Getting rid of meds? : Hello. Has anyone... - Anxiety Support

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Getting rid of meds?

masa2333 profile image
26 Replies


Has anyone tried to go off medication and succeed? Did you have side effects? How did you manage it? Have you had panic attacks or increased anxiety during that time?

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masa2333 profile image
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26 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image

Only do it with medical guidance.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Dolphin14

Of course I will, I was just wondering what the experiences are, are there any withdrawal symptoms ect.🙂

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to masa2333

I've come off many meds and I've had withdrawal. I still have a benzo to come off of and I'm not looking forward to that at all.

Everyone is different though. I'm very sensitive to meds.

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Dolphin14

I agree, I've came off a few with No withdrawals whatsoever

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to masa2333

Everyone has different experiences, from severe stomach aches, simple headaches? Maybe death?

Agora1 profile image

Hi masa2333, After having been left on a small daily dose of Benzos for 30 years, I

wanted to wean off them. With the guidance of my psychiatrist who is a Benzo

withdrawal specialist, I succeeded. It was done using the Dr. Heather Ashton method

of withdrawal. It took time, there were side effects but I never went backwards. I knew

I was doing the right thing and needed to get off the med that was no longer working.

The results were amazing. As difficult as it was at the time, I would do it again to feel

as great as I do today. It's a team approach between you and your doctor. And it doesn't

hurt to have support on the sidelines. We can help you with that as well as your family

and friends. Good Luck in your decision. :) xx

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Agora1

Hello Agora1, thank you very much, I also planned to do everything under the guidance of my therapist. I just have some fears of panic attacks coming back...because I honestly don’t know how I would go through that stuff again. Do you ever get panic attacks anymore? Are you more anxious than before?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to masa2333

The answer is "no" to both questions...

Good Luck masa :) xx

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Agora1

Good for you! Congratulations! Thank you🙂

Whoppr78 profile image

I don't know if you've tried cbd but the testimonials are very positive with helping anxiety. If you ever want some info on subject I can help. I know it has helped me but i never was on meds.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Whoppr78

Hello, no I have not tried it. I think it is not legal in my country...

Want2BHappy3 profile image

I did on my own, my doctor prescribed medication that I had already tried and did nothing for me and I told her that. Still cancelled the one I was using and still prescribed the one that didn't. I took myself off it. Successful? Yes n No. I have my good days n bad. I am looking for a new psychiatrist. They were Not addictive. Still feel like I need Help somewhat?

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Want2BHappy3

Does it ever stop? Can we all just come to the time where we will function normal again? :/

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to masa2333

I wish that everyday,. I guess it can

Brilliant1 profile image

I would speak to your doctor about it. Maybe try cutting down one at a time. Good luck!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Brilliant1

I deffinitely will. I only have fear of possible side effects of either withdrawal or long-term side effects of using SSRI’s. Thank you!

Boby4 profile image

I have tried to come off off Benzos. I refuse to go through it again, as I have learned that when I do, I not only have constant panic attacks but severe OCD with it. I do not abuse my Benzos and take them only as directed and I am almost normal again. I have been a very high functioning person using benzos for 20 years. Some people may be able to do it, but for me, it's just not worth it.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Boby4

I have been using Xanax at first and came off it succesfully under supervision of mu psychiatrist, but I’ve been taking Seroxat for 6 months now and I think my therapist will try to make me stop using them. I have fears either way. If I continue using it I have fears of long-term side effects of SSRI’s and If I stop using it I have fear that I will have panic attacks again and my anxiety will rise. I am 21 years old and I don’t want to spend my life taking tablets but I also don’t want to spend my life in fear of everything... I don’t know what to do

Boby4 profile image

Wow, I never thought about it when I was your age. I have been on SSRI's for 30 years and benzos for 20 years. I take them exactly as prescribed, no more or less, I have no long term effects, that bothers me. In fact I am a highly functional person, on them. I only have bad effects off of them. Like constant panic attacks and horrible fear and inability to live a normal life due to constant strange behaviors and fear from OCD. So I stopped trying to get off of them, and use them exactly as directed. Plus I eat a good diet. do brain entrainment MP3s, and use herbal anxiety supplements, but that is something you would have to study and ask a specialist about. All I can say, is I do not notice any horrible long-term effects, at 61. But, if I did, I would much prefer them over the horrific fear of panic attacks and OCD behaviors. Everyone's chemical make-up is different, But I prefer my life on them. I wish you less fear. What long-term effects are scaring you?

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Boby4

I am scared of long term effects on my heart, mostly. I am scared it changes my heart rhythm. Headaches, less concentration, more sleepy, weight gain etc.

I don’t want to have health problems later in life. And I don’t know if there is a correlation between SSRI’s and some long term health effects.

Can you please at least tell me which diet helped you?

Boby4 profile image
Boby4 in reply to masa2333

I also have thyroid problems. The Atkins diet updated version works for me. The first phase is a little hard. But I've been on it since 2011 and it has become a lifestyle, rather than a diet. I eat lots of red and green veggies. I'm a cheese lover,and it's allowed. Thier snacks , like M&Ms and other bars taste great, so does the shacks. I have a very healthy heart, thick walls and good rythum. My good cholesterol, is high. What anti depressant are you on? I'm on Venlafaxin/ Effexor. They help with my anxiety too and they do not cause weight gain, neither does Prozac, or Wellbutrin. Zoloft, caused me to be very sleepy and gain weight, I could not deal with that. I'm a very sensitive person, with high emotions, and a born worrier. Read up on what med your on, some may cause weight gain. I always after Zoloft, stay away from those, because I too am weight conscious. Luckily Venlafaxine and Clonazepam, work great for me. Do you, have a current heart problem? There are some people, that, when young can sussessfully come off of meds. I, have come to terms that, I,m not one of them. Not even when I was younger. Born with wacked brain chemicals I guess. But, on my meds I function very high and well. And, I deal with high stress, without going nuts. Docs are scared of Benzos as the government, sticks their noses in the medical field and make it hard on Doctors. I, as said before, stick with diagnosed dose and my Doctor, monitors need for increase. They know I can't function without them. So for me, I rather be without the panic and OCD thoughts and behaviors.

Boby4 profile image
Boby4 in reply to Boby4

Oops Atkins shakes taste great, not shacks. Lol. Your going to be okay. If you can be drug free that's great. But, if you end up like me, and get wacky, without them. Don't beat yourself up. There are the right meds, eating right, therapy that will be right for you. Your body will let you know, what's best for it, if you can't come off them. Study, and listen well to your body. I experimented with anti depressants, until I found the one my body responses best with.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Boby4

Thanks for the answer.

I have never looked up Atkins diet as I’m going nuts without carbs but if that’s what will help I would be lucky to try anything really.

I’m taking 20mg of Seroxat daily (I think Paroxetine is generic name) and I did gain weight. I had a very bad experience with Prozac, my anxiety hightened and my heart was racing, I felt so bad. I only took it for 5 days tho as I couldn’t take it anymore. Might be the dose, because I started with 20mg right away, with Seroxat I gradually upped my dose, I started with 10mg and gradually came to 20. I took Xanax for 2 months too, and get off it easy, no withdrawal symptoms. But I took smallest dose of Xanax.

I think I don’t have heart problem. In February I went to 2 cardiologists, and done many ekg’s and all came back fine. Cardiologists told me that my heart was okay. Although I do feel chest pressure again and back pain and left arm pain... I’m scared. My prolactine level is also high.

I am just scared that I will have health problems and that I will die of a heart attack.

Boby4 profile image
Boby4 in reply to masa2333

Have you tried Effexor XR. Aka Venlafaxine?. I tried for years, different antidepressants, I couldn't take Prozac for the same reasons. But I have been on Venlafaxine for many years, and just now got put up to the highest dose. It's so very hard, but so important to learn to change your mindset. Negative begets negative, as positive begets positive. Have you, watched the movie (The Secret?) I do brain entrainment with triliminals and meditation. It takes a while to believe and learn. But just as we learned negative thinking, from our childhood, we can replace it by learning positive thinking. Only time, it has failed me, is when I tried to come off of Benzos. My brain chemicals, just can't produce enough GABA. I not trying to sell you, anything, I have nothing to sale Lol. But, as another example, look up Morry Zelcovitch. Read his story. Our minds are so powerful, what and how we think does make a difference. I have been doing his work for a year, a d still am learning. Maybe, when my mind is more powerful, I can produce the right amount of GABA and serotonin, not to need Benzos, but for now, I haven't become that strong. He us the first brain entrainment engineer. But, in other areas I have improved so much. I handle things better and don't dwell on the negative as much. Just a thought. I know how it feels to think negative, and worry so much. I was raised that way, a born worrier, but I'm getting better. Still need my antidepressants and Benzos though. Just food for thought.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Boby4

No, I have not tried that medication. I tried to look it up but I think it is not available in my country... will check it tho, thanks for suggestion

I have watched the movie Secret and read the book too, and while I do believe in Law of Attraction I still find it so hard to implement it in my life. after so many kicks life gave me, I find it hard to seek positive. I came to the point where I no longer know what normal is. Bad stuff happening seems normal to me because I’ve seen it through my whole life (illnesses, depression, life crisis etc.) around the people I care about

I will check his story out when I finish this post, thanks. I am happy that you are doing good and that Benzos work for you. I just have some more medical issues and medications that I need to take for them so I don’t want to take 5 therapies a day at my twenties, all that combination must be bad for a young organism. My mom is taking so much tablets for different reasons and conditions, and I just don’t want to be that person when I grow up...

Boby4 profile image
Boby4 in reply to masa2333

I can understand that. What country are you from? It's also called Effexor XR. I only take Three prescription medications. But I do some herbal supplements for my thyroid and anxiety. I have a horrific life too, at a very young age, all my life. Bad thing continue to happen. But I am getting better a dealing with them. Morty's Triliminals, have been the best, in helping change my mindset.

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