Anxiety flare up: Hi, so my anxiety has took... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety flare up

Rebekka75 profile image
27 Replies

Hi, so my anxiety has took a turn for the worse this last week and for the last 2 days all I've done is cry.

I had a doctors appointment last week, he was new to the surgery but brilliant and on the ball. He recommended a full blood count to be done ( amongst other blood tests ) which I had today. If the bloods come back clear he's going to refer me to a psychiatrist. I find myself looking for things to worry about whilst I'm this low in mood. This time it's my husband and children all being off and so my usual routine goes out the window. I'm a stepmum too so I'll have a house full. As awful as it sounds I need my own space and me time which I definitely won't get for the next 2 weeks starting this Friday.

The doctor thinks I need a change in medication but doesn't want to do it himself as I'm on 2 different kinds and short term diazepam, so I'll have to wait for my psychiatrist referral for that.

Anyway, not much point to this post but I'm sure my family are sick of listening to me by now, so I thought I'd vent on here!

Thanks for reading ( if you've got this far )

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Rebekka75 profile image
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27 Replies
Krn210 profile image

Needing time to yourself doesn’t sound silly, awful, or horrible. It’s a necessity. So don’t make yourself feel bad for it. I would suggest scheduling time for yourself into your routine. Self care is important. I hope that you get a referral soon and start to feel better. Everything will workout and be ok. Hugs to you.

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Krn210

Thanks for your reply. I need to try and get out of the house more, I usually feel a bit better for doing so xx

Krn210 profile image
Krn210 in reply to Rebekka75

I feel better if I get out too. I hope Tuesday is treating you well.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Rebekka, We are always here for you to vent. That and crying can sometime help

release the pent up emotions we feel. I do agree with Krn210 in that you definitely

need some "me time" however it doesn't have to be out of the house. Sometimes that

just doesn't work and so we get nothing.

I have found just stealing 5-10 minutes a couple times a day can ease your mind and

put you in a calmer state. You Tube is my go to escape. There are many therapeutic

videos spoken with calm voices that can lower your stress within moments. The more

you practice, the easier it is in responding to Meditation and Deep Breathing. I hope

while you are waiting for your doctor's appointment, you give you tube a try. Type

in whatever is bothering you or what you need at the moment and there is sure to be a

helpful video for you to listen to. We're always here to get you through each step :) xx

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much for your reply. I'll definitely look at some YouTube videos.

Rebekka75 profile image

So this morning I'm almost manic, my mood is swiftly changing but my low/ anxious state is quite bad. I've had to take half of a diazepam to try and calm me a bit. I hate relying on tablets but I've tried other things and they aren't working. I think I'm just dreading the change in routine. It's really thrown me x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Rebekka75

Rebekka, We hate changes. Whenever our routine is thrown off we go into

anticipatory anxiety. Worrying about things that haven't even happened can

produce the same if not worse symptoms because in our mind they are already

playing out.

This is why a benzo med works. It brings down that fear and allows us to feel

safe and more in control. Unfortunately, it is short lived and then we go right

back into a state of panic. This is where these helpful videos on YouTube can

play a big part in calming you down. It is not magic unless it is practiced each

and every day. Re-teaching you body what it is like to feel calm for a few moments

several times a day can become a positive habit in a short time. But it must be


Here are some very short videos that you might try. Safe & Effective..

"Sympathetic Breathing Meditation" by the Quiet Mind Cafe

"1 Minute Meditation to Release Fear" by Jason Stephenson

"1 Minute Quick Breathing Meditation/Let Go of Stress & Anxiety" by Jason Stephenson

"2 Minute Guided Meditation to Release Stress" by Rosalie Yoga

"Mindfulness-3 minute Meditation" by the Honest Guys

I hope these short videos may help some. Give it time for your mind to adjust

and capture the calm they are portraying. Namaste my friend :) xx

Arlene99 profile image

Hi Rebekah, I can relate to all ur saying. I do well then bang I hit a pothole & I have diazepam to use as a crutch to see me through those bad times, I’m terrified of becoming addicted to them so I half them too, and they do help. Lately I have been feeling lots better & and just learning to take one day at a time and try not to worry about how I will feel tomorrow. Take care & take some time out for yourself and don’t feel guilty 😊😊

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Arlene99

Thanks, it helps to know I'm not alone, I feel so isolated at times x

Arlene99 profile image
Arlene99 in reply to Rebekka75

Hi Rebekah, never feel alone....there is always someone willing to talk to u & offer support. This forum has been my lifeline, I will talk to you even if you want to send me a private message I will respond. Sending hugs to u x

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Arlene99

Thank you so much, I'm very bad again this morning. It's my husbands last day at work today and my stepchild is coming down tomorrow, so I know it's all change for two weeks. I'm absolutely dreading it tbh x

Arlene99 profile image
Arlene99 in reply to Rebekka75

I always find my anxiety is worse in the morning and gets better as the day goes on. Keep thinking positive....easier said than done, I know. Keep talking to us on the forum, I found that invaluable, just remember u are not alone, we have all been there too. Take Care x

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Arlene99

Hi, thanks for your reply, I've tried to follow my breathing, from my changing minds appointments, unfortunately my anxiety is so bad this morning I can't focus, I have pins and needles and feel sick. I've been awake from 4:30am with my youngest, it's going to be a long day. I'm dreading it x

Arlene99 profile image
Arlene99 in reply to Rebekka75

Hi Rebekah....I’ve been there & think I will never get through the day, try not to overthink things, but try to focus on something round about u that can take up ur attention. I do understand how difficult it can be, because ur mind just won’t switch off ur anxious thoughts. I didn’t have a young child to look after & don’t know how I would have coped with that. I found trying to read a book even though I wasn’t really absorbing what I was reading it was a distraction. I am having counselling therapy at the moment & my 2nd appt is on I’m hoping it will help me too. Take Care today & remember we are all here to support u......anxiety is not an easy ride 😐😐

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Arlene99

Hi, thank you so much for your reply, it means a lot. I have a house full atm, my husband, two teenagers ( ones my stepchild ), a 7yr old and 21 yr old! No wonder my anxiety is up. I've got no space of my own so that's not helping.

I hope your appointment goes well for you on Monday x

Arlene99 profile image
Arlene99 in reply to Rebekka75

Keep me posted on how u are doing.....always happy to chat with u, I know how much this forum has helped me, when I was really low it was my lifeline xx

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Arlene99

Thanks once again for replying.

Me and my husband had a falling out so my anxiety has risen again. It was over something silly but apparently it's my fault. He's sat with his child ( from a previous relationship ) ignoring me 😢 xx

Arlene99 profile image
Arlene99 in reply to Rebekka75

I understand where ur coming from, the slightest thing when my anxiety is unstable just is enough to push me over the edge into a full blown panic. Im feeling a bit edgy this morning, but I’m fighting my way through it. It is a constant battle & hopefully one day I can say I’ve won. Just keep thinking positive thoughts, that it will pass & u will have better days ahead. You will get stronger. Take Care for now & let me know how u are getting on 😊😊

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Arlene99

Thank you, this forum has helped me so much. I wouldn't wish this on anyone but it helps to know I'm not alone. I hope you're feeling better soon xx

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Rebekka75

Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for the support you've shown me. I hope you're feeling well? I went to get my blood test results, all is good and I've no chemical imbalance. The next step is a referral on for a medication review or possibly to see a psychologist. It'll take awhile but I'm pleased I'm being heard and steps are being taken in the right direction x

Arlene99 profile image
Arlene99 in reply to Rebekka75

I’ve had a rough couple of days, but starting to feel better again. U must remember no matter how bad u feel it will pass & u will feel better ( I know u never think it will ). I have started my therapy sessions so I’m hoping they will be of help to me too. That’s good news that ur bloods have come back fine & let me know how u get on with ur medication review. Have a good day & be kind to yourself x

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Arlene99

I'm sorry to hear that you've had a few rough days, but glad you're starting to feel better.

Mornings are by far the worse for me, I really struggle with them. We're hopefully going away for a night tomorrow so I'm hoping it'll help me a bit xx

Arlene99 profile image
Arlene99 in reply to Rebekka75

I’m sure that will be nice for u, enjoy ur time away.....just chill & relax x

Rebekka75 profile image

I can't seem to lift my mood, I've been crying a lot today. My heart is beating fast. I feel so alone. I know what's upsetting me and it seems daft. I want to take half a diazepam but don't have many left and the doctor won't give me anymore.

Thanks for all your replies x

Rebekka75 profile image

Hi Arlene99, I just wanted to say thank you for all of your help and support. My anxious period has started to lift now, that was the longest I've had it and at times I honestly didn't think it would go.

It was a truly awful time for me and you helped me enormously xx

Arlene99 profile image

Hi Rebekah....just dropping by to see how ur coping now, I trust things are continuing to improve. I have had a rocky time over the past few days, but trying to overcome it with all that I have learned on this site.....the people on here are a fantastic support. Let me know how u are doing.

Rebekka75 profile image
Rebekka75 in reply to Arlene99

Hi Arlene, I'm sorry to hear you've been having a hard time recently, I was given some brilliant advice on this thread, maybe it'll help you too.

I've been discharged by changing minds but am still waiting for the urgent assessment team to contact me, it's been over 6 weeks now, I might ask my doctor to chase up the referral. Feel free to message me if you ever fancy a chat xx

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