So my Dr. switched me from Alprazolam to Lorazepam, but it's not working at all. And now I'm terrified. My symptoms have gotten worse and they are symptoms that I've never had with anxiety before. My skin feels sunburned, last night it felt like the floor was swaying beneath my feet. Also last night I thought the new meds were working. I had a hard time, but did fall asleep only to wake up with the skin burning )which went away) and a pounding heart. I don't think this is anxiety. I really think I have a brain tumor. I did go to the ER and asked for a CT scan, but the dr. refused. I was treated like scum. My own dr. doesn't listen to me either. I don't know what else to do. Why isn't this medicine working?
Lorazepam isn't working: So my Dr. switched... - Anxiety Support
Lorazepam isn't working

Some of what you described, I myself , have gone through and it was only the medicine. I thought I was going nuts . Lorazepam is one of the “benzos” that relives you for a brief moment but then wears off. Diazepam is more slower acting and I preferred that, as I wound up almost dependent on Lorazepam ( again that was MY experience sweetheart, it won’t be yours) . I remained on Diazepam for months then with my dr’s care and counselor , weaned off.
I can relate the ground swaying as I walked (went through that exact same thing off of those meds) I was so sensitive to electronics ( had to always turn the router off, couldn’t really touch my microwave and couldn’t be too close to the TV) that one was an interesting experience to say the least , but finally wore off as I switched medications. Also, I relate to always being in a panic.
My nerves were fried, too, it seemed ...twinges and zaps everywhere :/ became agoraphobic. Stayed in my house for a while , even as I adjusted to the Diazepam . Once my counselor and I discussed that that was the correct method for me , until I get my panic attacks under control to where I don’t have them , pretty much at all, that was my go to pill . I was then able to work and go to school and finish.
Now . To reply to your situation, idk maybe your body is still adjusting to the fact you’ve switched meds...that could be withdrawal from the previous meds ? Maybe.
I do hate that the Dr. isn’t empathetic to what you’re going through. Ah , and the other dr...yeah hate the treatment you got there too. Did you mention you have anxiety? If so, they won’t see it as an actual issue and brush off anything you suggest or think. Most dr’s there will not listen. I’ve made that mistake the first go round that I went , not really analyzing that it’s side effects. But then, when I went through side effects that were uncomfortable, I went to see what’s what , but never mentioned Anxiety & they took tests and I was/am fine.
Thank you hippieebbbz09 for your reply. This feels like withdrawal at its worst. It's horrible and scary. But the pharmacist says that I wouldn't be having problems but I am. Yes, I mentioned anxiety to the ER dr. and he refused to help me. I just wanted a brain tumor ruled out because of these horrifying symptoms. I don't know how I can get help around here. Small towns don't offer many options.
Well, everyone is different with medication so, maybe the pharmacist was trying to have you calm about everything. For me, the withdrawals were kicking in because I was almost hooked on them, so by me getting off , I went nuts . I refused to even utter the name of the meds for a while because of it all.
But yes , maybe it’s the new meds alone and you’re adjusting to taking them because Lorazepam won’t stay too long in your system after you’re done taking them , just remembered this.
Sooo.. that doctor was rude. But yes, you mention that, on top of what you perceive it to be , it sounds crazy I guess , to them. Did he at least do some type of exam for you ,to rule out anything else?
Yes...he ran a lot of blood tests and did some neurological testing which I passed. My bloods were all normal. Thank you so much! 💕💕💕
Yaaaay!! That’s great news. Now , you can relax & adjust to the meds💚. I’m so glad that the dr finally checked everything and that all is well!
I still feel terrible. Scary. I'm so afraid I'm going to die or have a seizure. What are the chances of that happening while you know? I'm still having weird dreams, burning sensations on my upper arms, feeling very anxious, heart pounding and fluttering, and when I start going to sleep my legs will jerk. I so appreciate your help! 💖💖
The meds you are now on , I don’t have much knowledge of . :/ but withdrawal from Lorazepam made me think of every scenario, I’ve been there, ..but I was so sensitive to everything, had palps too. Hmm, yeah panicking everywhere :/ the jerking with me only occurs when I fight my sleep lol instead of relaxing and taking a nap .
:/ this sucks ...I thought you’d be adjusting well , but I know that WILL come.
You will BE and ARE FINE! You have to remember that. Say this as an affirmation daily. This journey to being as anxiety-free , managing the anxiety won’t be an easy one , but we can do it!
Hi Melly1209, sorry you are going through this. I fully understand what
you are saying.."Why isn't this medication working?"
My experience with benzos was, once I was left on Xanax (small dose) for
30 years, it no longer worked. Switched to Ativan, didn't even touch anxiety.
Got off benzos slowly and safely through my doctor who used Valium in getting
me completely weaned. For me, it was like once you have had Xanax, nothing
compares or works.
Now I am benzo free for 7 years and only on an SSRI/Lexapro which for me handles
anxiety very well. Talk with your psychiatrist who may be able to find a better fit
for you. xx Good Luck
Thank you agora1. The pharmacist told me that I would not have any problems transitioning. I've always heard that Xanax was the stronger of the two. Do you believe that as well? I can't live this way! Can't sleep. Muscles are actually jerking. Sooooo much tension in my back and shoulders. I wish I were safe in a big hospital somewhere. I live in a small town. These drs. don't even want to hear about anxiety and they have no idea how to help a person who does have it. They even believe that you can stop cold turkey with no problems. So do you think Xanax really is stronger than Ativan?
Melly it's not so much that Xanax is stronger but it works the fastest
but is not long acting. You get quick relief and then plummet down
causing it to be more addictive. I will admit that during the trial and
error time with Ativan (playing with the dosages) I was at a big teaching
hospital. Even at the highest dosage of Ativan acceptable, it did not work.
It was then I told my doctor, I wanted off all benzos.
It's a difficult position to be in because there is no easy way in finding another
drug that will work without going through some side effects. xx
Thank you again Agora1. Did you have withdrawal symptoms when you switched from Xanax to Ativan? If you did... could you tell me what they were?
No withdrawal symptoms per se, if just didn't do the trick.
But remember Melly, never take what we say in stone. Each one
of us responds differently to medication and the worst thing you
could do is not try something because someone else had a bad experience.
You may miss a chance of a lifetime for yourself. It will eventually all work out xx
How long after coming off the benzo did you start the lexapro please? What withdrawal symptoms did you have when you came fully off the benzo? I’m going through awful withdrawals. I was on an ssri before the benzo. Now I’m being told an ssri won’t work in benzo withdrawal / for benzo induced depression and anxiety?
Hi Chloe, I was put on Lexapro long before withdrawing from my benzos. That's
true that Lexapro wont help with benzo withdrawal. The withdrawal method my
psychiatrist used was Dr. Heather Ashton's Withdrawal from Benzo Addiction. (It
can be found on the internet) Because of the length of time I was left on Xanax and
the Ativan, it was a long weaning process in small cuts of medication every 2 weeks.
In the process of cutting dosage, I was given Valium to take the edge off. It didn't make
sense at the time but then I understood that Valium stays in the body longer than the
the other benzos allowing for a slower release from my system.
It was a long and tedious process that took 2 years. It wasn't easy but so worth it.
I kept positive by knowing that each cut I made brought me closer to being benzo free.
After I was completely off the medication, it took my brain about another 6 months to
heal and start manufacturing the chemicals naturally. The feeling is amazing. No more drowsiness, feeling back in control. xx
I just want to be back on the lexapro. He ct me off it and put me on and off a bunch of awful meds and clonzepam. Now I’m of all meds for 5 months. How will I know when the benzo withdrawal is over and I can go back on the lexapro? You were put on the lexapro and 2 benzos at exactly the same time? Have you ever been on any other medication in your life? My problem was that the Ssri worked for depression but not for anxiety. I didn’t have anxiety for the first 6 years on ssri did for the last 5 years but would rather be like I was than now - my life is hell now and I don’t want to try snri or other meds
Chloe, I was on Xanax for 30years (it stopped working) Then put on Ativan in hospital and given up to the highest dosage possible and that didn't work. It
was then I decided to get off benzos. I have been benzo free for 7 years.
I was placed on Lexapro while in the hospital with them adjusting Ativan for 6 weeks. When I got home, I continued on my Lexapro and started my withdrawal
process. My life too was pure hell before I had some direction on medication.
It was unfortunate that it was a GP doc who left me on Xanax for 30 years (0.25mg
once a day) You need a psych doctor who can monitor you. xx
It was the psych who ruined my life. I’d rather have just stayed with the gp. So you’ve been on lexapro for how long? Will you stay on it for life? What were you originally put on xanax for? I’m surprised xanax didn’t ruin your short term memory. Mine has gone after only a few months use of clonazepam. I had no memory problems on the ssri. If you have no anxiety why are you on the forum if you don’t mind me asking. Thank you so much. Yes these docs leave us on these meds for years and so hard to get off them. I’m surprised Xanax worked every single day for 30 years. Ssri’s poop out much quicker. Are you in the uk? I’m in London. I took the clonazepam for 2 weeks while I was still on the lexapro and it made me very depressed - benzos and ssri don’t work well together - I think they cancel each other out
Chloe, I'm in Chicago. I have a psychiatrist who specializes in Benzo Withdrawal.
I've been on Lexapro 7 years. I was originally put on Xanax for Anxiety. I have no
short term memory. Now that I'm off benzos I am more clear headed and in control of my thoughts.
The reason I am on this forum is because I was Agoraphobic for 5 years before coming off benzos. Never even put my head out the door during that time. I knew
I would conquer this and promised myself that when I did, I would pass it forward
and help others who struggle with anxiety. And here I am, 4 years later...
I hope I answered some of your questions. Feel free to PM me anytime, I would be
more than happen to support you. xx
So the benzos caused the agrophobia? You’re not agrophobic now? You still have no short term memory even though you’ve been off benzos for 4 years?
Benzos did not cause agoraphobia. My severe anxiety did.
I feel great. No memory problems. xx
I have not been Agoraphobic for over 7 years now.
How old are you? Will you stay on the lexapro for life? I have heard many people say that benzos were the cause of their agrophobia. You said ‘I have no short term memory’
Chloe, I feel you need to ask a professional all these questions.
How I handled by anxiety might not be the answer for everyone.
The best thing you can do is get a doctor you trust and if you can
have family or friends to support you besides the forum that will help.
I never had support around me. I did this on my own except for the
psych doc. I've always responded to those asking for advice to always
read responses with an open mind. There is no right or wrong answer.
Take what you feel might work for you and discard the rest. I would hate
to see someone not trying a medication because of here say by someone
else. I don't let outside thoughts ever influence me. I hope you get the
help you need. You deserve it. xx
This is what I do. I take 2 tabs of Co dydramol at night with 0.125 mg xanax. Just for one day. The rest of the days I take my regular medicine setrilin. My week goes well.
Dear Melly, I have used Lorezepam since it was called Ativan, and it has always helped me to calm down and get my wits about myself, to take another run at what life throws at you. So I have been on it for nearly forty years, almost daily, because of the original reason I took it in the first place did not go away. In all these years I never go over 1 or 2 mgs., so I really don't care about addiction talk. I don't give much place to all of these new attitudes growing up around me, they are not wise yet, and that includes most doctors.
I your case if you don't like the results, you may try a different doctor, and especially a pshychiatrist who specializes in knowing more. From you description of symptoms, I really feel that you have extreme anxiety and it can cause you to feel all kinds of crazy. Different meds work for different people, and a special doctor may know just what you need. There is always hope, and solutions out there if you keep at it. Mostly don't let some dumb--- doctor lord it over you. Let the Lord do that and guide you. Ask Him. Bless you, Janetta don't think I'm withdrawing? That maybe because I have withdrawn before I have myself in a severe anxiety state? I have wondered about that myself. Withdrawal is terrible and can cause seizures. And I'm terrified of them because I've had them before. I'm hoping that the lorazepam will keep me from having them. Do you think they will? Thank you for your reply! ❣️❣️❣️
Dear Melly, Bless you heart. Unless you were on the other benzo. in higher doses for a longer period, like 6 months or so, you are probably not having much withdrawl, but you might be having some. No decent doctor should cut someone off, like cold turkey, just to put you on another med. For myself, I have not experienced withdrawl but I have never gone long enough to know. On the other hand my best friend who was on lorezapam for over 30 years, took about a week to taper from 2 mgs. to 0 without any trouble at all. It's so different for each individual. I really think you need a professional, like a phsychiatrist, who can sympathize and know what to do. That was the reason they got into the field in the first place. Regular doctors don't know too much in my opinion and need to be more open minded. Some have no clue unless they've gone through it themselves.
There are no natural remedies, believe me I have looked and tried. Things like melatonin, lavender, etc, are for birds. Please don't go into other substances for relief, that is worse yet. Right now I'm in menopause and sleep has been harder lately, and have pondered on getting medical marijuana, but I'm not to that point yet. But I certainly do believe in the quality of life, and if there are better answers out there, I'll be the one to find them. Best to you, and keep in touch.