What can I do for anxiety and chronic dizziness? I’ve been dizzy for almost 9 yrs!! It’s destroying my life. Dr’s don’t know what to do with me. I’ve seen plenty over the years.
Dizziness and anxiety : What can I do for... - Anxiety Support
Dizziness and anxiety

Have you had your vitamin b12 levels checked?
They have meds to treat dizziness, however it seems like you have seen doctors for this and they can’t help or don’t want to look further. What are you doing for your anxiety for the last 9 years? What meds have you tried? Are you on anything currently? Have you tried CBT with a therapist? Meditation, yoga, mindfulness, breathing techniques, or exercise like walking ( which may not be possible if you are dizzy). It sounds like because you have been to the dr they most likely have run all the labs? The only other thing I can think is sometimes people have vertigo because of an inner ear issue, so perhaps seeing an ENT dr might help? I hope you feel better soon. Don’t give up or get discouraged which is so hard because all we want is to feel “normal”.❤️
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I have taken anti anxiety meds and dizziness meds, they just make me tired and don’t get rid of the dizziness. I’ve been to several Neurologists who think it’s ear related but all the testing I’ve done doesn’t indicate any crystals or inner ear issues. I think it’s time to see an ENT. I’m just tired of spending money on Drs and not getting anywhere. I can’t do yoga bc I can’t move my head or bend down without getting dizzy. Meditating helps me relax but the dizziness is still there.
Not recently but I take a vitamin daily that has B12 in it. Maybe I should just take B12 and see if it helps.
Hi I like you have had constant 24/7 Dizzy off balance for 8 years now, it’s destroying my life and is so bad at the moment I can’t function hardly, I’ve seen loads of doctors/ specialists over the years and had nearly every part of my body tested and they can’t find anything wrong, so they tell me it’s anxiety/ stress but I struggle to believe I would fell this ill every single day, I do have a whole host of other awful daily symptoms to go with it xxx
I’m so sorry to hear that. I have other symptoms as well. I thought it was Lyme Disease but tests indicate otherwise. Only Lyme Drs want to treat me for it. I’m skeptical bc they would treat just based on my symptoms without proof that I actually have it and their treatments are very aggressive not to mention crazy expensive. I’ve been told it’s anxiety, too! But the thing is, I’m also dizzy when I’m super relaxed. Medications have not helped me.
Hello I’m the same as you I’m dizzy and of balance all day been like this for 5 years I hate this I get brain fog even when I lie on the bed feel like the bed is moving or I’m sinking into it
It’s truly awful I’m still dizzy all day everyday, it’s worse than ever at the moment but doctor still says Anxiety nothing more 😳
Definitely see an ENT, they should be able to test you and determine if the cause is inner ear or not. I get dizzy too and haven’t figured it out, but it’s because I’m too scared to go to the doctor and I have no insurance right now. It’s the worst symptom and hard to ignore. I hope we both are able to feel better.
I actually have a fear of being dizzy... so I focus on it a lot. I have started taking meds about 10 weeks ago and go to a therapist that helps a lot. It comes down to a fear of losing control. It's debilitating and I hope you find relief soon. I also read a lot about health anxiety.
I'm currently on 200mg of Zoloft. I have been on a number of different antidepressants over the years
Is Zoloft helping?
Yes. I find that I don't obsess over my health as much as I used to. I have only been on the 200mg dose for 2 weeks and it is a process. A few months ago I would spend anywhere between 6 to 7 hours a day on Google looking up medical sites about dizziness and vertigo. I was having anxiety attacks and dizziness that would wake me in my sleep. It was horrible. I couldn't even get in a car even if my husband was driving.
I’m so glad that it’s helping you! I’m so scared of side effects. Are you experiencing any?
Hi so sorry to hear you've had these symptoms for so long I've had 3 or 4 bad episodes of dizziness that lasted anything from 2 to 3 weeks I was told by ear/ nose/ throat specialist it's caused by build up of fluid in inner ear and this causes the dizziness and advised sturgeron ( cinnarazine) tablets used for travel sickness marvelous medication always carry with me best thing ever for this condition they make you very sleepy at first ,but body soon ajusts to them give them a try I've used them for years when I get dizzyness from my anxiety to.
Forgot to say available over the counter to so you don't have to get perscription cost about £ 3.65 for 15 tablets and one three times day is fine.
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