symptoms and issues. Don't worry love, you're not dying but you may have some actual problems if you have as many vitamin deficiencies as it seems. I'm available to chat if you need someone to talk to, don't be shy. Cheers! - LightSezor
Thank you so much, I am not sure how many deficiencies I have, I am pretty I have more than 2 though. I was told that my iron level is low but I’m not anaemic, how does that even make any sense? I told my therapist about it but nevertheless he prescribed me propranolol and Zoloft. It’s not helping me at all, well my heart anxiety went down alot but the other physical symptoms are still here Where those panic attacks? The episodes of these symptoms? Vitamin deficiency can’t cause symptoms so severe to the point I would think I am dying right?
You can have low iron but not be anemic. (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl... this site can explain it better than me.) Those are likely panic attacks, especially if they come in "episodes." Vitamin deficiencies can very well be crippling and make you feel very sick, as I said I would ask for an appointment with your physician or doctor to rule out anything severe, but you're not dying. Hope you can feel better soon! - LightSezor
I’m scared of going to work
Hi Shaymocha111, what seems to be the problem? I know that anxiety can make it very difficult to go outside, but I think it will be good to go to work where you can interact with other people. When my anxiety was really bad I used to always think as long as I'm around people, at least if something happens they'll be there to help me. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Available to talk if you need. - LightSezor
I used to think the exact same, and still do, but I don’t have any friends to hang out with. These episodes sometimes even come when I am around people, like it did today. Mainly because I was eating which is something I always worry about because those annoying scary symptoms come. And I was only with my dad who doesn’t believe in mental disorders so I had to pretend to need the bathroom every now and then because I felt like suffocating already after the first bite and assumed I might stop breathing if I stayed sat down. These symptoms can’t be anxiety! I can’t eat or function normally like I used to😭
Hi again, I know it may be scary now but anxiety can be a truly debilitating disorder. Don't downplay anything just because it's not a directly physical ailment. I'd talk to your dad about it or any other authoritative figure you trust to discuss it, I guarantee if you talk long enough he'll be convinced because parents only want the best for their children. I hope all gets well soon, I'm available to chat if needed. Cheers! - LightSezor
Do you get a heavy head every day like a headache/migrane? I have these nearly every day
i know exactly what you mean i get those symptoms too fear of going outside feeling weird etc. it's a combination of depression panic attack anxiety it's awful to live with but you are not alone. here to talk to anytime this forum is great for listening
These type of feelings come from anxiety and depression. Have you tried a good magnesium supplement> I have had success with CALM. It works after a few days to counterbalance those inefficiencies. I always try to figure out if its medical or anxiety. One sure way to play this game is try to distract yourself for a few minutes or a hour, if the sensations lesson or you feel a little better-- it maybe anxiety. Anxiety lives in the fear of the body sensations and it is active when we overthink about it. We can make ourselves dizzy, hot, heart palpitations, tremors, aches.. you name it. In times of high anxiety all this can be present and then it passes. The secret is to test yourself to see if you really have a medical issue. Of course see a doctor. I always have fun with my doctor and the EKG. I get nervous and the palp. show on the EKG. She still wants me to make sure its ok.
Yeah the symptoms do lessen when I distract myself with something and go away after. But instead of high blood pressure, it’s low blood pressure and the doctor said it’s from propranolol so its fine. Is it possible for blood pressure to be low instead of high during a panic attack?
Sure ! It depends on your body. I have even had a low heart rate during anxiety. I think you manage the anxiety the best you can. Some days are worse then other, try and accept that. Enjoy the times you have it managed and focus on what you do to keep it managed. I try not to get discouraged. We overthink our health issues and sometimes one may cause the other... but it is up to us to accept, manage and talk through our anxiety.