Heart skipping and irregular: Hi everyone. I... - Anxiety Support

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Heart skipping and irregular

Minnie87 profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone.

I’ve been quiet recently because I’ve been trying to accept etc.

For the last 12/13 years I have suffered heart palpitations.i get skips, thuds, racing, flutters and all that.(as well as other sensations like butterflies in tummy, lightheadedness,etc)

Every morning when I wake up and sometimes in the night my heart does these things.when I wake up everyday it races and I feel full of butterflies and adrenaline.then my symptoms persist throughout the day.

I’ve had ecgs, 24 hour monitors, blood tests hospital monitoring over night and seen cardiologists(which saw the skips and thuds and racing)and have been told there is nothing wrong with my heart and that I’m suffering constant anxiety.

I just wondered if there is somebody who has been where I am and they have calmed down?its stopped me from doing so much in my life and I just wondered if it was possible to recover from them? Thank you for reading x

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Minnie87 profile image
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12 Replies

I suffer all these same symptoms, doctor and psychologist says I need to get on ssris at this point wich iv always been afraid of..I have posted on here that I have zoloft but we just stare at eachother.....but if we dont get ourselves in control I guess anxiety will continue to linger and develop more symptoms down the road..

I'm with you stay strong and maybe consider ssri..if you havent already taken them

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to

Wow!im the exact same with the ssris.im really really frightened too.no idea why as I take a beta blocker but it’s such a low dose it’s more like a placebo.i would love to bite the bullet and take one.doesnt anxiety make you think so strangely?

in reply to Minnie87

Anxiety makes me feel like ain't nothing real, well atleast at times, but if been goin through to many physical symptoms and I think it's time to man up and go on ssris....I'm on beta blocker to metroplol and idk but it helps my bp and somewhat heart palpitations. But it's coming back so idk....

Ssris??🙏👌🤣 let's do it

Tabbyjune profile image

Hi, I have the exact same symptoms as you and the same outcome I will not take any ssri been on them before awful things and horrible to come off very bad side effects how ever I do take a beta blocker very low dose to block some of the adrenaline it dosent cure the problem but it helps I’ve been learning over the past few weeks my thoughts are causing a lot of my sensations but I get extremely scared when the heat races sometimes it goes up to 140-150 and I get palpitations x

kama24 profile image

Hi Minnie, I am so sorry you suffer these symptoms constantly. I have episodes of irregular hear beats & PVCs (although not as much as you). You have done all the right things with tests and seeing doctors. I often describe mine as a fish out of water. I wish I had an answer for you. Perhaps someone else will. Take care

darryl12kinvara profile image

Hi Minnie,been there for years get propranolol. It is great. Good luck

Dixie9326 profile image

I dislike hearing how many people are afraid of taking SSRIs !!! Your anxiety symptoms are ruining and limiting your life, for years, and you’re refusing help? Patients with anxiety take an ssri and anything they feel from then on is blamed on the medication.... They are so afraid of taking the med that “new anxiety” arrives from the perceived threat that this med will harm them... and they then blame the new anxiety on the med ! The SSRI’s are very safe and ARE NOT addictive. They take weeks to take effect fully and will not hurt you. They may prevent you from getting real medical issues from the very long term anxiety raising havoc on your body.

I’m a retired Emergency Dept RN That also suffers from severe anxiety. I took the meds with fear and trepidation also. .I still have some issues from time to time, even with the meds, but my quality of life has improved greatly. I had years of irregular heart beats, which are now gone:). When you stop worrying about them and “accept them as harmless”, they will disappear..

It’s certainly your choice but think about the long term effects anxiety has on your health and well-being:)

Carol8861 profile image

Hi i have started sertraline ,as my heart skips beats daily as they were causing me to panick and over think things ,they do make youre anxiety a bit worse first couple of weeks but once over that you do worry less calmed my skips down along with propronalol , only taking sertraline for 21 days dont be frightened to take a ssri they do help ,been on them before and when coming of them i felt fine .

gemfire profile image

I've had the same problem for about 25 years. I've had many medical tests over the years and my heart palpitations are what they call "functional" and normal for me. I try to ignore it and not be so startled by them any more. I think of it this way too...When you get one of those extra thuds of a heart beat it's your heart doing it's job actually. It's getting rid of pooled blood in your heart that doesn't belong there. Why it pools there isn't harmful, it's usually hereditary and stress related. Every once in a while I still check my pulse after getting them. It's a learned behavior that's really hard to get rid of for sure. Do your best to try and ignore them. Hugs!!!

Zazz profile image

Be carful about what ssri you take as they can cause ssri syndrome. I recommend lexapro. I STRONLY advise you to stay away from cymbalta. However ssri’s are generally used for depression and not anxiety. I took lexapro an it saved me in my depression but had to switch to cymbalta for insurance reasons and it has given me ssri syndrome if I try to get off of it and it is hell. The symptoms can last up to six months or more. I wish that cymbalta had never been invented. Always consult a pharmacist about these things as well as do your own research because doctors and nurses are not always credible sources of info due to the fact that they are not trained as a pharmacist and have probably never taken the drug themselves.

Sapgirl profile image

I feel like I have wrote this lol x

Jeff1943 profile image

Minnie, I developed regular round the clock missed heartbeats known as 10% ectopics, they were unrelenting, at least 3 missed beats a minute.

After about a year, I was trying Magnesium Citrate tablets (2x200mg tablets a day) for their help with anxiety symptoms, I found them very effective. But after 3 weeks I discovered something else: my missed heartbeats stopped completely. It is now 10 weeks and I have only had 3 half hour episodes of missed beats.

A search established that magnesium citrate is well known for irregular heart beats and cardiologists have recommended it to people and there is at least one clinical trial which established its beneficial action. I will leave you with that thought.

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