Hi everyone, I'm just new here n other groups associated with this. I found it by chance wilst looking for a help group for depression. It's a great forum for all sorts of ailments along with anxiety n depression. I get anxious about everything, I used to actually hide wen my home phone rang ,I have hammer etc at my front door incase there's trouble n only went out once a week in cab to n frm pharmacist for my meds. I've actually given my dog anxiety sometimes he won't go out,hides wen phone rings n goes mad wen door goes. If that's wat I've done to my dog wat have I done to my 2 daughters? ? Guilt Guilt Guilt !!!

hi do you really feel the need for a hammer behind the door.do you feel genuinely threatened for a reason.why don't you put the hammer out of reach and sight tonight and see how you feelhave a hot bath and hot drink and try and relax before bed.your dog is just hyper and you should start taking her for a run each day that way she will be more relaxed.
Yea I feel need for hammer,garden fork,rope with knots in it n a fire extinguisher!!! lol. I suffer from irrational fear n I come from large housing scheme in Glasgow in wich u did need summit behind door. I kno there's no one comin for me but I live alone with my daughter n need to protect her. Sounds crazy but that's why I joined the mental health group
im in Glasgow.the way you could look at it if your not in trouble then you shouldn't be afraid.if your daughter knows about your fears no doubt it will affect her.why don't you put up a camera and put heavy duty locks on your doors and secure it that way.
Thanks but honestly we're fine-,she just laughs bout it. I don't like the house I'm in as this is where my deep depression began. The door opens onto the street n ppl can see u cause window is vry low. I've not got very good landlord to do repairs n the front n back doors are really old. I'm hoping to get another house before Xmas n my daughter wants to move closer to her school n friends.
Cheers for responding
Can I just ask how old you children are and how you cope when they're at home
I suffer with generalised anxiety and when it's bad I feel everything from guilt, nervous, scared and teetering on the edge. I get scared I can't cope 🌸
Hi be gentle , my daughters are aged 32 n my youngest is nearly 16 . My eldest was married n has my 7yr old grandson, she doesn't live with me but lives bout 10 mins away. My youngest just gets on with things, she's at school on her last year taking her GCA's. Considering my illness my daughters are pretty normal. My youngest is out with friends at nite now n wen she's home she's normally on hr laptop n talking to friends n I watch videos with her of her favour groups,singers n you tubers (most of it I hate but at least she's letting me into her world a lil bit. It's harder wen they're younger as u mostly have to look after them all the time but there is lite at the end of the tunnel !!! My youngest has seen me lying on sofa for years now but she's doing well socially n school. My eldest daughter did well at school also despite being dislexic n Graduated frm Uni . How old are ur children ?? Hope ur well
Thank you for replying. My children are 10 & 12. When I'm bad I often question how they'd cope if I needed to spend time in hospital, what they must think of me because my moods can quickly change, can they pick up on my anxiety and what effect that'll have on them. The guilt is unbelievable and it scares me 🌸
No matter if u were the Best mum in world with no problems u'd still feel guilty about ur children as it goes hand in hand with parenthood I'm afraid. Ofcourse ur children pick up on ur distress n anxiety but please believe they will be fine. I am vry vry open with my kids about everything. Wen my depression got really bad my youngest was only 9 I tried to explain wat was rong with me n I'd cry n cry cause of the GUILT n feeling like the worst Mum ever. We've got thru it even tho I'm pretty ill at mo. Going to see psychiatrist on the 18th Oct,the 1st one.I've ever seen n I've suffered since I was 9 n I'm now 53. Keep ur Head up n get some help please. Let me kno how things are going, GOOD LUCK