I want to see another doctor about my medications that is out of town I still have bad anxiety but he says the pills are causing it. This doctor is 2 hours away and he won't take me. I want to get better. I don't know what to do.
Getting off meds: I want to see another... - Anxiety Support
Getting off meds
What medication are you on and for how long? All anxiety medications have side effects that are different for everyone. In my case I got worse before it stabilised and you need to give them at least four to six weeks unless the side effects are unbearable
I've been taking them for 5 years. Klonopin 21/4 mg, cymbalta 30mg, buspar 30mg, and pristiq 100mg. I'm so scared. My husband wants me off all meds.

I feel that is A LOT! Klonopin was a monster for me. I blame it for my years of incredible anxiety. I was prescribed it for sleep and NEVER had anxiety disorder prior to that fateful prescription.
My anxiety is so high I can't stop crying. I'm getting worse and scared
I want to see another psychiatrist but my husband won't take me. They just want me to stop the pills. I'm afraid of the anxiety
How o I get off of them

You can't just stop cold turkey Trees but...I agree that the medication is causing more harm than good now. Your time on them is over...Getting off the meds may be the best thing you ever did. However...it must be done under the guidance of your doctor and not your husband wanting you to.
The anxiety will not be as bad as what you are suffering with now. The good news is that eventually your brain will heal and learn to make the chemicals necessary for you to function med free or at the least..on fewer meds.
Right now, you are on this merry go round of fear begetting fear and you are getting no where. I know how scared you are because I was once there myself. Don't forget Trees, your psychiatrist will have ways for you to wean off safely and if you can't do it (allowing you really really try) then what is the worst that could happen? You go back on medication. xx
Thanks hope your feeling better and had a great birthday. I hurt my back picking up the dog. I've been on them too long and scared anxiety will be worse off them. I found psychiatrists in Hershey, pa. Told to try there by a therapist but my husband won't take me. And they take my insurance. I'm going to ask my pastor. I'm in pain and the anxiety makes it worse.

Trees, I'm sorry you hurt your back. But I am very optimistic about you finding psychiatrists in Hershey, Pa who take your insurance. This is your opportunity my friend, whatever it takes to get there. I hope your pastor will be able to offer you a ride there. It could be the beginning of turning things around for you. You need that person that you can trust and connect with and I have no doubts you will get better. Right now you are surrounded by so much negativity. I've said it before, I believe in you. You are stronger then the fear inside you.
Let us know if and when you get that appointment with the psych doctor. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending you well wishes you so deserve. xx
Thanks. I also need a rheumatologist because my osteoporosis is worse and I have kyphosis. I hurt all over.

I agree that a Rheumatologist can access your condition and help relieve some of that pain. They are wonderful doctors who are caring as well as helpful. Hope you get an appointment soon. x
I called Hershey and they are not taking new patients

I am sorry, you have had one road block after another. x
I want to go to Hershey but I can't get there. I have to find someone else.

I know going to Hershey was to be the answer but now they aren't taking new patients. On to Plan B...I know you have been struggling in finding a doctor that accepts your insurance. Is it possible your insurance company can refer you to doctors who are in the plan?? Just a thought. xx
Maybe. The therapist I saw said she will be my advocate. I need someone who can stop me from being afraid of anxiety

Your therapist sounds like she will help you take that next step. That's what you need right now, an Advocate to help guide you until you get back on your feet.
Also check out those referrals from your insurance.
That will cut down some of the stress for you in winding up at a dead end making all those calls. xx
I'm feeling worse. I can't stop crying. I don't know what to do

Trees2357, you need a break. Your fear is so deep seated now and is compounding everyday making you feel overwhelmed and hopeless.
There needs to be a plan in going forward. I know you have come up before a lot of obstacles in your way. Sometimes we have to admit that the obstacles are being placed by us. I know it becomes confusing when your husband is saying one thing and your doctors another. You feel trapped, you are caught in the middle and I agree, anyone would feel panic and cry.
Crying has become the only release you have right now. Unfortunately, it's going to take a lot of guts for you to pull yourself together, find one person you trust and make up your mind that you have had enough of this. As scared as you may be, you need to take that chance in going forward for help and following through without any reservation.
Until you do, you will continue to spiral out of control because there is no plan, there is no direction for you to go in. You are helplessly out in a field of mazes, not knowing which way to go. When that happens, our anxiety continues to grow. Once you have a plan of action in place, that alone will give you some peace of mind and stability in knowing you and you alone have what it takes to get well.
You need to believe in yourself even if no one else does. This is your life and it's being impacted by your fears. I still feel that it is your half way there on medications that is causing all this strife. Getting off completely with the guidance of your physician will give you some relief and if not than going back up on the dose if your doctor so chooses is an option. In other words Trees, you can stay half way on meds, neither coming off or staying on the full dose. It is causing you havoc, big time.
You know I care about you and want more than ever for you to find some peace in your life, but it's got to come from you. Hugs Agora1 xx
I'm really scared. I took less for two days and felt weakness in my thighs.
Hi Trees. Would like to"hear" more. How did to come about that a doctor you didn't see determine your medications are causing what problems? Want you to be careful, care about you, and when we are really down and wanting answers, we can be given a false hope from another.
My husband says the meds are causing the anxiety problem

Your husband made you stop your medicine? No, no, no! Took a long time for my husband to accept that I have some challenges and take medication, but he accepts it and doesn't interfere. Your husband and my husband are not doctors, only yours doesn't seem to get that yet.
What is happening with you now? How are you feeling? Are you taking any medication and have you been able to see a real doctor?
I'm not feeling well. Crying a lot. I have a psychiatrist. I'm taking meds but my husband doesn't want me to. I want to be me again but I'm afraid of the anxiety so the anxiety is worse. My husband won't let me drive a car so I'm in the house. It's awful. He won't take me to therapist. I took a bus

You took the bus when your husband didn't take off work to take you?
That's remarkable and you deserve to give yourself a big round of applause!!!
Very hard for you to figure out what professional care you did need and how to get there.
You are insightful enough to know you need professional help now, and figure a way to travel to get it. This is a big deal!!
Give yourself another round of applause on how you solved these problems!!! :
Did you get to see a therapist or a MD, and did you feel that helped?
Do you have a neigboir, friend or church member or family member that provide transportation for you to the appointments. Right now,with the shape you are in, may not be wise to drive or a while.
Another alternative is to contact UBER. transportation. If you don't know what this is, ask UBER....or grab a friend you knows how or POST about your needs, find how to set up UBER and creitd ccount on your husbands and your cards.
And Uber is can take you anywhere, shopping, baseball game, bingo, family homes.....it gives you the feel you are not in a canary in a cage cage, YOU FREE....as long as your husband has a decent income. If not, budget what appointments medical you need, and then set a budget for travel to other things you want to do, like Church, the beaches, movie, just windoe shopping, whatever. Alleluia!
Less expensive than cab and after your call or order on their image on your in phone,the driver is usually there with in minutes. You can even set up a certain amount of credit card funds with the UBER company, so you don't have to fumble with money unless you what to give the lady or male drive a tip. The call UBER again when you are ready to leave. If the credit card account has both your anme and your husband's,and he gets the bill, he may reconsider that he may be driving you.
I use Uber when I know I shouldn't be driving. Never had a bad experience.
I don't know your age, but many cities offer free van transportation to medical offices and return . Longer trip as they may have 12 stops to make. Many are free; call the community affairs office near you and see for what you services you be qualified as you have a chronic health condition. There may even a good interesting partial day treatment.
Again give yourself a round of applause!!!! I am so PROUD of you. This as a battle for you, but you survived it, and WON.
Let us know what happening and keep in touch just to say hello if you want.
I had a rough night and morning, but your message brushed that all aside for me. xx
Applause, applause, applause!
I just had a mini panic attack and now I'm really scared. And my bladder hurt. What do I do? I'm really scared
Has your husband gone with you to your doctor? Maybe he could hear what might help better you might need off meds or you might need to switch to something else but I think it would be very helpful for your husband to understand your condition and get some of his questions about it answered as well.. I dk if he doesn't want to be supportive or if he just doesn't understand it and sees your still struggling so in his mind the meds aren't working so he thinks screw this..
He won't go with me. He said the medicine is making me worse.
Dear Trees,
It's 4 am here Your last message was sent 8 hours ago. Hope you have calmed down.Call your therapist ASAP or a crsis line if your are feeling still so scared, as I am still not wake enough yet
I'm so sorry, but I didn't get to sleep until after 3 am. I do care about you.xxx
I'm not doing well today. I can't stop crying how do I calm down. My ribs hurt.

If you can't get out of the house there are several forums for this nightmare. Thousands are suffering because of these drugs. I found great support and comfort AND techniques for SLOWLY tapering off them.
Google your drug name followed "forum".
But I'm afraid of the anxiety and it will get if I go off meds. My anxiety is getting worse

Trees2357 have you tried exercising? Everyone tells me to do that but I haven’t really done much. It’s so hard for me to get up. The meds I have taken have only made my anxiety worse. Xanax calms me to where I can sleep and eat, but I no longer have insurance or access to any health care, so I need to stop taking them as well. I’m pretty sure my anxiety is going to get worse before it gets better. I’m afraid also, but I know that I functioned for 50 years without any medication other than vitamins and now I am struggling. I can only offer you to be here and help calm and talk with you if you need to talk. If you have insurance and can see a Dr that is what I would do if I was you.
Wishing you well