New anxious member: Hi there, I am new this... - Anxiety Support

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New anxious member

wiserlady profile image
34 Replies

Hi there, I am new this group and have anxiety. I am female aged 62. Usually a very busy lady. But - At the moment I am very unwell and will be for a few months, but also struggling because housebound and with my partner away for a few weeks. Trying to cope with being unwell, anxious and alone that long. If anyone has a few moments to respond it would be appreciated. Thank you for reading this.

update on 4th october

two days or so has passed and my partner has sent me a huge bouquet of flowers from Malta. It has really cheered me up.

The photo is not my dog but a dog a lot like mine.

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wiserlady profile image
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34 Replies
Robinrenae profile image

Welcome wiserlady ❤ I'm sorry you're having all of this going on at one time and with. your partner being away too. I'm sure that makes your anxiety worse. If you would like to talk some time, I'm a good listener.

Love and light to you

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Robinrenae

Thank you so much, that is very kind of you. And please also feel that you can talk to me as well. I am also a good listener. Am glad that it is not so hot now, was struggling when it was the middle of summer and hot and hard to sleep at night. How are you feeling at the mo?

Robinrenae profile image
Robinrenae in reply to wiserlady

It's been in the 90s here today but going to cool off Friday, so I'm looking forward to that as well. I can't sleep if it's hot either.

I'm feeling ok, going thru a medication change at the moment so I'm havong some lingering side effects. How about you? How has your day been?

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Robinrenae

Long story as to how I am Robinrae... and boring for you. Should be feeling better healthwise in about two months, maybe a bit better before then. Its a long hard drag to get there and not well enough to work or do much in the meantime. Thankfully I have my little comforts around me and my four little dogs, that helps. Thanks again for your message.

I’ll be happy to talk with you. Everyone is really nice and supportive here

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

Hi. and thanks for that. it would be good to chat to you. I am in the UK and going to bed now. hope to see a message from you when I look again tomorrow. have a nice day.

in reply to wiserlady

I’m in the US in the state of Washington. I’ve was diagnosed with anxiety in my early 20s. I’ve had every test under the sun, some several times, over the years and nothing has ever come up with any problem. My biggest issue has been health anxiety. Sometimes just being afraid of the symptoms which just keeps them going. The most scary for me is the tight chest, palpitations, skipped beats, and digestive upset. Look forward to talking again.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

I can understand how easy it is to get that way.

thyroidmom84 profile image

Always here to listen. Glad you have the pups. Any movies or tv shows you have been meaning to watch and just haven’t gotten to yet?

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to thyroidmom84

I am in the UK, not sure where you are! I tend to prefer to watch things and if I like them a lot watch them again. In the Uk they show a soap called coronation street and rerun it now years later, its about thirty years old. But I find the classic old one is far better than the modern day version of it which was filmed recently. Its well written, no swearing, good characters, good acting, good scripts and a lot of wit, it helps to watch stuff like that. I would much rather be feeling well and busy like I am usually though.

Arlene99 profile image

Hi wiserlady...I’m in the uk too, always happy to chat to u. I get lots of support & encouragement from this site. I have good days & some really bad days and trying to learn to just ride with the bad days.

jencan profile image

Hi wiserlady. I'm also in the UK (or not so U- K at the moment) Used to be a Corrie fan but the plots got so ridiculous & the personalities of some characters would just change overnight from baddie to goodie & vise versa, that I lost patience with it. And, as you say, the humour was an excellent part of Corrie & set it apart from other soaps. Hey ho.

Hope you're feeling OK today.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

hi there , good to hear from you, have you watched any of the old episodes recently, they are on itv 3 2.30 pm ish weekdays every day, there are some fantastic really funny stories and characters i dont care that its about thirty years old, its great

jencan profile image

No, I didn't realise that they were on. Good ol' Lancashire characters, eh! Might give it a try if it's raining this afternoon. I also have a dog----we're usually doing walkies mid-afternoon. What make our yours? Mine's a whippety girl, but also has a bit of Border collie in her, so needs lots of exercise. Far more than this 66 year old girl can manage!

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

Lol. Those dogs sound like big strong dogs you have.Mine are chinese crested hairless, small and dainty and lap dogs. I make a point of watching the reruns of Corrie and tape them and catch up if busy when it is one. When I last looked at the recent modern version I was aghast at how bad it seemed to be,murders, fighting, swearing, terrible acting and so on. The only one I like in the modern version is Maureen Lipman who is quite a character, but its not worth watching it just for her. It looks like it will be raining here later.

jencan profile image

I only have the one dog---quite enough for me. Where abouts are you in the UK. I'm in Lancashire. What sort of personality have your Chinese Crested's got? Mine is very much a whippet in her nature---very shy & submissive, & very much the sight-hound when we're out in the countryside (or near any local cats!)

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

The four little dogs are very different. There is STRAWBERRY is blue, who has a very bad heart and needs careful attention and loads of cuddles, sleeps in bed with me. JEFREY is the father of them all, aged 13/14, pink, Two of his other offspring are here PARSLEY who is black and tiny, TRIFLE who is big and brown. Strawberry is very dainty, she moves like a little bird, does delicate washing of her paws for hours, will lick the others if they are bored or ill. She tries to boss them about. Jefrey is shy and would like to be alone and be glad if they all disappeared. Parsley is docile and very obedient and will come immediately and listen. Trifle is the bird dog, he desperately looks for birds to catch and sadly has brought in quite a few that are half dead and not long to live, which I find awful and upsetting. Dont think he realises they are living things with feelings. People sometimes say to me they must be a lot of work but most of the time the only difference is putting down more food for them. The are usually sleeping, relaxing or playing in the garden together. I never had kids so they are my babies/kids.

lynstone60 profile image

Hi wiselady. I'm in the uk 60 and have suffered health anxiety pretty much forever .my daughter of 36 is also the same .you are definitely not alone here .if you need to talk I'm here for you .where abouts in the uk are you .I'm from northamptonshire .xx

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to lynstone60

Hi I am 62 and in Essex, not born and bred there. Northamptonshire is a nice place isnt it? I am by the sea here. Your daughter and you must struggle at times. Do you get anxiety about anything and everything or certain things?

lynstone60 profile image

Hi. I'm very anxious about everything really but my main concern is my heart. I have palpitations and when I do I worry something severe is wrong. I'm to anxious to have an ecg as I worry what they will find and then il have to have more tests.... I worry about what results will say on anything. Smear. Blood work I hate it. Yes my daughter has been through the mill lately she has a cancer phobia.... What are you worried about? X

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to lynstone60

its difficult isnt it. i became physically ill for real a few years ago and found the doctors were dragging their feet, misdiagnosing, not listening, making mistakes, so I started to research and research and learn all about such stuff and was able to diagnose what was wrong. since then ive had two other times like this. i find that knowledge means less worry and more power.

jencan profile image

The website has been very useful to me, in playing "beat the doctor" in diagnosing my recent ills (which turned out to be a rare reaction to my antidepressant medication). But obviously GP's have to go down the process of sending patients for tests & diagnose more or less by a process of elimination. I get the impression that my GP's are very jaded these days----do you? Or maybe, at 66 & looking older than my years, I'm becoming one of the invisibles!?

I feel for you, lynstone. I want to hide under a stone when health problems rear their heads. I don't think I suffer too much from health anxiety----but I am a bit of a recluse these days & find having to turn up for appointments & sitting around busy clinics very stressful :-(

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

My doctor is in her 60s and only there sometimes on thursday. I struggle to get there so usually speak to her on the phone. The nurses are not much good at you often have to explain it all and work it all out for them, and they contradict each other a lot. If I hadnt started to research all of these things they would never have worked out I had an underactive thyroid, nor that I had stomach ulcers a year ago, nor that I need more help now, its always me that finds the info , works it out and has to push and push. The drug site is very good, so is the webdm or whatever site, where you can read reviews of various drugs. And for natural things I would go on amazon and read the reviews there.

jencan profile image

I wonder what our GP's think if we mention Dr Google!?

Sounds like you have quite a brood with your lovely dogs! With paw licking & bird catching, they have more in common with cats ---- Strawberry sounds a little dream, to me.

I'm a cat lover, but having lost my old cat relatively recently, I haven't replaced her yet-----& I'm not sure if I'll get another while my dog's around---it's quite a facing for a new cat.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

I would have put a photo of one of my dogs here but dont seem to be able to, never mind. Most of the time my lot lay around just sitting looking around and sleepiing. Ive had lots of dogs in the past that were a lot more lively difficult and time consuming. These would happily sit on my lap doing nothing all day. Licking their paws is a bit like a cat, yes, and they are smaller than cats. But I am not really into cats, they are too aloof and unfriendly for me,

and too independent.

jencan profile image

Did you get your dogs with any intention of showing them? They seem to be such a rare breed. I used to go to a local national dog show every year & was fascinated by the Chinese Crested dogs that I saw there. I loved the Italian Greyhounds too, but realised they were too delicate for the walking that I wanted to do those days. I'm far less fit now; not sure if that's down to my ageing or the meds I'm on. Do you walk yours or are they happy with access to a garden?

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

No wasnt intending to show them. And I had the mother and still have the father and "bredT the others myself. I work very long hours and its not worth my while closing down business to go off to show them, I would lose far more than I would gain.

jencan profile image

Yes, I can understand that. Showing must require a lot of commitment!

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

It is very time consuming and it often means travelling for hours to get there. So a whole day disappears. Then you need a car and a lot of money for petrol etc. And the worst bit is taking a whole day off of work losing a whole day's money. Not good when you are self employed and own the business and have a lot of expenses with it.

jencan profile image

When I visited the local dog show (a huge 3-day event) near Blackpool, I was amazed at how many Scottish people were showing their dogs. It was really interesting to me to look into what was another world.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

Yes. It woudlnt be for me though even if I had nothing to do all day. Not sure it is fair to the dogs either and not really a traveller. I prefer things like going out for a good meal, or the theatre.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to wiserlady

yes i agree. and anyway if youve got money you can easily buy a show dog, there is nothing smart or clever about having bought something and then showing it off. all you are doing is driving about from one place to another and being there. but the poor dog is suffering. he might hate being stared at and touched etc and much prefer to be playing in the garden.

jencan profile image

Not appealing to me either. An hour's drive is quite far enough these days---I start to fall asleep after that! I'm not keen on seeing dogs all primped & preened either. I'm more of a nature lover & appreciate all things in their natural state.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to jencan

I tend to look for things to do in an evening that are local. That way there is no enormous loss of income taking a day off of work and letting clients down. And becaues its just a few hours its not so tedious.

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