I hate the feeling of impending doom symptom... I immediately think I’m going to die 😖
Anxiety : I hate the feeling of impending... - Anxiety Support

I know how you feel. I’ve just been experiencing it tonight. It’s finally calmed down after about 20 mins of panic. Still have anxiety though.
I hate you’re dealing with this, it sucks
What are your physical symptoms? I keep getting heart palpitations
That feeling is the worst. I don't usually get it too often, but when I do, nothing seems to help. Not even my rescue med Xanax works too take it away. That feeling in your gut that any second the worst is going to happen. I always just have to wait it out. I curl up with my dog, my weighted blanket and turn on some soothing music, a sitcom, or call a friend or my Mom. I usually say to face your anxiety head on and call it's bluff, but that symptom of feeling doom makes it darn near impossible, doesn't it?
What does the paperwork say? If that says you are fine, then you are, if you get twinges so do I and most if not all of it is stomach related.
This feeling will pass, but be kind to yourself, selfishness is okay right now.
I'm going through this as we speak I hate it alot it's so debilitating at the moment